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Contraception myths that can ruin pleasure
Contraception myths that can ruin pleasure

Even if you know everything about prevention, refresh your memory. This is always helpful.

Contraception myths that can ruin pleasure
Contraception myths that can ruin pleasure

1. First sex does not end with conception

It is a myth. For conception, it does not matter at all what kind of sex it is in turn. Fertilization is when a mature egg meets a sperm. This requires only two conditions: the presence of cells and their ability to find each other.

If this is the first sex for one of the partners, and sperm enters the vagina, then there is a chance of conception. Do not fall for this myth if you are not sure that you are ready for pregnancy.

2. There is no conception during menstruation

As a rule, it does not happen. But there are exceptions to this rule.

The menstrual cycle is the process of maturation of the egg. In the first half of it, an egg matures in the ovary, which then enters the fallopian tube. This event is called ovulation. A ripe egg is waiting for a sperm for 24 hours, and the body prepares the uterus for future pregnancy: it creates a "pillow" of the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterus), so that the fertilized egg is easier to attach and begin development. If fertilization did not occur, then both the egg and the "pillow" are thrown away - menstruation begins.

It is believed that ovulation usually occurs on the 14th day of the cycle, that is, about a day before and after a woman can become pregnant. But this is the “average temperature in the hospital,” but in practice everything may not be so.

For example, a woman has a long period of menstruation, and ovulation occurs a little earlier. Maybe a woman has an irregular cycle (then no one can predict when ovulation is at all) or the period of ovulation for some reason has shifted due to stress or exertion. To this must be added a few more days for possible conception, because sperm can live in the uterus for several days.

And so we get a situation where sex during menstruation led to pregnancy.

3. Calendar method and coitus interruptus work

The calendar method of contraception is just designed to abstain from sex during ovulation. To do this, ovulation is calculated, sometimes tracked using basal temperature. As we have already found out, this is not the most effective strategy.

With interrupted intercourse, too, not everything is smooth, because sperm can be released even before ejaculation, and this is impossible to track. Not to mention those cases when the act could not be interrupted.

In fact, these methods are only suitable for women with a perfect cycle, men with nerves of steel and couples who are not against the child, but simply do not dare.

This is the perfect way to get pregnant as if by accident and be happy.

4. You can not get pregnant if a woman is breastfeeding

Only if the woman feeds a lot and often, every 3-4 hours, and the night break is a little more. But when the child grows up and sleeps longer, when he begins to eat complementary foods, the effectiveness of this method is rapidly declining.

5. There is no pregnancy if a woman has not experienced an orgasm

We have already figured out where pregnancy comes from. In the process of fertilization, the female orgasm does not play any role.

6. An intrauterine device can only be placed in women who have given birth

Intrauterine contraceptives have no such contraindications. Such methods are not suitable for women with diseases of the uterus and appendages, and pregnancy and childbirth have nothing to do with it.

7. Two condoms provide better protection

The opposite is true. Two condoms are more likely to stick together and break than protect from something. Use products from reliable manufacturers and use condoms correctly, then you don't need an extreme second coat.

8. Traditional methods are better

It depends on why. If you want to laugh (although this is black humor) or read a thriller, then descriptions of folk methods will do. In fact, they do not have reliable effectiveness at best, and at worst, they are also dangerous. Most Popular:

  • Slice of lemon. There is a light version - insert a slice of lemon into the vagina after intercourse. There is a hardcore version with the same slice, but introduced before the act, such sex with a lemon. Pouring mucous acid with acid is harmful, and it is not a fact that it will destroy all sperm. But if you get carried away with this method, then there is a chance to harm the mucous membrane and get several infections.
  • Hot bath. It is recommended for both women and men, because sperm activity decreases from high temperatures. And although this is true, it must be remembered that our body still knows how to maintain a constant temperature, and for conception, only one sperm is enough, whose activity has not decreased.
  • Washing and douching with solutions. Constant douching disrupts the vaginal microflora, damages the mucous membrane, but does not help prevent pregnancy.

9. A woman will not get pregnant in a top position

No, during ejaculation, sperm quickly enter the cervical canal and move into the uterus. It doesn't matter in what position it happened. The vagina is not huge enough to prevent this from happening.

10. Emergency contraceptive pills can be used without restrictions

Emergency contraceptive drugs contain high doses of hormones that break the cycle. If you engage in this practice constantly, the consequences for the body will be unpredictable. Emergency contraception for that and emergency, which is used only in exceptional cases.

11. Contraception is about pregnancy and illness

At the same time, only condoms, both male and female, protect against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Other remedies - only for unwanted pregnancy (see our contraceptive guide for details). In addition, there are diseases that are transmitted even when using a condom, for example, latex will not save from pubic lice.

12. Let the partner protect himself, this is not my task

This is the most dangerous myth. At least two people participate in sex, responsibility for safety is shared among all participants. Discuss the issue in advance so that later there will be nothing like “She said she was taking pills” or “He promised that he will be in time.” Such details are discussed on the threshold of the bedroom.
