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How to psychologically recover from a serious illness or injury
How to psychologically recover from a serious illness or injury

No one is immune from illness, injury or loss. When the physical pain subsides, what is left is that weighs on us psychologically. Lifehacker tells how to cope with this condition.

How to psychologically recover from a serious illness or injury
How to psychologically recover from a serious illness or injury

When we need full recovery

The following signs indicate that you and your loved ones will have to work on your recovery.

You feel worn out emotionally and physically

Psychological recovery
Psychological recovery

Severe fatigue, emotional burnout, unwillingness to somehow improve their condition and a vague intention to simply continue to exist in the current conditions.

Your tiredness is felt physically

You sleep poorly and little, under- or overeat, physical activity has decreased, and you no longer feel full of energy as before. Most likely, you have not been to training for a long time and have little idea when it will happen next time.

Things that used to bring joy are no longer enjoyable

You have ceased to like your favorite dishes, your favorite books and TV series are no longer as pleasing as they were before, and you are going to work as if you were going to be executed (if you are going at all). Even gatherings with loved ones make you want to bury yourself in a blanket and climb out only if absolutely necessary.

You are irritable

The laces of the person walking next to you are tied in a strange way, those around you breathe too loudly, the weather, whatever it may be, leaves much to be desired. And in general, it was necessary to stay at home / it would be better if no one touched you / all in vain.

You are constantly upset

You don't remember the last time you really laughed heartily. You will not be amused by your favorite publics on social networks, and life seems gray and bleak.

The mood is constantly changing

How to recover psychologically
How to recover psychologically

Even 5 minutes ago, you seemed to want to have fun, but now this desire has disappeared somewhere. You want to sleep, hang out, cry.

It doesn't sound like you at all

You don't behave like that in ordinary life. The points listed above are for anyone but you. But for some reason now you began to recognize yourself in them.

Perhaps now you hate the author for his "smart" advice

It will pass when you are released.

How to start recovery

Well, sad news. You recognized yourself in all of the above, and it looks like something really went wrong. This is normal in your situation. The main thing is to act.


Try to analyze everything that happens to you. Recognize that there is a problem and needs to be addressed. Until you do this, all your attempts to change something will be sluggish and reluctant, as if in fact you are in perfect order, and everything that your loved ones will try to do will be rejected by you as imaginary unnecessary.

Make a wish

Psychologists say that it is impossible to help a person who does not want to cope with the problem himself. No matter how hard your loved ones try, they will not be able to help you until you yourself want to get out. Make a wish to feel happy again. Program yourself to recover. After all, we have been told since childhood: if you want something very badly, it will definitely happen.

Let me take your hand

Full recovery
Full recovery

Do not reject the help of loved ones and those who love you. Those around you will really help you, even if at first you deny the benefit of their presence. Just don't stop them from doing it. It won't be easy for them either. And only together you can cope.

Speak more

Don't be silent about the problem. Do not be ashamed of your condition. You can be understood. And you need help. The more you talk, the more opportunities you give yourself to speak out, the faster you will bounce back.


Keep a diary and write down everything that happens to you. Write about your feelings, thoughts, actions, impressions. If you are enslaved and cannot speak out to the person who is next to you, you can entrust everything to paper. Write honestly. If you want, nobody else will see it, so why hide something.

Answer Your Questions

Why did this happen to you? Why is this test on your way? What did it give you? How has it changed you? How did it influence? Has it hardened your spirit? Only by answering questions can you understand. Only by understanding, you can free yourself from what weighs you down.

Load yourself

Rather, it is a recommendation for your loved ones. They are the ones who should take you out to the city, to concerts, to the cinema, to the theater. They should push you towards a normal active life. Don't be afraid to plunge into the cycle of events and activities. This is how you lived before, you just lost the habit of it.

Start a big business

It might seem like it's not a good idea right now. Everything will depend on you. Try to start a big business. Write a story. Start reading the book. Create something. And remember: the moment you finish your work, finish reading a book, or put the final touch on your creation, everything will be over. You will be free again.

Get out of the shell

The most banal advice, but this needs to be said. Get out. Let everything inside resist first. If you endlessly feel sorry for yourself, you will forever remain there, in your shell of problems and fatigue. Do not let yourself be ruined by yourself.

No one is immune from misfortunes. But the truth is that every event brings something into our lives. Understand what this period of your life has brought you. And then let it go. Let go and bounce back.
