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Why can't you pump up your ass
Why can't you pump up your ass

And what to do to make it work.

Why can't you pump up your ass
Why can't you pump up your ass

You endlessly squat and lunges, but there is no sense: the priest was as small as it was. Is that it has become more fit. Does this mean that the buttocks cannot be pumped up if nature has not rewarded you with the right size?

No. This means that if you have a goal, you must choose the right means to achieve it. Below we will analyze a few mistakes that prevent you from pumping up big beautiful buttocks, and tell you how to fix them.

1. You are doing the wrong exercises

Squats, lunges and deadlifts are often used to pump up the ass. These are great movements that allow you to work with large weights and load the entire lower body well. However, due to the fact that you extend your knees, part of the load goes to the quadriceps - the muscles on the front of the thigh that are responsible for this movement.

To load only the gluteal muscles, you need to do exercises in which the hips are extended under load, while the knees remain in one position. For example, pelvic extension and glute bridge with a barbell, hip extension in the crossover and on the block. You can find more exercises for pumping the buttocks in the article below.

2. You sit a lot and do not warm up before training

You spend eight hours at the computer, get into your car or public transport, and arrive at the gym. Then walk the treadmill for five minutes and collect the squat barbell. At the same time, your buttocks, stretched all day in a sitting position, cannot easily turn on and use many of the muscle fibers that are necessary for rapid growth.

To maximize muscle engagement, activate your glutes with a short warm-up before loading your glutes. It can include air squats, leg swings, and various types of planks with leg raises.

3. You are not exercising enough muscles

In order to grow, muscles must work to the point of fatigue. If you are doing heavy weights at 75-85% of your one-rep max (1RM), three to five sets of 8-12 reps are enough to really tire the muscle fibers.

If you train with light dumbbells or no weight at all, it may take about 20-30 times per set to provide enough load.

In general, both strategies will work for building muscle, and if you don't have the ability to work with a heavy barbell, long, light sets will do. But remember that in order to progress, you need to do them before fatigue, so that the last repetitions in the approach are given with difficulty, and a burning sensation builds up in the muscles.

Also keep in mind that over time, the body adapts to the load and the muscles stop growing. Therefore, it is necessary to gradually increase either working weights or the number of approaches and repetitions.

4. You don't get enough rest

For muscles to grow, they need not only stress, but also time to recover. Their protein production increases 24 to 48 hours after exercise. If you use loads again at this time, you will lose some of the effect. Therefore, swing your buttocks no more than two or three times a week, and on other days, engage in other muscle groups.

5. You are low on protein and carbohydrates

To build muscle, the body needs a building material - protein, which comes into the body through food. Carbohydrates are also needed: they provide the production of anabolic hormones necessary for muscle growth.

Aim for 1.8–2 g of protein per kg of body weight. That is, if you weigh 60 kg, you need to eat at least 108 g of protein. For carbohydrates, consume 4–7 g per kg of body weight.

Choose foods rich in fiber like cereals, whole grain breads, vegetables, and unsweetened fruits. And avoid starchy foods and sweets, otherwise you can go overboard with calories and instead of muscles increase the amount of fat.

6. You're out of luck with genetics

This is the last reason you can't do anything about it: some people grow muscle quickly, while others take a long time to make noticeable progress. Maybe you have more type 1 muscle fibers, fewer ribosomes that make protein from amino acids, or your progenitor cells divide much more slowly than the lucky ones.

You won't be able to change your predisposition to building muscle, but you can still get the volume you want. You will need more time and effort, but the result will be in any case. Exercise properly, rest and eat well - and sooner or later you will have voluminous, sexy buttocks.
