5 highly effective and 3 nearly useless cardiovascular equipment
5 highly effective and 3 nearly useless cardiovascular equipment

Virtually all body fat reduction training splits include cardio. In the gym, it is most often performed on simulators that differ in the degree of effectiveness. We figured out which exercise machines allow you to burn the most calories in a shorter period of time, and which inventions of the fitness industry are best avoided.

5 highly effective and 3 nearly useless cardiovascular equipment
5 highly effective and 3 nearly useless cardiovascular equipment

High performance cardiovascular equipment

Rowing machine

The rowing machine is considered the most efficient cardio machine, but unfortunately, is rarely found even in well-equipped gyms. If yours has one, use it more often. The entire body is used on the rowing machine, and 10 minutes of interval training will tire you out in the same way as a heavy multi-joint exercise like a squat or one of the many varieties of barbell rows.


The least favorite cardio equipment, while the most common: found in almost every gym. The tracks, if you don't have knee or spine problems, are an organic tool for fighting extra pounds. They are often criticized for being "ineffective." You don't have to watch TV shows while doing cardio for the instrument to work to its fullest. Combine gentle running with sprinting in one workout, pick the right incline, and go.

Stepper ladder

Another great tool that simulates climbing stairs. Use a stepper alternating with a treadmill. This is a very effective cardiotandem. If you feel that the ascent is easy for you, do not hold your hands on the handrails.

Airdyne bike

Here is another simulator, the effectiveness of which has become, if I may say so, the legend of California gyms. The harder you press on the pedals, the faster you spin them, the faster the blades of the "wheel" spin and the more tension you need to overcome.

In Russia, such simulators are available in several large fitness chains. If you work out in one of the clubs whose administration purchased such a simulator, challenge yourself to do several intervals: 30 seconds of intensive and 1 minute of dynamic rest. A similar diagram is shown here in this video:

Classic exercise bike

On a classic stationary bike, unlike the Airdyne, you can pedal not only in a high-intensity manner, but also during long sessions. In particular, if you do not have an ordinary bicycle, you can set aside a separate day and ride the simulator for several tens of kilometers, spending a couple of hours in the gym. This kind of cardio will be remembered for a long time.

Least Effective Cardiovascular Equipment

Recumbent bike

The recumbent bike was created for the rehabilitation of patients after a stroke or persons with disabilities of the musculoskeletal system: it is ideal for these groups. But if we are talking about full-fledged cardio, such a device is useless: when using it, only the ankle and partially the hips work. There can be no question of any intensity in training here.


The elliptical trainer, loved by many, is also considered to be ineffective. First, the movements performed are unnatural. Secondly, it is possible to enter the pulse range of effective calorie burning only at the near-maximum speeds of the ellipse. The return from the simulator is low, but the risk of injury is still preserved - it is better to prefer a pool to such training.

Ski simulator

In case you are not skiing and are considering a ski trainer as a replacement for cardio, this is not the best option, and here's why. Firstly, similar movements can be done in a crossover - it can be found in almost any room. Secondly, the movements on the ski simulator are also quite unnatural and are rarely performed in everyday life.

Depending on what purpose you are pursuing while attending the gym, choose the appropriate equipment. If training is a form of reporting for you, climb on a recumbent bike, play a new episode of Game of Thrones or another series and enjoy the story. If you need a real result, do not feel sorry for yourself, get on the treadmill or sit down for rowing. Until seven sweats are gone, it’s early to leave the gym.
