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The 6/30 Rule Will Get You A Good Sleep
The 6/30 Rule Will Get You A Good Sleep

It does not require a lot of effort, but it will bring meaningful results.

The 6/30 Rule Will Get You A Good Sleep
The 6/30 Rule Will Get You A Good Sleep

The 6/30 rule says:

do not consume caffeine 6 hours before bed and do not use gadgets 30 minutes before bed.


Scientists studied the effect of consuming caffeine right before bed, three and six hours before bedtime. According to research by Caffeine Effects on Sleep Taken 0, 3, or 6 Hours before Going to Bed., six hours is the minimum period. However, even subjects who had not consumed caffeine in the last six hours of wakefulness experienced sleep disturbances.

Of course, coffee contains large amounts of caffeine. It is this drink that has earned the title of invigorating. Therefore, it is better to drink it in the morning or afternoon.

By the way, there is also a small dose of caffeine in tea. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink green and black tea before bedtime. Herbal infusions, however, will not interfere with your regimen.


Blue light from the screen of a smartphone, laptop or any other gadget inhibits the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Bright lighting sends a signal to the body that it is too early to sleep.

In addition, you need to rest before going to bed. Browsing social media, answering work emails, or watching TV puts a strain on your brain. And so that you are definitely not woken up by any notification, put your phone into flight mode.

It's best to step away from technology an hour before bed. But even half an hour will be quite enough for the body to tune in to sleep.
