Kitchen life hacks: how to turn cheap balsamic vinegar into 12 year old vinegar
Kitchen life hacks: how to turn cheap balsamic vinegar into 12 year old vinegar

Plain balsamic vinegar will not spoil the taste of your dish, but you can hardly get real pleasure from its taste. A good and seasoned product is quite expensive. But there is one kitchen trick that will help you turn the simplest and cheapest vinegar into a really tasty one. Video advice from the chefs

Kitchen life hacks: how to turn cheap balsamic vinegar into 12 year old vinegar
Kitchen life hacks: how to turn cheap balsamic vinegar into 12 year old vinegar

To simulate aged balsamic vinegar, you need simple balsamic vinegar, sugar, and port.

Ingredients: 1 cup of balsamic vinegar is 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 tablespoon of port.

Cooking. Pour the vinegar into a heavy-bottomed saucepan, add the sugar and port, and simmer until the sauce is halved. This should be done on the smallest fire that your stove is capable of. The high temperature affects the vinegar badly and kills its rich fruit flavor.

This sauce can be served not only with fish or meat. It goes well with ice cream and fruit!
