How sports can help fight stress
How sports can help fight stress

If stress has become an integral part of your life and you can't get rid of it, start moving. Exercise affects not only the body but also the soul. They will give you peace of mind.

How sports can help fight stress
How sports can help fight stress

People who exercise regularly will tell you that they feel great both physically and emotionally. This is because during exercise, the brain produces neurotransmitters that are responsible for good mood and reduce the level of stress hormone cortisol in the blood.

This is how exercise works:

  1. Exercise reduces anxiety. Researchers have found that after completing a set of prescribed exercises, the electrical activity of the muscles decreases. People become calmer.
  2. Exercise helps you relax. One workout relieves tension for 90-120 minutes. Some call this post-workout euphoria or endorphin response. However, not only endorphins will be to blame for the fact that you relax and your mood improves, but also many other neurotransmitters.
  3. Exercise builds self-esteem. Try to remember how you felt after training. Usually after class we praise ourselves for the work done and for the fact that we were not lazy and went to the gym. And the stress level drops.
  4. Exercise improves appetite and food quality. People who exercise regularly tend to eat more and prefer healthy foods. Adequate nutrition helps the body to cope successfully with stress and its consequences.

So, once again, we are convinced that regular exercise improves mood and helps fight stress. And yes, in order to benefit, you do not have to spend a lot of time and effort. We have found the simplest options for you.

  1. Light aerobic exercise. Try to set aside 20 minutes a day for them. Go for a brisk hike during your lunch break, walk your dog, run in the park, or go cycling. There are many options, and most of them don't require any special equipment or gym access.
  2. Yoga, meditation, stretching, Pilates and so on. Yoga uses many muscles at the same time, forcing them to relax and tense. Recent research has shown that when muscles continually contract and relax, a signal is sent to the brain to release certain neurotransmitters. They will help you calm down and become more attentive.
  3. Leisure: tennis, squash, badminton, basketball, football and so on. All these games help our body get rid of adrenaline and other stress hormones.

And the last thing. We often talk about the fact that you can play sports anywhere, be it an apartment, a hotel room or an office. There would be a desire. But if your goal is to relieve work-related stress, try to avoid working out in the office or the corporate gym: there are too many things or people to keep you from distraction.

You should be able to be on your own and relax. Or, conversely, if you work alone, be surrounded by other people.

Another interesting option. Try to take 10 minute breaks every 1.5 hours of work. Walk, stretch, squat - do anything but sit in a chair. Four of these 10-minute breaks during the work day can be equated with a light 40-minute workout.

Take care of yourself. Love yourself. And force yourself to play sports, because now there are practically no excuses left.;)
