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Need a new idea in 10 minutes? A simple exercise will help
Need a new idea in 10 minutes? A simple exercise will help

Get rid of your creative crisis with regular office supplies.

Need a new idea in 10 minutes? A simple exercise will help
Need a new idea in 10 minutes? A simple exercise will help

How it works

Find seven objects on your table and use them to form a composition or sculpture. Don't think too much, improvise. Take items of different sizes and materials. Set aside no more than 10 minutes for everything. During this time, you will have time to experiment, but you will not begin to doubt yourself.

Do this exercise every morning. Combine the same seven items differently for the first week, then pick up others. If you have a sculpture, put it in a prominent place for the day. Or take a picture and post it on social networks.

How to create an idea
How to create an idea

The essence of the exercise is to find inspiration in everyday objects. And just have fun! This is the main component of creativity. Don't try to make a masterpiece. Your goal is to learn to look at the same things differently.

Why it works

This is a warm-up for the brain. An opportunity to have fun and activate your creativity.

Unlike routine or analytical tasks, creativity requires a playful, fun mood. In this state, we are not afraid of mistakes and less self-criticism. Then original ideas appear.

It is better if you do not have beautiful figurines and unusual objects on your table. Ordinary office supplies are ideal material for this exercise. If you only have tape and paper clips at hand, you will definitely have to turn on your imagination.
