Table of contents:

What can and can never be cleaned with vinegar
What can and can never be cleaned with vinegar

Check this list before starting cleaning.

What can and can never be cleaned with vinegar
What can and can never be cleaned with vinegar

Can be cleaned with vinegar

1. Windows

To make your own window cleaner, dilute half a tablespoon of vinegar in a liter of water (a regular 6 or 9 percent tablespoon will do). Pour some into a spray bottle. Wash the windows as usual and wipe with a dry cloth at the end. You do not need to wash off such a mixture.

2. Dishwasher

The vinegar will help remove accumulated dirt and grease. Pour two cups of vinegar into a large glass bowl and place on the top wire rack. Start a normal cycle, but without detergent and without drying. The vinegar will mix with the water and clean the machine.

3. Towels

If the towels become tough, send them to the washing machine and pour half a cup of white vinegar into the powder compartment - do not add the powder itself. The vinegar will remove detergent and mineral deposits from the fabric that make it rough.

4. Carpets

To remove stains such as wine from carpet, mix a tablespoon of liquid soap, a tablespoon of white vinegar, and two glasses of warm water. Soak a clean sponge in the mixture and apply a little to the stain, periodically blotting with a dry cloth. Continue the process until the stain disappears.

Vinegar can also remove stains and foul odors from your pet's urine. Mix a quarter cup of vinegar with a liter of warm water and dampen the stain with the mixture. Leave it on for a few minutes to absorb the liquid, then blot dry. Repeat several times as necessary.

5. Vegetables and fruits from the supermarket

The vinegar will help remove bacteria and pesticide residues that are used in stores to extend shelf life. Mix three parts water with one part vinegar and pour into a spray bottle. Process fruits and vegetables with this mixture, and then rinse in water.

6. Traces from glue

Vinegar will come to the rescue if you can't wipe off the remnants of the glue from the label or you accidentally pasted something in the wrong place.

Cannot be cleaned with vinegar

1. Granite and marble countertops

Vinegar can damage the surface of the stone. To clean these countertops, use a mild dish soap and warm water.

2. Stone floors

They can also suffer from acidic cleaning agents like vinegar and lemon. Wash these floors with a special stone soap or mild dish soap.

3. Remains of a broken egg

If you drop a raw egg on the floor, do not reach for the vinegar to collect the protein. The acid in the vinegar can curdle the egg and make it harder to scrub. It is because of the protein reaction that vinegar is added when poached eggs are boiled.

4. Iron

Vinegar can damage internal parts, so do not put it in a water container when trying to clean your iron. To prevent steam holes from clogging, empty the iron after use and clean according to the manufacturer's instructions.

5. Hardwood parquet

Better not to risk it and use a special cleaning agent. If you really want to try vinegar for cleaning, be sure to dilute it with water (half a glass of vinegar for four liters of water) and first check on an inconspicuous area.

6. Stubborn stains on fabric

No matter how hard you try, grass, ink, ice cream, or blood stains won't be removed with vinegar alone. They are quickly absorbed into the fabric and do not react to acids. It is better to treat them with a stain remover, and then wash with a powder that contains enzymes.
