Table of contents:

20 expressions everyone around them makes mistakes
20 expressions everyone around them makes mistakes

Why does not the heart creak, the knees do not turn white, and idioms often knock you off your pantalyk.

20 expressions everyone around them makes mistakes
20 expressions everyone around them makes mistakes

1. Reluctantly

Not right: creaking my heart.

At first glance, it is quite logical. When something is difficult, you just want to say "with a squeak." So hard that my heart creaked. Well, almost like teeth. Only here is another story: when we do something complicated, the heart does not creak, but it cracks.

2. Play a role, make a difference

Not right: play value.

Quite a common mistake. These expressions are similar in meaning, and I just want to mix them together. But it is impossible to play a meaning - so you can only talk about a role. By the way, this kind of mixing, when phrases exchange fragments with each other, is called contamination.

3. I miss you

Not right: I miss you.

Of course, you can also use the preposition "for". Only the meaning will be completely different. “He misses school” means that someone is skipping class and hanging out in the backyard, kicking fallen leaves. According to the rules of the Russian language, you can miss someone and someone.

4. Bring to white heat

Not right: bring to the white knee.

The face or tightly compressed lips sometimes turn white from anger, but not the knees. Although this is not accurate - you need to submit an idea to British scientists, let them check it out. One way or another, here we are talking about heat, the test word is heat. Why is the heat white? It's all about the original meaning of this idiom. When heated, the metal at some point becomes almost white-hot, and then begins to melt. Almost like a disgruntled person being asked to redo the report for the third time.

5. Grandma said in two

Not right: grandmother for two said.

Who are these two, to whom grandmother said something there? Unclear. You can share a pie with potatoes for two, but not say something. Saying in two means there are two options. Maybe so, maybe that way. Initially, by the way, it was about a grandmother who guesses and predicts the weather: “Grandmother (grandmother) wondered, but she said it in two. Grandmother (grandmother) said in two: either rain, or snow, or it will be, or not."

6. One Spit

Not right: spit it out.

For some reason, I really want to write together - as "light", for example. But no, these are two independent words, the first of which ends with the letter "z". And remembering this is no more difficult than spitting once.

7. Lend me money before my paycheck

Not right: borrow me money.

Borrow means to borrow. Using this verb, you seem to be saying: "Take money from me," and you yourself want to share your hard-earned money. Although in this case it would be more correct to say: "Borrow from me." And if you don’t want to get into a stupid situation, but you still plan to get hold of money, say “lend me” - that is, “lend”.

8. Unsalone slurp

Not right: not salty.

Here you just have to remember that "unsolono" is written together. The compilers of spelling dictionaries themselves got confused in this expression, so they changed the rules several times already.

What does salt have to do with it? Once upon a time in Russia, it was very expensive, and the dishes were salted immediately before eating. And in food for an uninvited and unwanted guest, it might not be. And he left “without salt,” that is, without having tasted the salt, with nothing.

Now the idiom has a broader meaning and has nothing to do with salt. You can, for example, go to the personnel department to write an application for a vacation, and leave unsparingly, because the schedule for the summer has already been drawn up.

9. Takes place, has to be

Not right: takes place.

Here again there is contamination: the two expressions are mixed and messed up. To have a place means to be present, to be present. And "has to be" is an outdated version of "will."For example, "the meeting has to be on the 14th." And you shouldn't mix them into one krakozyabra.

10. The lion's share, most

Not right: the lion's share.

And again the same mistake: we snatch pieces from different phrases. And the expression "the lion's share", by the way, is thanks to Aesop's fable, which was then creatively rethought by Krylov and other authors. According to the plot in it, the lion unfairly divided the prey, taking most of it for himself.

11. Sit back

Not right: sit with folded hands.

In fact, the wrong option is not so wrong. You can write, for example: "She was sitting with her arms folded on her chest." But if we are talking about a stable expression that means "mess around", it would be right to "sit back." And the comma is not needed here, by the way.

12. Circle around your finger

Not right: swipe around your finger.

The word "to cheat", one of the meanings of which is "to deceive, to outsmart", was a shame that some kind of phraseological unit was used instead. Therefore, it climbed in there in the most insidious way, and in the end something strange happened. But initially, the point was to wind (in other words, twist) a thread around the finger: he deceived him so quickly and easily, as if he had wound a thread on a finger.

13. That day is not far off

Not right: not over the mountain that day.

Agree, “not far off” sounds more epic. As in folk tales: "beyond the mountains, beyond the forests, beyond the seas." It was from the folklore fairy-tale texts that this phraseological unit came. Therefore, there is no place for a lonely mountain in it.

14. To bend the soul

Not right: bend in the soul.

A logical question arises: who and, most importantly, what was cheating in his soul. Or in the shower? In order not to have to answer it, it is better to write correctly right away. Lies and hypocrisy make us uncomfortable, and we can figuratively say that the soul is twisted. And in your soul you can, for example, resist the many merciless rules of the Russian language.

15. Go your own way

Not right: turn as usual.

Business went on as usual, that is, as it should, and then once - and it started. As a result, the verb “to go” disappeared somewhere, and such a miracle Yudo remained. And if you do not want to make such a mistake, just do not confuse the expressions “everything started to spin” and “everything went on as usual” anymore. Moreover, they are completely different in meaning.

16. According to plan

Not right: according to the plan.

There is a misalignment here. The preposition “according to” requires the dative case, not the genitive: “According to whom, what? Plan!"

17. Pay for travel, pay for travel

Not right: pay for travel.

"Young man, will we pay for the fare ?!" - perhaps it is because of this painfully familiar phrase that many make a mistake. But there is no need to add an extra pretext here. We pay bills, tickets, vacations. But "pay at the expense" is impossible. But you can pay the bills. Or for a vacation ticket.

18. Be aware of yourself

Not right: give account of their actions.

We usually report to ourselves or to other people. But it is impossible to account for actions and deeds. And for the same reason, we also give the account to ourselves. However, there is another option: you can be aware of some actions. For example, I am aware that the article is long and not everyone will read it to the end.

19. Publicly

Not right: hearing at all.

This cunning phrase pretends to be an adverb so that we write it together and then receive malicious remarks from the Grammar Nazi. But no, in fact, this is a stable adverbial expression that is written separately.

20. Knock off the pantalyk

Not right: knock down the spantalyk.

According to Dahl's dictionary, “pantalyk” means “sense”, “meaning”, “order”. That is to say, "knocking off the panties" means confusion, confusion. Therefore, the phraseological unit is written in three words - as well as "confuse".
