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Bodyweight workout that pumps all muscles
Bodyweight workout that pumps all muscles

For a full-fledged workout for all muscle groups, you do not need a gym membership, exercise equipment and free weights. All you need is your body.

Bodyweight workout that pumps all muscles
Bodyweight workout that pumps all muscles

Please note that some of the exercises will require additional items. You may need a stable, wide chair or a can of water that is comfortable to hold in your hand.

However, most of the exercises do not require additional items. If something is needed, then it is not special sports equipment, but household items that can be found in every home.

Four basic rules

When exercising, remember four important rules.

1. Don't forget about breathing

It seems obvious, but while you exercise, you can forget about breathing. In most cases, you exhale with effort and inhale during the lighter part of the exercise. For example, when doing push-ups, you breathe in when you go down, and breathe out when you push yourself up.

This breathing method is the most common, although it is not suitable 100% of the time.

2. Exercise Correctly

If you forget about technique, you will not achieve the desired results and may be injured. Make sure you are doing the exercises correctly before starting your workout. First, ask your friends and family (ideally a fitness trainer) to watch you from the outside - they will tell you what you are doing wrong.

3. Take your time

With the exception of cardio, most exercises are best done slowly. This does not mean that you have to take long pauses between each push-up or squat, just do not try to do them as quickly as possible. Slow exercise will have a positive effect on muscle growth and make you stronger.

4. Give your best

If you can't do any more repetitions, then the workout was successful. Of course, you should not drive yourself into injury, but as long as you follow the correct technique and keep yourself in shape, this will not happen. Don't worry about the number of repetitions, instead focus on getting the most out of each exercise.

More push-ups will not make you stronger. The point is to work at the maximum with the current energy level.

Cardio workout

bodyweight workout: cardio
bodyweight workout: cardio

Cardio exercises have a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular and other body systems, speed up metabolism and strengthen muscles.

While cardio is good for the whole body, many people avoid exercise because they don't like running. But there are different cardio exercises that you don't have to struggle with. They will take no more than 20-30 minutes 2-3 times a week.

Interval workouts

Some people don't like running because they have to strain for a long time. This is the case if you are an endurance runner. A great alternative is interval training, in which you put in more effort in a short amount of time.

There are many options for interval running workouts, both outdoors and on the treadmill. Here is one of them:

  • Light jogging for 2-5 minutes.
  • Running at high speed - one minute, then another minute - at low speed. Repeat 5-10 times (depending on your preparation).
  • Light jogging as a cool down - 5 minutes.

You do not need to maintain a high pace of running for a long time, so immediately after one minute at maximum speed, switch to a slow recovery run. Instead of jogging for 30-60 minutes, you only need to endure short periods of high-intensity cardio. Some people like these runs more.

You can set different duration and sequence of periods of maximum intensity. Some interval training has a pyramid structure: you start with a light load, work your way up in the middle, and decrease the intensity towards the end. There are other options, for example, the Fartlek technique, according to which segments with different intensities are not determined in advance, but are selected during the training process.

Interval training may seem like hell to some people, but if you've never been able to keep up a long distance, intervals are an alternative to a long endurance run.

Climbing stairs

This is a simple exercise that is especially effective when stepping over a step.

How do you climb stairs to make it an exercise? Just follow these tips:

  1. Go up and down the stairs as many times as you can. If possible, skip the steps. Stop when you are so tired that you cannot continue. When you get to this state, you will most likely be in the middle of the climb. If you get to the end of the stairs, you will probably have the strength to start a new climb.
  2. Take the total number of climbs to the end of the stairs and halve. If you climbed the ladder 20 times, your number is 10.
  3. The next time you climb the stairs, run up and down 10 times (or half of your maximum).
  4. Rest 60-90 seconds, then climb the stairs again at least 10 times (or half of your maximum)
  5. Another 60-90 seconds of rest, then again 10 lifts (or half of your maximum). If you can do more, please. Your goal is to chase yourself up the stairs until you are so tired that you cannot continue.
  6. Gradually increase the number of lifts in one set. Constantly push yourself to work hard.

If you don't want to train outdoors or in public, just make stair climbing a regular part of your life.

Upper body workout

Exercises to develop the muscles of the shoulders, arms and chest are the easiest and most effective, because you see results quickly. However, to progress quickly, you need to take the time to master the correct technique, otherwise you will be wasting energy.

Another important point: determine how many times to do each exercise. There is a method to find out. Let's look at the example of push-ups:

  • Do as many non-resting push-ups as you can. Stop when you physically cannot do any more push-ups.
  • Take the total number of push-ups you can do and divide by two. If you can do 30 push-ups, your reps are 15.
  • Next time, do three sets of 15 reps, resting 60-90 seconds in between. If on the last set you feel you can do more push-ups, continue.
  • Over time, increase the number of repetitions in each set. If you notice that the exercise has become too easy for you, just add 2-5 repetitions to each set.

Push ups

Push-ups are effective exercises that target multiple muscle groups, including the pecs, deltoids, and triceps.

This may seem like a simple exercise, so you don't have to worry about technique. But many make mistakes when doing push-ups.

Correct exercise technique:

  • Take an emphasis lying, put your hands shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, palms are under the shoulders.
  • As you inhale, bend your elbows and lower your body closer to the ground. At the same time, strain your abs and try to keep your body straight. Don't lift your shoulders, don't pull your head in.
  • With an exhalation, straighten your arms, lifting your body off the ground.
  • Lift body weight with your hands; do not try to engage your glutes or lower body.
  • To maintain correct body position, imagine a straight line from the head to the ankles.

You can try the workout plan "", which will help you pump muscles faster and get stronger. If you are not yet ready for such ambitious goals, use the method described earlier and find out how many push-ups you need to do in one set.

And for those who already know how to do push-ups and want to diversify their workouts, 100 push-up options with or without additional equipment will come in handy.

Reverse push-ups

This is a great upper body workout that can be done with a chair or bench. Exercise increases the strength of the same muscles as regular push-ups, but puts a little more stress on the rhomboid muscles of the back.

Correct exercise technique:

  • Stand with your back to a chair or bench. Make sure in advance that the chair is stable and can support your body weight.
  • Bend your legs and place your hands on the seat of the chair, with your fingers pointing towards your body.
  • Slowly stretch your legs forward so that most of your body weight is transferred to your arms.
  • Inhale and slowly bend your elbows. Lower your body down until your shoulders are parallel to the floor.
  • Hold for a second, then straighten your arms as you exhale.

If you want to diversify your workouts, you can start doing the "150 reverse push-ups" program.

Exercise for biceps

It is impossible to build biceps without lifting free weights, since your body weight is not enough to get the raised arms.

If building biceps is important to you and you want to do it at home, it is best to buy dumbbells and do exercises with them. The right dumbbell weight depends on your size and muscle mass. It is better to start with the lighter ones and gradually increase the load.

If you don't want to buy anything and agree to use only what you have at home, any heavy item that is comfortable to hold in your hands can be a good substitute. One option is a backpack if you can distribute the weight evenly in it without shifting downward. Another option is a large canister with a handle filled with liquid.

When you find a projectile, you can start biceps exercises. If you have two objects or dumbbells of the same weight, you can do the exercises with both hands at the same time. If not, one by one.

Correct exercise technique:

  • Take the weight in your hands and lower them freely along the body, palms facing forward or towards each other, elbows slightly bent.
  • As you exhale, slowly raise the dumbbells to your shoulder. Lock your elbows at one point, do not lift the dumbbells above your shoulder or press them against your chest.
  • Inhale, lower the dumbbells. Do not straighten your elbows to the end - at the extreme point they should be slightly bent.
  • The movement should be slow. If you do it in jerks, you can get injured.

A video with a detailed analysis of the exercise technique, different execution options and basic mistakes will help in training.

Try starting with three sets of 12 reps. The latter approach can be increased if strength remains. If you can't do 12 reps, then you have taken too much weight.

Don't be discouraged if you have to start with light weights or fail to finish three sets. Over time, you will find that you can add weight every 2-3 weeks.

Core workout

Core muscles are a complex of muscles responsible for stabilizing the spine, pelvis and hips. This group includes not only the abdominal muscles, but also the muscles of the back, hips, gluteal and other muscles.

To train the muscles of the core, different options for twisting on the press are suitable. While the standard curl is a good exercise, varying variations will help you work more muscles.

Multiple crunches require nothing more than your body (and maybe a rug or towel to get it done comfortably). Let's take a look at some of them.

Slow crunches

Slow crunches are similar to regular abs exercises, with a few differences. Firstly, they are performed much slower, which allows you to better work out the abdominal muscles. Secondly, more attention is paid to breathing - it is important to correctly alternate inhalation and exhalation during execution.

Correct exercise technique:

  • Lie on your back, extend your arms along your body.
  • As you inhale, raise your arms in front of you.
  • As you exhale, slowly lift the body. The back should come off the floor vertebra by vertebra, gradually twisting forward.
  • When you have reached a seated position, continue moving your torso forward towards your legs. At the same time, do not lower your hands, stretch forward, not down, do not straighten your back - it remains rounded. Breathe in.
  • As you exhale, start moving backward. The back drops to the floor as slowly as it went up.
  • Lower your arms along your body.

Twisting down

This exercise is a great addition to your regular abdominal crunches.

Correct exercise technique:

  • Lie on the floor, bend your legs at a 45-degree angle, with your feet on the floor.
  • To take the starting position, place your hands on your hips and lift your body, keeping yourself in a sitting position.
  • You can keep your hands on your hips throughout the exercise, but if you want to work your abs better, stretch them out in front of you.
  • In the starting position, inhale, then exhale slowly lower your back towards the floor.
  • Lower down until your shoulder blades touch the surface. Do not lower your back too low - the body should remain suspended at all times.
  • Inhale, and then as you exhale, return to the starting position. At the extreme point, the back is slightly rounded.

You can try a different number of sets, but you shouldn't do more than 15 reps at a time.

A hundred

This is a difficult exercise, so it's okay if you can't do it the first time.

Correct exercise technique:

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees at a 45-degree angle, place your feet on the floor. Place your hands on the floor, palms down. The back is not pressed to the floor, but it also does not arch.
  • Lower your chin slightly and start lifting yourself up, tightening your abs. When you have reached the desired position, raise your hands off the floor and extend forward on either side of the body.
  • In some exercises, the legs are raised so that the shins are kept parallel to the floor, and the angle at the knee is 90 degrees. If this is too difficult for you, you can do the exercise without raising your legs.
  • Keeping your arms outstretched, begin to quickly move them up and down with a small amplitude. Movements up and down are counted at one time.
  • Every five times, inhale and exhale alternate. For example, you breathe in on the first rep, then on the tenth, then on the twentieth, and exhale on the fifteenth, twenty-fifth, and so on.
  • Do the exercise 100 times. If you can't do 100 reps right away, rest at 50 and then continue.

Main plank

This is a simple exercise that engages all of your core muscles. It may take practice to learn how to do the plank, but once you find the correct position, all that remains is to hold it.

Correct exercise technique:

  • Lie on your stomach with your elbows close to your body, palms on the floor.
  • Squeeze your abs and slowly lift your torso off the floor, using your abs, glutes, and legs.
  • Avoid arching in the lower back or high hips, do not strain your neck.
  • Continue to breathe, keeping your body in the plank for 15 seconds.
  • The goal for beginners is three sets of 6-12 reps.

Other core exercises

Once you've mastered these exercises, chances are you want to diversify your workouts. Here are more core exercises, a 20-minute abdominal, back, and glute workout, and exercises to help runners develop core muscles.

Lower body workout

After cardio, upper body, and core exercises, it may seem overwhelming to work on your lower body as well. After all, the muscles of the legs and buttocks have already tensed when performing other exercises. However, exercises aimed at working out the legs and buttocks can pump all the muscles of the lower body, including those that are not loaded sufficiently during cardio.


Squats are a simple exercise that helps build your legs, glutes, hips, and strengthen your bones. When done correctly, squats use most of the muscles in the lower body.

Correct exercise technique:

  • Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider.
  • To do the exercise with a straight back, find an object at eye level and concentrate on it while squatting.
  • As you inhale, bend your knees and lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • While squatting, tighten your abs, stretch your arms in front of you.
  • The knees are turned outward - they should not be turned inward either during the squat or at the moment of exiting it.
  • With an exhalation, return to the starting position and repeat.

Try three sets of 20 reps to get started. In the last approach, you can increase the number of times. Gradually increase the number of squats. You won't make progress unless you push yourself to continually improve your metrics.

Stepping up the hill

Like climbing stairs, striding will pump your lower body. The key point is that the exercise should be performed with a hill just below the level of your knee.

If the knee rises above the hip while walking, the surface is too high, you need to find something lower.

In the gym, you can use a regular bench for the barbell press, at home a wide chair is suitable for exercise, on the street there are park benches. Make sure the furniture you choose can support your weight.

Correct exercise technique:

  • Work with your legs in turn - first approach on one leg, then on the other. Start with your left foot.
  • Place your foot on the bench, using the strength of this leg, and not pushing with the supporting one, lift yourself up and substitute your right leg.
  • Get off the bench and repeat the exercise.
  • When lifting, watch the knee of the working leg - in no case should it turn inward, this is fraught with injuries and falls. Turn the knee outward, watch this, especially at the moment of effort, when you transfer your body weight to your working leg and lift yourself up a hill.
  • To begin, repeat the exercise 10-12 times for each leg, rest 60-90 seconds and repeat. Take three sets in total.

When the exercise gets too easy, you don't need to increase the number of repetitions. Instead, you can increase the weight by holding it in your hands or hanging it on your feet. In the latter case, you will have to buy cargo.

If you decide to take the weight in your hands, dumbbells or cans of liquid will do. Just make sure that the weight in both hands is the same, otherwise it can throw you off balance and lead to a fall and injury.

Walk slowly, avoiding sudden movements. You can easily get injured by jerking or twisting your knee inward instead of outward.

Training in general

Here is a rough workout plan described above:

1. Cardio loads are separate from power ones. 20-30 minutes of interval jogging or climbing stairs 2-3 times a week will suffice. Before cardio load, it is advisable to do a simple articular warm-up and dynamic stretching, and then a thorough static stretching.

2. Power training:

  • Joint warm-up.
  • Light paced cardio - 5 minutes.
  • Three sets of 15 push-ups.
  • Three sets of 15 reverse push-ups.
  • Three trips of 10 slow twists.
  • Three sets of 10 downward twists.
  • "A hundred". It is possible with rest after 50 times.
  • 6-12 repetitions of the plank for 15 seconds.
  • Three sets of 12 squats.
  • Three sets of 10-12 steps up the hill for each leg.
  • Stretching.
