10 Easy Steps to Health for Busy People
10 Easy Steps to Health for Busy People

A busy working day is one of the most common reasons not to lead a healthy lifestyle. But in fact, it turns out that this is no more than an excuse. It is easy to be healthy, even if your every day is scheduled by the minute.

10 Easy Steps to Health for Busy People
10 Easy Steps to Health for Busy People

Make a menu for the week ahead

On weekends, you will definitely have time to sit down and think over the menu for the week ahead. After writing a list of meals, make a list of the foods you need. Shopping should be done in one go: then your refrigerator will be full for the next seven days, and you won't have to rack your brains over dinner.

If you don't, then, most likely, at least once in the whole week you will feel so hungry and tired that you will break loose and order a pizza.

Cook in bulk

How to be healthy: cook for the whole week
How to be healthy: cook for the whole week

Set aside an hour or two on weekends to prepare large portions of food. For example, you can make preparations for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and then freeze them. This will save cooking time. So you can prepare meat or vegetables, and then you will no longer have excuses: you have to eat healthy food.

Calculate the time

Let's say you don't have time to buy food. Then find out which delivery service could help solve this problem. You will be surprised how many supermarkets are ready to bring food to your doorstep. And if you carry out a weekly purchase in this way, you can save on delivery. Don't trust store employees? Agree with your friends: they may be ready to help you with the selection and transportation of products. All it takes is desire!

Take your lunch with you

This will both save money and help prevent lunchtime cheeseburger shopping. It will be hard only the first time, and then cooking dinner will become a routine. It's even logical: you go somewhere, take a small healthy snack with you. At first it may seem like it's too difficult, but during a walk or a work day, you will be delighted several times with the opportunity to eat something useful.

Drink a smoothie for breakfast

How to be healthy: drink a smoothie for breakfast
How to be healthy: drink a smoothie for breakfast

Cabbage, spinach, avocado, celery, bananas, kiwi and strawberries can all be prepared in advance and turned into a delicious and nutritious cocktail in the morning. Simply put the ingredients you want in a blender and add spices to taste. Yes, after such cooking, it is enough to rinse the bowl - and that's it, you can run to work.

Get moving at work

No matter how stressful the work is, you have to force yourself to move throughout the day. Use modern time management techniques and set aside five minutes each hour to do the exercise. You don't need a lot of space to squat, push up or jump. Don't be lazy. Also use stairs instead of an elevator - also a payload.


High-intensity interval training can be a great solution for those short on time. These activities take no more, but the return on them is very, very high. You can do this at home as well - you don't have to go to the gym. And to find a foothold and help, use specialized programs or applications.


Do not bargain

If you have already made a schedule and taken to training or an hour to cook, do not haggle with yourself. Keep your word, without making indulgences and without persuading yourself to postpone everything for later.

Surprisingly, even short-term regular exercises can dramatically change your appearance and attitude.

We tend to give our work or study the highest priority, but this is fundamentally wrong. The main thing is health.

Be realistic

It should be understood that such exercises and workouts can keep you in shape, help you be healthier and more energetic. But, for example, you will not prepare for a marathon this way. Major sporting events require a long, methodical and exhausting preparation. So be realistic: short 5-minute workouts will help you get healthier, but will not make you a professional athlete.

Make movement a part of life

Try to spend almost half of your day on the move. Walk, run, jump, at least stand. Conduct a meeting on the go (like Dr. House, for example). Walk a couple of bus stops before getting on public transport. It is simple and does not take much time, but it helps the body a lot. He needs to move.
