Table of contents:

15 Simple, Healthy Yoga Exercises That Are Easy to Repeat
15 Simple, Healthy Yoga Exercises That Are Easy to Repeat

Stretch your muscles gently, develop a sense of balance and have fun.

15 Simple, Healthy Yoga Exercises That Are Easy to Repeat
15 Simple, Healthy Yoga Exercises That Are Easy to Repeat

Plenty of research and scientific reviews support the benefits of yoga. Performing asanas and breathing practices:

  • reduce stress levels;
  • improve the general emotional background and increase the sense of well-being;
  • relieve back and neck pain;
  • improve the quality of sleep;
  • develop a sense of balance.

At the same time, yoga is often perceived as a series of intricate postures available only to people with good flexibility and a perfect sense of balance. However, in fact, in this practice there are many simple exercises that are suitable for absolutely everyone.

Here are 15 poses that can be easily done with any skill level. Scientists and yoga masters have compiled this complex of simplified asanas for absolute beginners - former military men suffering from chronic lower back pain. The movement will increase the mobility of the joints, strengthen the muscles without causing any discomfort.

1. Bridge pose

Strengthens the buttocks and the back of the thigh, stretches the pectoral muscles.

Simple Yoga Exercises: Bridge Pose
Simple Yoga Exercises: Bridge Pose

Lie on a mat, place your arms along your body, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor, hip-width apart. Lift your pelvis off the floor, stretch your body in one line from your shoulders to your knees, squeeze your buttocks, press your palms to the floor. Hold this position for five breaths and lower yourself back down.

2. Pose with a knee at the chest

Increases the mobility of the hips.

Simple Yoga Exercises: Knee to Chest Pose
Simple Yoga Exercises: Knee to Chest Pose

Straighten your legs, pull one knee closer to your chest. Push the heel of your straight leg towards the wall, extending your thigh. Hold for three breaths, switch legs, and repeat.

3. Half locust pose

Strengthens the muscles of the back and buttocks.

Simple Yoga Exercises: Half Locust Pose
Simple Yoga Exercises: Half Locust Pose

Lie on your stomach, put your forehead on the mat, extend your arms to your sides and unfold with your palms down. Raise your right leg straight, hold six breaths, lower and repeat the same movement with the left. Do two sets on each leg.

4. From child pose to cat-bull pose

This ligament stretches the muscles in the shoulders and back.

Simple Yoga Exercises: From Child Pose to Bull Cat Pose
Simple Yoga Exercises: From Child Pose to Bull Cat Pose

Sit on your heels, place your forehead on the mat, and stretch your arms out in front of you. Hold the pose for three breaths.

From Child Pose to Bull Cat Pose
From Child Pose to Bull Cat Pose

Then get on all fours and, with an exhalation, gently bend your back. Then, with an inhalation, round the spine, drawing in the abdomen. Repeat the link three times.

5. Table pose variation

Improves balance and strengthens the buttocks and back. Get on all fours and pull your stomach in. Straighten one arm, hold three breaths, and repeat on the other side.

Simple Yoga Exercises: Table Pose Variation
Simple Yoga Exercises: Table Pose Variation

Then raise your straight leg to parallel with the floor, lock in for three breaths and repeat on the other side.

Table pose variation
Table pose variation

Do this sequence of movements twice.

Then lift your left leg and right arm at the same time. Hold the position for three breaths and repeat on the other side.

Table pose variation
Table pose variation

6. Staff Pose

The movement strengthens your abs, legs, and shoulders.

Simple Yoga Exercises: Staff Pose
Simple Yoga Exercises: Staff Pose

Take a lying position, lower your elbows to the floor, twist your pelvis so that the lower back does not fall through. Hold the position for as long as you can. Make sure that the lower back does not sag.

7. Rider Pose

Increases the mobility of the hips, stretches the hip flexors.

Simple Yoga Exercises: Riding Pose
Simple Yoga Exercises: Riding Pose

Get down on one knee, put your hands on your hips. Take five breaths in and out. Move the support knee back, deepening the lunge as far as the stretch is. Hold the position for 10 breaths, then change legs and repeat.

8. Standing forward bend

Stretches the back of the thigh, shoulders, and back.

Simple Yoga Exercises: Standing Forward Bend
Simple Yoga Exercises: Standing Forward Bend

Stand one or two steps away from the chair. Lower your hands or elbows on the seat, stretching your back and shoulders. Hold for 10 breaths. Repeat twice.

9. Warrior Pose I

Strengthens the muscles of the legs, increases the mobility of the hips and shoulders, opens the chest, pumps the sense of balance.

Stand to the right of the back of the chair, place your legs wider than your shoulders, keep your hands on your belt. Rotate the toe of your left foot 45 ° inward and your right foot 90 ° outward, with your toes pointing towards the chair.

Expand your hips and trunk to the right, place your hands on the back of the furniture and bend your right knee, dropping into a shallow lunge. Keep your left leg straight. Twist the pelvis to feel the stretch in the groin and front of the thigh, and stretch the top of the head up, stretching the spine.

Simple Yoga Exercises: Warrior Pose I
Simple Yoga Exercises: Warrior Pose I

Perform five breathing cycles in this position. Then take your hands off the back of the chair onto your belt and take five more inhalations and exhalations.

Warrior Pose I
Warrior Pose I

Raise your arms above your head and join your palms, pulling your spine up.

Warrior Pose I
Warrior Pose I

Perform five breathing cycles in the pose and repeat the entire ligament to the other side.

10. Tilt to the side

Stretches the latissimus dorsi.

Simple Yoga Exercises: Side Bend
Simple Yoga Exercises: Side Bend

Place your feet hip-width apart and place your right hand on the back of a chair for support. Raise your left hand above your head, turn the palm towards you and stretch to the right side, stretching your side. Hold the pose for five breaths and repeat on the other side.

11. Balance pose

Improves the sense of balance, strengthens the muscles of the hips and core.

Simple Yoga Exercises: Pose for Balance
Simple Yoga Exercises: Pose for Balance

Stand next to a chair, hold on to the back with one hand. Bend your knee and lift it up to hip level. Perform five breaths in the pose. Then place your hands on your hips, tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your leg again. Perform five breaths in the pose and repeat on the other leg.

12. Bound Angle Pose

Increases the mobility of the hips.

Simple Yoga Exercises: Bound Angle Pose
Simple Yoga Exercises: Bound Angle Pose

Sit next to a wall with your back to it. Bend your knees, bring your feet together, place your hands on your ankles and press your heels into your pelvis. Slowly bend forward, lower your head and hold the position for five breaths.

13. Twisting the lying back

Relieves tension from the back muscles, stretches the buttocks.

Simple Yoga Exercises: Lying Back Twist
Simple Yoga Exercises: Lying Back Twist

Lie on a mat with your arms out to your sides. Bend your right knee and place it on the floor to the left of your body, looking to the right. Hold the position for three breaths and repeat on the other side.

14. Eyelet Pose

Stretches the gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh.

Simple Yoga Exercises: Eye of the Needle Pose
Simple Yoga Exercises: Eye of the Needle Pose

Lie on your back, raise the hip and knee of one leg at a right angle and press your foot against the wall. Place the ankle of the other leg on the raised thigh. Perform five breaths in the position and repeat on the other limb.

15. Corpse pose

Helps to completely relax, can be used for meditation and practice of deep diaphragmatic breathing.

Simple Yoga Exercises: Corpse Pose
Simple Yoga Exercises: Corpse Pose

Lie on the mat, stretch your arms and turn your palms up, straighten your legs. Relax completely, breathe deeply and evenly, make sure that your stomach puffs up during inhalation. Spend 10 minutes in the pose.

In the study, the military practiced twice a week, but you can do these poses daily - both as a morning exercise and in the evening before going to bed to relieve tension accumulated during the day.

If the practice draws you in, try other asanas that develop flexibility, strength, and balance. In any case, take your time and have fun.
