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The best life hacks of 2016
The best life hacks of 2016

Life hacker and cashback service share concentrated wisdom: a selection of the most valuable life hacks at the end of the whole year that will make your life better, easier and more enjoyable.

The best life hacks of 2016
The best life hacks of 2016

How to learn to draw, even if there is no time, talent and ideas

Dreams of creating a masterpiece on canvas will sink into oblivion without self-confidence. If you think that drawing is not your calling, or do not know where to start, Lifehacker is in a hurry to help. A clear instruction on how to learn to draw, for those who were taught in childhood: "You have no ability."

10 life hacks to avoid paying for accommodation when traveling

Save money on a hotel, make new friends, completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a new country - and all at the same time. Myth or Reality? Reality, if you are familiar with the popular couchsurfing system. Life hacker shares the tricks of profitable travel.

The secret to perfectly boiled eggs

Hard-boiling eggs is the easiest thing to do for breakfast. But it is not always possible to get the protein and yolk of the desired consistency and easily removable shell at the output. A detailed guide on all the intricacies of the egg business will allow you to do this without difficulty.

Beauty Tips Every Girl Should Know

heckmannoleg /
heckmannoleg /

Beauty requires … knowledge! How to apply face cream and makeup, how to take care of your nails and how to draw arrows - you can't remember everything. Especially for those who want to look perfect - an impressive selection of 85 life hacks for all occasions.

Get rid of tangled wires beautifully

Annoyed by a bunch of wires all over the house? The life hacker talks not only about how to correctly hide and sort out interfering cables, but also how to turn them into a real work of art.

9 alternatives to caffeine that work

When the world around takes on colors only after the first sip of coffee, it becomes scary: what if it's addiction? It's time to look for a replacement. The selection contains nine safe, invigorating drinks that are not addictive.

Psychological life hacks for every day

You don't have to be a psychologist to win people over to you faster. It is enough to know the working techniques acting at the subconscious level. An easy-to-follow video tutorial will show you verbal and non-verbal tricks to make communication easier.

Cook Science

Cooking is not only an art. The laws of physics and chemistry can seriously affect the taste of a finished dish. To make sure they always play into your hands, check out our selection of 25 of the most useful science-based kitchen hacks.

How to fit the maximum into your carry-on baggage and travel light

Few people like to lug heavy suitcases on vacation, especially when the airline charges an additional fee for luggage. How to take everything you need with you and not go broke on tickets - tips from an avid traveler.

A glass of water for healing the whole body

Hot water with lemon on an empty stomach will cleanse the body, wake up the gastrointestinal tract and make the waist thinner. The life hacker understands how one simple habit improves health.
