15 ways to deal with sugar addiction
15 ways to deal with sugar addiction

A slice of birthday cake could really be a reward and a festive dessert. But in reality, such a piece is rarely eaten only once a year. If, not having received the coveted candy, you begin to hate the whole world, then you should weigh whether you are giving your addiction more than you receive? These 15 tips will help you become sugar free.

15 ways to deal with sugar addiction
15 ways to deal with sugar addiction

You may not attach much importance to a sweet tooth. It would seem, what is the problem? Sweets are available on every corner, and it is not so difficult to get a new dose if the mood starts to deteriorate. But underestimating the harm of sweets is still too naive: teeth deteriorate, it is more difficult to monitor weight, mood swings affect relationships with others. I think you've heard about diabetes too.

On the other hand, most people are used to sugar as something natural: from childhood, adults give the child candy to calm down or just smile. There are lucky ones who remain indifferent to sweets. But many, having grown up and getting rid of parental restrictions, allow themselves as many sweets as they can absorb.

No matter how strong your addiction is, don't give yourself up. There are several ways you can painlessly reduce sugar cravings.

1. Eat more protein with your first meal

Research has shown that a protein-rich breakfast reduces sugar cravings throughout the day. Lean protein sources such as Greek yogurt, unsweetened peanut butter, eggs, and low-fat cheese can help reduce hunger hormone ghrelin and increase the amount of pancreatic polypeptide that signals satiety. These findings were confirmed at the University of Missouri: MRI showed that those who ate a protein breakfast later experienced less sugar cravings. Even if in the morning a piece does not go down your throat, still give preference to protein foods at the first meal.

2. Never starve

Did you get carried away with work and decided to postpone lunch? In vain. Skipping meals is a surefire way to kick start your sugar cravings and overeat for the rest of the day. Stick to a five meal plan (three main meals and two snacks) that will keep your blood glucose levels stable. Whenever possible, try to balance protein, fat and carbohydrates as well so that insulin and blood glucose levels do not jump throughout the day. Then you won't be drawn to sweets either.

3. Consider non-obvious sugar

Many seemingly harmless foods actually contain a lot of sugar: ketchup, sauces, some spices. The only way to avoid these foods is to read the ingredients. It is better to abstain from such food additives altogether. They often contain many harmful components in addition to sugar.

4. Develop taste

Continuing the previous point, the next tip: develop your taste and learn to enjoy the products.

How to beat sugar addiction: develop taste
How to beat sugar addiction: develop taste

Chopped tomato with fresh basil leaves, drizzled with linseed oil, lightly salted and peppered avocado, cheese plate, after all! Personally, I am delighted with these dishes. Although three years ago, the first thing I thought about when I wanted to eat was chocolate or ice cream. It's a matter of habit.

Experiment with spices: cinnamon and ginger suppress sugar cravings. Delight your taste buds with more sophisticated additives than mayonnaise and ketchup - at least take balsamic vinegar and try different vegetable oils. Think about whether the cappuccino is really not sweet enough? Lactose is called milk sugar for a reason.

5. Sleep more

The hormones ghrelin, leptin and insulin play a decisive role in sugar cravings. Bring them back to normal, and you will stop falling into unconsciousness in search of a cookie. At the same time, there will be fewer problems with excess weight. Research from the University of Chicago has shown that a few sleepless nights are enough for leptin levels to fall by 18%, and ghrelin levels to rise by a third - in total, cravings for sweets increase by almost one and a half times. In addition, sleep deprivation reduces your ability to resist temptation. Therefore, sleep will help you in the fight against addiction to sweets.

6. Move more actively

A sedentary lifestyle increases appetite. On the other hand, being physically active even without sugar improves mood. Next time you want to crush another cupcake, do some simple exercises or just take a walk.

7. Determine what really bothers you

Cravings for sweets are strongly associated with emotional discomfort. You may have become addicted to sweets as a teenager, when you were unable to cope with feelings of alienation or resentment. But now you have already matured! Find an outlet for negative emotions, rather than eating them with candy. Yes, it’s not easy to change the reflex that you have maintained for years. But probably. The next time you get annoyed and reach for a chocolate bar, stop for a moment, close your eyes, become aware of your sensations, focus on your breathing, and relax. Now it will be a little easier to refrain from the next portion of sweets.

8. Identify sweet traps

Analyze your day and determine when and where you are most susceptible to sweet temptations. Perhaps you have unlimited access to cookies in your office? I sympathize. Read this article to colleagues and suggest replacing sweets with fruits. Maybe you can't resist buying chocolate bars in the supermarket after a hard day at work? Today, succumb to the temptation for the last time, but buy an extra pack of nuts and put them in your bag. Tomorrow before you go to the store, freeze the worm.

How to beat sugar addiction: identify the sweet traps
How to beat sugar addiction: identify the sweet traps

9. Seek Healthy Encouragement

Instead of indulging yourself in sweets, reward yourself with more valuable treats. Sweet cravings often occur when you are bored or lonely. Make your list of sugar-free rewards and keep it handy in case of discouragement. Think about what you could do in those 10-20 minutes while waiting for another piece of cake in a coffee shop: listen to your favorite music, make a sketch, call a friend, scratch a cat, take a nap …

The main rule is that the awards should be non-food in nature.

10. Avoid calcium deficiency

Some research suggests that sugar cravings may be due to a lack of calcium in the body. If you have other signs of it (brittle hair and nails, tooth sensitivity, fatigue), take a course of calcium-containing preparation in combination with vitamin D. And think about the weak points in your diet that lead to imbalance.

11. Record what you eat

Studies have shown that keeping a food diary can help you lose weight, in particular, reduce your intake of sweets. But it is necessary to do it correctly, namely, to fix not what you have already eaten, but what you are going to eat. The easiest way to do this is with a photo. It is not at all necessary to post the result on Instagram. The process itself is important: while you choose the angle, you give yourself a few extra seconds to think about whether you made the best choice of the dish.

12. Relax with a cup of tea and a book

Not only is sweet stress relief not the most beneficial, it's also not the most effective. The University of Sussex found tea to relieve stress much better. Music relaxes even more. But the most powerful way is reading! Therefore, develop a habit: if you feel irritated, make a cup of tea (preferably with chamomile) and read a book. Reading is a far better distraction than chewing.

How to beat sugar addiction: Relax with tea and a book
How to beat sugar addiction: Relax with tea and a book

13. Drink plenty of fluids

Dehydration is often mistaken for hunger or sugar cravings. Fatigue, anxiety, decreased concentration and even moodiness can be due to a lack of water in the body. Reached for a chocolate bar? Set it aside for 15 minutes and drink a glass of water first.

14. Arrange aromatherapy

Pleasant smells can help you calm down on your own and deal with strong emotions. Instead of reflexively reaching for sweets, breathe in the scent of lavender, orange, or cardamom. These scents will help you relax and shift your attention to the sense of smell. At the same time, you can develop a new reflex that leads to calmness.

15. Savor life

Take a moment to think about your schedule. Are there enough things in it that really make you happy? The more healthy sources of joy you have in your life, the less you will crave sweets. Learn to enjoy the moment, whether it's dinner with your family or a walk from work to home. Smile often and feel the sweetness of every moment of your life. Then the craving for sweets will itself become less.
