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Why is it better to go shopping when you are tired and get to know each other after a good sleep?
Why is it better to go shopping when you are tired and get to know each other after a good sleep?

Fatigue has both pros and cons. For example, tired people take less risk, which is sometimes beneficial. But we all know that a tired body is less able to tolerate stress. We'll tell you what else to expect from fatigue and how you can take advantage of the moments when you fall off your feet.

Why is it better to go shopping when you are tired and get to know each other after a good sleep?
Why is it better to go shopping when you are tired and get to know each other after a good sleep?

When you are tired, you risk less

A well-known proverb teaches us that the morning is wiser than the evening. Since ancient times, it has been recommended to make important decisions after a sound sleep. But sometimes your tiredness can play into your hands.

After conducting a series of five studies by Monika Lisjak, Angela Y. Lee., scientists have found that tired people are reluctant to engage in risky activities. They are more likely to choose products that are positioned as safe, and they also tend to take precautions, such as health checks.

So if you need to make a decision about spending money or going to the doctor, then fatigue will be a good helper for you. Set up an experiment: Head to the store after a hard day and notice how many impulse purchases you make. Surely less than usual.

On the other hand, fatigue can prevent you from making new acquaintances or having interesting experiences. Since you feel vulnerable and don't want to take risks when you're tired, you may be embarrassed to meet a helpful person at an event, or while traveling, you may not want to take a little risk to get an incredible experience.

Knowing how fatigue affects decision-making, you can plan your schedule so that you get enough sleep on trips and have time to take a nap before important events.

Fatigue pushes us to old habits

Not to good or bad, but to the old. If you have a well-established habit of walking before bed, then when you are tired, it will be easier for you to go for a walk than to resist the habit.

And if you strengthen the habit of eating right, then fatigue will push you to eat unhealthy foods.

This story has both positive and negative points:

  • If you have a lot of good habits, being tired will only help you stick to them.
  • If you are only trying to change, fatigue will pull you back.

With regard to nutrition, you can help yourself a little. Write on a piece of paper the names of the foods that you eat in accordance with the concept of good nutrition. When you are too tired to come up with a dinner, then look at the list and choose a simpler dish.

A tired body does not work well

Our body also has a hard time due to lack of sleep. Studies have proven Cheri D. Mah, Kenneth E. Mah, Eric J. Kezirian, William C. Dement. that tired athletes perform worse than usual. Their reaction speed and the level of endurance decrease, they have to squeeze out the remnants of strength from the body.

Athletes who slept enough experienced improved performance. The results were similar for swimming, tennis, basketball and football.

If you don't get enough sleep, your muscles won't have time to recover. They work worse the next day, and there is a risk of injury. A constant lack of sleep is even more dangerous, as the effect is cumulative.

The Medical News Today link has even been discovered. between the length of a sports career and the amount of sleep baseball players have. The figure below shows athletes and their sleepiness score. The higher it was, the more sleepy the study participant felt.

fatigue: how the amount of sleep and the condition of athletes is related
fatigue: how the amount of sleep and the condition of athletes is related

Athletes in blue were active players three years after the study, in white were in bad shape or even retired.
