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8 mistakes in caring for the skin around the eyes
8 mistakes in caring for the skin around the eyes

Both women and men are more concerned about wrinkles around the eyes than other signs of skin aging. At the same time, this area is usually not looked after very carefully. Let's analyze the typical mistakes in care that need to be corrected in order to maintain youth and improve the condition of the skin around the eyes.

8 mistakes in caring for the skin around the eyes
8 mistakes in caring for the skin around the eyes

Start caring for the skin around the eyes in adulthood

A delusion that you must first get rid of. Preventing a problem is easier than spending a lot of effort and money to solve it. It is necessary to take care of the skin around the eyes from at least 18 years of age. For young girls, take care of your skin from the moment you start using mascara.

To believe that the appearance of wrinkles is genetically inherent and it is pointless to fight them

Yes, we are like our parents and we have a similar set of genes. But our parents did not have the opportunity to care for their skin from a young age. And we don't know what they might look like if they had the same knowledge and the same wide range of caring cosmetics as we have today. If you take good care of your skin, you can defeat any genetic predisposition - a conclusion obtained from our own experience.

Use face cleanser as eye makeup remover

What is the difference between these funds? The facial cleanser dissolves impurities: make-up and oil secretions from the skin. The skin around the eyes has practically no pores, so there is no fatty secretions on it. Facial dries up the eye area, which leads to moisture loss and faster wrinkles.

On the other hand, eye makeup remover only dissolves makeup. It maintains the necessary moisture balance in the skin, further softening and moisturizing it.

Apply cream around the eyes from time to time

A person blinks 10,000-40,000 times a day. In addition, facial expressions create additional stress on the skin around the eyes. Women put on makeup and stretch the skin almost every day. So this area requires regular daily maintenance. The minimum program is a moisturizer in the morning and in the evening. If you work at the computer for a long time, a soothing gel for the skin around the eyes will help you relax your eyes. This gel has a cooling effect. It will quickly relieve tension and fatigue from the eyes.

Use only one skin care product

For example, you may have dark circles under your eyes. You buy a special roller gel to solve this problem - and nothing else. These types of products are created in order to perform a specific task - to reduce dark circles under the eyes. They do not moisturize the skin and do not provide adequate care. Add a moisturizer for the skin around the eyes to these products.

Incorrectly applying the cream around the eyes

Many people complain that they cannot use creams around the eyes, because the eyelids are swollen. Such situations arise due to improper application.

The fact is that any cream or gel on the skin spreads within a radius of about 1 cm. When we apply the cream close to the eyelashes, it gets to the eyelash contour and into the eye itself. This causes irritation or swelling.

The cream should be applied over the orbital bones, in no case on the movable upper eyelid or on the pouch under the eyes, close to the eyelashes. An exception is those products in the instructions for which application to the movable eyelid is recommended.

Life hack: apply eye cream to the area of the so-called third eye. This will slow down the appearance of wrinkles in this area and reduce the existing ones.

Stretch the skin around the eyes

This action also leads to premature aging of the skin. By applying the cream along the massage lines, you increase the effectiveness of all caring procedures.

  • On the ring finger, we collect the required amount of cream - about the size of a match head.
  • We distribute the dialed amount of cream on the ring finger of the other hand and apply the cream pointwise around the eyes.
  • We put the first point at the outer corner of the eye, then - several points under the eye to the bridge of the nose, then from the bridge of the nose under the eyebrow.
  • With light movements, without stretching the skin, we rub the cream in the same direction: from the outer corner of the eye to the bridge of the nose and from the bridge of the nose under the eyebrow.
  • Do not apply the cream on the movable eyelid and close to the eyelashes.

Use sleep masks only when traveling

The habit of sleeping with a sleep mask every day reduces eye strain. When we sleep, light hits the retina even when the eyelid is closed. The mask prevents light from entering the eyes, which leads to relaxation of the muscles around the eyes, to deeper sleep and quality rest. Try it, the difference is noticeable almost immediately - you get much better sleep and look rested.
