Table of contents:

8 things in a relationship you shouldn't even tell your friends about
8 things in a relationship you shouldn't even tell your friends about

In a fight club relationship, the first rule is not to tell anyone too much about it.

8 things in a relationship you shouldn't even tell your friends about
8 things in a relationship you shouldn't even tell your friends about

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1. Sex

It doesn't matter if you want to boast or complain, but you shouldn't share the details of your sex life with your friends. Surely friends still want to calmly look your half in the eyes, not remembering sophisticated poses, intimate tattoos, sexual fantasies and other details that should remain inside the couple.

It will be completely embarrassing if information about incontinence in stories reaches your half.

2. Cheating partner that you intend to forgive

If you leave the person who cheated on you, you can not hesitate and tell how it is. But if you have even an ounce of desire to maintain this relationship, take a break and do not tell anyone anything. You may find the strength to forgive your partner's infidelity. But your friends will not forgive and will remember the betrayal even at your golden wedding.

3. Suspicions of treason

It seemed to you that your partner was behaving strangely, texting with someone, or was late at all not at work. But do not share these doubts with your friends if cheating so far exists only in your head. It is possible that your suspicions are unfounded. But for friends, your word will already be enough to consider a person a cheater, at least a potential one.

4. Personal problems of the partner

Wherever your relationship is at, you are still two separate people. The partner's problems are his problems. You can support him, but you certainly shouldn't tell others about anything, even if they can help.

Every extra word turns you from a loved one into a banal gossip.

Let the partner decide for himself who he wants to tell about his illnesses, failures at work, and the problems of his parents. And this applies not only to current problems, but also to his past.

5. The relationship of a partner to one of your friends

You don't have to tell that your partner dislikes one of your friends. All he needs is to create the illusion of a normal relationship so as not to interfere with your communication with the person he doesn't like.

If you tell someone about the real state of affairs, you will embarrass everyone at once. And don't be surprised if you end up having to choose between two people you love.

6. Quarrels and complaints

Perhaps it seems to you that friends exist for this, so that there is someone to complain about a partner. But put yourself in their shoes. If someone constantly told you nasty things about a person, you would involuntarily have a question, why continue this relationship.

Given the fact that friends only hear your version of events, the question is getting louder. A little more, and they will begin to save you from this terrible relationship. Well, or they will stop communicating with you, because no one likes to listen to someone else's whining all the time.

Friends are not going to help you solve problems within a couple. If you value your partner, discuss any disagreements with him.

But it is important to understand that we are talking about domestic squabbles that spoil your mood, but do not really threaten your psyche, health or life. If you suspect you are becoming entangled in an unhealthy, addictive relationship, talk about the problems and seek help, as you will need witnesses and protection.

7. Correspondence and photographs

Thanks to messengers, some things can not only be told to friends, but also shown. If you really want to share a fragment of correspondence or funny photos, first ask your partner if this can be done. People are not ready to demonstrate all their sides to the general public.

8. Weaknesses of the partner

Weaknesses make us vulnerable. By talking about your partner's imperfections, you are giving the other person a weapon against him. And even if they never take advantage of it, it’s just frustrating when someone talks about qualities that you would rather not divulge.

You are probably not talking about complexes, shortcomings and strange habits of your partner out of spite, it just seems funny to you. And at the same time, you expose him to ridicule. Here (and in other points, and in life in general) it is important to think first, and only then speak.
