An easy way to build healthy habits
An easy way to build healthy habits

Even when we are confident in the benefits of a new habit, we may still lack motivation. In this case, a little trick will work better than willpower.

An easy way to build healthy habits
An easy way to build healthy habits

There are many ways to create new habits: starting small, reporting on your progress, and even punishing yourself for bad habits with a stun gun, but there is an easier way to overcome laziness.

It's called "Was It Worth It?" and works with any good habit that doesn't seem particularly enjoyable at first. For example, you want to start meditating or playing sports, but every time you doubt whether you need it. Try answering the question "Was it worth it after each session?" and record the results.

Next time you will see the word "yes". Then it will be easier for you to start.

Hardly anyone has ever said, “I regret the last training session,” unless you were injured during it. But for some reason, before a workout, we find a lot of reasons to skip it.

In other words, to start a new habit, you need to convince yourself now that in the future it will be as clear as day to you: the benefits outweigh all the hassle.

Keeping such records can help you see that the habit is actually beneficial. It will also give you a boost of motivation when you feel like watching another episode of your favorite TV show is better than going for a run, and going on social media is better than sitting down and meditating.
