Table of contents:

How short-term fasting can change your body and memory
How short-term fasting can change your body and memory

Giving up food isn't easy, but you'll love the results.

How short-term fasting can change your body and memory
How short-term fasting can change your body and memory

What is the essence of such a diet

The 5: 2 diet became popular thanks to the books of British physician and journalist Michael Mosley. The diet assumes that you eat as usual five days a week and almost starve two days a week. On such days, you need to hold out without food for 14-18 hours. During this time, you can drink water. In total, only 500-600 kcal can be consumed per day.

According to scientists, such a diet has a lot of advantages. These include not only weight loss, but also lowering blood sugar levels, improving memory, strengthening immunity.

Benefits for body shape and health

Researchers at the University of Manchester compared the weight loss results of participants on a 5: 2 diet versus traditional diets with daily calorie restriction. It turned out that the members of the first group dropped more. They also had better insulin resistance scores.

The benefits of such fasting can be explained in terms of evolution. Our ancestors ate this way most of the time. The modern diet of three meals and snacks is unnatural from an evolutionary point of view.

Benefits for the brain

Other scientists are more interested in what happens to our brains during short-term fasting. Mark Mattson, senior researcher at the National Institute of Aging, is studying the effects of intermittent fasting on memory and learning in mice. During fasting, fat in the body is converted into substances called ketones. They make neurons more resistant to damage, Mattson says.

Tips for those looking to try short-term fasting

Remember, this is not for everyone. People with digestive disorders should not starve. And even if you are perfectly healthy, check with your doctor first.

Received medical approval - excellent. A few tips will help you comply with the restrictions:

  1. Agree to go hungry with a friend or loved one - this makes it easier to stick to the diet.
  2. Choose carefully what you will eat on the fasting day. Researchers advise foods rich in protein and fiber. Avoid processed carbs and sugars. They will raise blood sugar levels and make you feel hungry.
  3. On a fasting day, stay out of the kitchen and stay away from the cafe to avoid temptation.
  4. Try to follow this diet for at least a month. Over time, it will become easier to endure the feeling of hunger. Then you will really notice the results and understand if there is any benefit to you.
  5. Don't be surprised if side effects appear. For example, sleep or digestion problems. If they do not go away for a long time, give up fasting.
