Table of contents:

Dermatomycosis: causes, symptoms, treatment
Dermatomycosis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Sometimes you have to fight this infection your whole life.

What does a skin fungus look like and how to treat it
What does a skin fungus look like and how to treat it

What is skin fungus

This is the name of a fungal infection that affects the skin - dermatomycosis Diseases associated with water: Dermatomycosis.

This is one of the most common skin conditions. According to some reports, Fungal skin infections | Health Information | Bupa UK, at some point in their lives, at least 7 out of 10 people experience ringworm.

Where does skin fungus come from?

There are millions of mushroom species in the world. Approximately 300 Fungal Infections - Protect Your Health of them are capable of attacking the human body, that is, multiplying on it and inside it. Everything would be fine, but each fungus in the process of vital activity releases a number of chemicals. They, in turn, cause inflammation of the organ or tissue where the fungal colony could catch on.

Anyone can pick up a fungus. But people with weakened immune systems and those on antibiotics are at greater risk of Fungal Infections.

Fungal infections can affect the lungs, the digestive organs, the brain, and the consequences of such inflammations are extremely serious, up to the lethal outcome of Fungal Infections.

Against this background, the skin fungus looks harmless: it is unpleasant in appearance, but not fatal. It is caused by dermatophyte fungi. Most often they can be Diseases associated with water: Dermatomycosis pick up as follows:

  • By touching an infected person or animal (dog, cat, guinea pig, cattle).
  • Contact with soil contaminated with spores of fungi that are harmful to the skin. You may have walked around dusty paths in open sandals all day.
  • Upon contact with objects contaminated with the fungus. These can be towels, bed linen, clothes, shoes, toiletries used by an infected person.

Since dermatophytes love warm and humid environments, skin fungus often appears in "sweaty" places with insufficient ventilation: armpits, groin, skin folds, feet. But other parts of the body can also suffer.

How to recognize ringworm

The skin fungus has the characteristic symptoms of Fungal Infections of the Skin. Epidermis in the affected area:

  • changes color - turns red or discolored, becomes pale, almost white;
  • itchy, and itchy areas are usually rounded;
  • covered with small rashes, blisters filled with liquid may appear;
  • peels off;
  • sometimes swells;
  • partially loses hair.

Signs may vary slightly depending on the type of fungus.

What is skin fungus

There are many types of ringworm. Here are the most common Fungal skin infections | Health Information | Bupa UK.

Athlete's foot

Foot fungus: athlete's foot
Foot fungus: athlete's foot

See what an athlete's foot looks like Close

This is the name of a foot fungus that develops easily in warm, humid conditions. You run the risk of getting an "athlete's foot" if you wear tight shoes that interfere with air exchange, rarely change socks, use public showers and swimming pools.

Fungus of the nail (onychomycosis)

Dermatomycosis: nail fungus
Dermatomycosis: nail fungus

See what nail fungus looks like Close

The defeat of the nail plate also belongs to dermatomycosis, since it is caused by the same types of fungi. With onychomycosis, the nail becomes yellow, brown or white. The structure also changes: the nail plate coarsens, thickens, but at the same time exfoliates and breaks off easily.


Skin fungus: ringworm
Skin fungus: ringworm

See What Ringworm Looks Like Close

This type of fungal infection can be recognized by the rounded, scaly patches of red or very light color. Lichen appears on any part of the body, but owes its name to the love of the scalp. The fungus makes the hair brittle, it breaks off easily, and it looks as if depriving it is "cutting".

Inguinal ringworm

Inguinal ringworm
Inguinal ringworm

See what an inguinal ringworm looks like Close

Its characteristic symptoms are patches of irritated, itchy, sometimes flaky skin in the groin and inner thighs. This type of fungal infection is more common in men and adolescent boys, Types of Fungal Skin Infections and Treatment Options, but women are not immune from it either.

Inguinal ringworm may worsen after exercise. Sometimes it also spreads to the buttocks and abdomen.

Pityriasis versicolor

Skin fungus: pityriasis versicolor
Skin fungus: pityriasis versicolor

See what versicolor versicolor looks like Close

With this type of dermatomycosis, many small, oval spots with clear boundaries appear on the skin. They are pink at first and then change color to brown or white. Most often, these itchy patches occur on the back, chest and forearms.

Cutaneous candidiasis

Dermatomycosis: cutaneous candidiasis
Dermatomycosis: cutaneous candidiasis

See what cutaneous candidiasis looks like Close

It is caused by the same fungi that cause thrush in women - Candida. On the affected areas, irritation, itching, and sometimes small blisters occur.

Typically, Candida grows where the skin is poorly ventilated and often damp: under the breast, in the folds of the buttocks, under the arms, in other folds of the body.

How to treat ringworm

Pharmacies sell many OTC antifungal drugs that are applied directly to the affected area of the skin: cream, ointment, lotion, spray, shampoo (when it comes to the scalp). But in order for the drug to be as effective as possible in your case, it is better to buy it after consulting a dermatologist.

Also, pay special attention to hygiene. Keep your skin clean, well ventilated, and avoid moisture stagnation: dry thoroughly after bathing, use antiperspirants, and change as soon as you sweat. Until you get rid of the fungus, try changing your bedding and towels daily.

If home treatment does not work and the skin condition does not improve or even worsens, it is imperative to consult a dermatologist.

The specialist will examine you and may prescribe more potent prescription drugs or pills for you. If we are talking about an advanced nail fungus, it may be necessary to remove the nail plate.

But even after the treatment is completed, the color of the skin damaged by the fungus can be Tinea versicolor for several weeks or even months. Diagnosis and Treatment stay uneven. Also, the infection sometimes returns in warm and humid weather. In some cases, if the fungus occurs over and over again, your doctor may prescribe medication to be taken on an ongoing basis once or twice a month.

How to prevent skin fungus

There are simple rules for the prevention of Types of Fungal Skin Infections and Treatment Options that will reduce your risk of developing ringworm.

  • Practice good hygiene. Take a shower or bath every day, and if this is not possible, at least wipe your skin with a cloth dampened with water.
  • Wear fresh clothes every day. This is especially true for socks and underwear.
  • For everyday wear, choose clothes and shoes made of breathable materials: cotton, linen, viscose, lyocell, wool, membrane and mesh fabrics, natural leather.
  • Make sure that clothes and shoes do not fit too tightly on you.
  • Do not share towels, clothes, hairbrushes or other personal items with anyone.
  • Do not go barefoot in dressing rooms and showers. Be sure to wear flip flops.
  • In gyms, try to wipe down the handrails of the equipment with alcohol antiseptic before use. Place a towel on horizontal surfaces. After completing your workout, fold it into a separate bag and then wash it in hot water (60 ° C or higher).
  • Stay away from animals that show signs of a fungal skin infection. For example, a large number of scratches or areas of missing hair.
