Brainfoods - a healthy snack at work and school
Brainfoods - a healthy snack at work and school

Ditching unnecessary (or even harmful) snacks in favor of nutritious fruits and berries is a great idea. Brainfoods snacks can be your first step towards a healthy lifestyle.

Brainfoods - a healthy snack at work and school
Brainfoods - a healthy snack at work and school

Snacking is a healthy habit. Lunch has already passed, it is still a long time before dinner, and if you do not give the body additional energy, then fatigue will surely appear and, moreover, the metabolism will slow down. Therefore, most nutritionists advise to eat several times a day, but in small portions. Good advice, but there is one problem. A common snack in the office is drinking tea and coffee with cookies, which inevitably (in addition to a sedentary lifestyle) leads to problems with the figure, and, in the long term, with health in general.

A good snack, among other things, should satisfy, especially with vigorous mental activity or physical exertion. It should give a feeling of satiety, but not overload the stomach, and taste plays an important role. Therefore, I set myself an experiment: within 10 days I give up the already familiar chocolate bar as a snack and take a pack from Brainfoods with me to the editorial office. Manufacturers claim that their snacks not only provide a supply of energy, but also, when consumed regularly, have a beneficial effect on the immune system and increase performance. In general, what you need.

Boxing "Assorted"


A box is a box of 10 snacks in small, handy containers. A tip for those who have not tried Brainfoods snacks: first take the Assorted pack, so you can try different things and decide on your preferences. But if you know for sure what exactly you need, then you can put together your own personal pack.

My package contained:

  • nuts (cashews, pistachios, a mixture of "walnut + almonds + hazelnuts", a mixture of "cashews + hazelnuts + Brazilian nuts");
  • dried fruits (mixtures "mango + coconut", "mango + pineapple + banana");
  • freeze-dried berries (cherry, raspberry + strawberry mixture);
  • detox (mixtures "banana + blueberries + beets" and "apple + spinach + orange").

Every day the snack was different from the previous one.

Separately, I will note the packaging. The container is compact and does not take up much space, lightweight and with a nice design. Each container contains the calorie content, the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - important information for those who follow the figure. Brainfoods offers four types of snacks: classic, light, fitness and delight. They differ in the content of macronutrients - nutrients. For example, if you want to lose weight, then freeze-dried berries from the Light category will do, and if you go in for sports - detox from the Fitness category.

Try it

I'll tell you right away about my impression: in general, I liked everything, snacks are the golden mean between “tasty” and “healthy”. In most cases, such a snack was enough not to wait impatiently for dinner. So the snacks did their job. And from the height of my 10-day experience, I want to give one piece of advice: don't be afraid to try new things. A regular snack becomes much more interesting if you don't know what exactly is waiting for you. So, thanks to Brainfoods, I tried freeze-dried berries and detox for the first time.

Sublimation is the removal of ice, all moisture from a frozen product using a vacuum method. Freeze-dried berries are dry, slightly airy (especially strawberries). But most importantly, they retain all the nutritional properties and vitamins. At the same time, the price of such berries, despite the laborious production method, remains within the market limits.


The main purpose of detox snacks is to cleanse the body of toxins. Of course, in a few days it is difficult to notice the difference and talk about any changes in this regard. But the taste is very unusual, for example a combination of apple, spinach and orange. And in my personal rating, detox snacks are in second place in satiety after nuts.



1. Delicious and varied. The taste and color, as they say, but nevertheless I liked most of the snacks. If you have a lot of work to do and don't physically have time to cook, it's hard to indulge yourself with variety. When there are 10 boxes with different contents at hand, such a problem, of course, does not arise.

2. Helpful. Everyone knows that fruits and nuts contain vitamins and minerals. And they persist even after processing such as drying or freeze-drying.

3. Convenient. I have already mentioned the advantages of boxes. I will add that snacks are stored for a long time, this is a great option for a quick snack on a trip or camping trip.

4. Hearty. Despite the fact that the portion seems small, it really does fill up. I advise executives of companies to take Brainfoods note: you can put up a corporate stand in the office, employees will appreciate it.

5. Inexpensive. The price is not high (especially considering how much dried fruits and nuts cost recently).

6. Possibility of choice. You know better than anyone else what is good for your body and what is not. Therefore, a separate plus is for the opportunity to build your own pack.

7. Simply choose and order. It is clear that the site has a very mediocre relationship to the snacks themselves. But in my opinion, all the details are important. When you see that people are trying to do everything for the most convenient and simple order, trust increases. Checkout options, detailed product specifications and photos, snack information articles, a corporate blog - Brainfoods is fine with that.


Not all mixes were pleasant. In particular, if freeze-dried strawberries tasted good, then raspberries were, frankly, not so-so. Again, I repeat: a matter of taste. The same goes for the feeling of satiety: the mixtures from the Light category were, in my opinion, too light.

Let me summarize. The experience was interesting and, perhaps, useful for me. There is no desire to return to chocolate: in comparison with fruits and nuts, it loses to them not only in benefits for the body, but also in nutritional value. I'll tell you the main thing about Brainfoods snacks: this is a really healthy snack, and at an attractive price. So try and remember to eat right!
