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What does plaque mean in the language and how to get rid of it
What does plaque mean in the language and how to get rid of it

It turns out that a dense white and even black coating is less dangerous than a pure bright red tongue.

What does plaque mean in the language and how to get rid of it
What does plaque mean in the language and how to get rid of it

Normal What Color Should Your Tongue Be, and What Do Different Colors Indicate? the color of the tongue is pink, with a thin whitish bloom in the center. On it, especially closer to the root, papillae are visible - small nodules that help us to distinguish the taste of food.

Healthy tongue color
Healthy tongue color

If your tongue looks like this, there is nothing to worry about. But if a healthy color has changed or disappeared under a coating of a different shade, this may be a sign of health problems. Sometimes they are serious.

What does plaque mean in the language

White coating on the tongue

White coating on the tongue
White coating on the tongue

See what a white coating looks like Close

A white or slightly yellowish coating on the tongue appears White tongue Causes - Mayo Clinic, when the papillae grow and swell, and between them food debris, dead cells of the mucous membrane, as well as fungi or bacteria that multiply with pleasure in this nutrient medium begin to accumulate.

There are many reasons why the papillae can become inflamed:

  • Poor oral hygiene. Perhaps you forget about your tongue when you brush your teeth in the morning and evening.
  • Constant dry mouth. It can be associated with both low humidity in the room where you are, and the habit of breathing through your mouth, or, for example, the fact that you drink little liquid during the day.
  • Smoking.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • A diet low in coarse fiber. This means that you only eat soft or pureed foods.
  • Mechanical irritation from sharp teeth chips or braces.
  • Prolonged temperature above 38 ° C.

By itself, the white coating does not harm the tongue and does not pose a health hazard. Unless it can increase bad breath. Most often, you can get rid of it with White tongue Causes - Mayo Clinic by gently brushing your tongue with a toothbrush or a special scraper and drinking plenty of water.

But if this does not help, and also if the tongue hurts or the plaque pursues you for two or more weeks What Your Tongue Can Tell You About Your Health, you should consult a dentist, otolaryngologist or therapist. This plaque can be caused by thrush or bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract. In rare cases, a thick white coating indicates lichen planus of the oral mucosa and other diseases, such as syphilis or cancer of the tongue and mouth. Only a qualified doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment.

Black coating on the tongue

Black coating on the tongue
Black coating on the tongue

See what black plaque looks like Close

A disgusting and even scary phenomenon, which in the vast majority of cases is harmless Black hairy tongue - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic. Black, gray, dark brown or dark green plaque, as a rule, does not just stain, but also creates the illusion of hairiness, as if the tongue is overgrown with mold or black lichen. Sometimes you may feel a change in taste in your mouth or an unpleasant odor.

The blame for this is the dead cells of the epithelium, which accumulated on the elongated taste buds and were stained with particles of food and drinks (coffee, tea, cola), tobacco, secretions of fungi and bacteria, or other substances. This is a temporary phenomenon that will go away by itself Black hairy tongue - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic, if you brush your teeth and tongue twice a day.

Yellow coating on the tongue

Yellow coating on the tongue
Yellow coating on the tongue

See what a yellow coating looks like Close

A light yellow hue, as a rule, indicates that these places will soon turn black. Yellow tongue. What will come of this, we have already written: a black "furry" tongue.

Yellow plaque, like black, is safe. To restore a healthy color to the tongue, it is enough to adjust to oral hygiene, quit smoking, eat foods high in fiber (for example, vegetables and hard fruits).

You can also get rid of plaque with the help of Yellow tongue hydrogen peroxide. Dilute one part of pharmacy peroxide (3%) in five parts of warm water and gently process the tongue with this liquid once a day until it acquires a normal shade.

However, yellow plaque can have more dangerous causes. If the whites of the eyes or skin turn yellow along with the tongue, this may be a sign of damage to the liver, gallbladder, or pancreas. In this case, you need to contact a therapist as soon as possible and find out where your jaundice comes from. Another unpleasant option is developing diabetes. The tongue features associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus type 2. It can be assumed if the plaque, despite all your efforts, does not disappear within two weeks.

White coating on the tongue with red spots and cracks

White coating on the tongue with red spots and cracks
White coating on the tongue with red spots and cracks

See what a white coating with red spots and cracks looks like Close

This is not exactly plaque, but a special case of Glossitis (inflammation of the tongue), which is called the geographical language Geographic tongue - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic. In this disease, the taste buds become flat and visually merge, forming red spots that resemble continents and seas. They can even navigate different parts of the language.

Geographical language can (but does not have to) cause inconvenience: aches, sensitively react to food, especially spicy or sour. However, nothing can be done about this, except to leave the tongue alone and engage in oral hygiene. If the symptoms persist within 10 days and interfere with eating, you need to contact your dentist or therapist.

What does it mean if the whole language changes color

Plaque usually differs in that it does not cover the entire tongue, but only part of it, closer to the middle, although sometimes this spot increases in size. In most cases, plaque is not dangerous.

It is quite another matter if the language changed color completely, from all sides. This can be a sign of serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. Which ones - you can guess based on the Tongue Color.

  • Purple. It is a symptom of circulatory disorders, up to a heart attack. Sometimes purple tongue also reports Kawasaki disease associated with inflammation of the blood vessels.
  • Bright red. May indicate a vitamin B deficiency, scarlet fever, or an allergic reaction to a drug or food. On rare occasions, the scarlet, "strawberry" tongue again reports Kawasaki disease.
  • Bluish. This shade indicates a lack of oxygen in the blood. The reason for this can be diseases of the lungs, blood, blood vessels, kidneys. All of these conditions require immediate medical attention.
  • Very light pink, whitish. May be a sign of Tongue Discoloration and Other Changes of anemia.

The changed color of the tongue is an unambiguous indication to consult with a therapist as soon as possible. And even call an ambulance if, in addition to changes in color, other threatening symptoms are observed: for example, chest pain radiating to the arm or jaw, darkening in the eyes, severe dizziness, difficulty breathing.

How to treat plaque on the tongue

In the vast majority of cases, plaque in the tongue does not need to be treated, because it is not a disease. If you don't like the fact that it is there, all you have to do is brush your teeth and tongue more thoroughly. And if that doesn't work, you need to talk to your dentist and decide what you can add to the standard brushing of your teeth and tongue twice a day.

Here's what else will help to cope with plaque in the language:

  1. Keep track of how much you drink. One of the main reasons White tongue Causes - Mayo Clinic builds up thick plaque is a lack of moisture. To reduce the risk of dehydration, try to drink at least 2.5 liters of fluid a day.
  2. Quit smoking.
  3. Give up alcohol.
  4. During the day, try to eat something firm and juicy, such as apples or raw carrots.
  5. Do not breathe through your mouth if you have such a bad habit. And if the nose is blocked, use vasoconstrictor drops (of course, following the instructions).
