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How to swaddle a baby correctly
How to swaddle a baby correctly

By doing this, you save the baby's sleep. And that means your own.

How to swaddle a baby correctly
How to swaddle a baby correctly

Many consider swaddling as a thing of the past. Why wrap a newborn in a sheet or blanket with such an abundance of beautiful baby clothes? The answer is simple: for the comfort of the baby himself and the calmness of the parents.

What is the advantage of swaddling a baby

It is believed that a child, accustomed to the tightness and warmth of his mother's belly, feels very uncomfortable in the big world. A swaddle or blanket returns the newborn to his usual state, helping him to fall asleep.

In addition, in the first weeks of life, babies often wake themselves up in their sleep. This is due to the Moro reflex, which is also called the fright reflex. In response to a sharp sound or movement (sometimes without obvious stimuli), the child flinches and spreads his arms, and then presses them to himself. And as a result, he wakes up. The problem can be solved by swaddling it lightly. The reflex fades on its own between about 4 and 6 months.

How to swaddle a baby correctly

Let's consider the easiest and most convenient way to change swaddling. If done correctly, you will have a cozy cocoon, inside which the child can move the arms and legs.

how to swaddle a baby
how to swaddle a baby

Take a 1 × 1 m diaper and spread it in a diamond pattern on a flat surface. A changing table, sofa or bed will do. Wrap the upper corner of the diaper down, under the baby's back - so that his head lies over the fold.

swaddling a baby
swaddling a baby

Place the left corner of the diaper under the baby's barrel on the right. Alternatively, you can tuck the diaper under your armpit, leaving the handle on top.

how to swaddle a baby correctly
how to swaddle a baby correctly

Now pull up the bottom corner to cover the baby's legs.

swaddling a baby: tuck the edge under an open shoulder
swaddling a baby: tuck the edge under an open shoulder

If the diaper is large, tuck the edge under your open shoulder.

how to swaddle a baby
how to swaddle a baby

The final touch: cover the baby with the rest of the diaper and secure the corner under the backrest.

All that remains is to make sure you don't overdo it and don't swaddle too tightly. Between the tissue and the baby's breast, 2-3 of your fingers should pass freely.

What other ways are there to swaddle a baby

Closed or full swaddling

Suitable for restless newborns who often wake themselves up with their hands. Also, such swaddling is optimal for walking in cool weather.

Free swaddling

The technology is similar to closed swaddling, only the baby's arms remain free. This method is suitable for toddlers over a month old, if they no longer raise their fists in a dream and do not rub their eyes with them.

Swaddling with free legs

Another easy way to swaddle babies over a month old who still continue to wake themselves up with pens. First, fold the diaper in half diagonally.

Swaddling with a cocoon or bag

If you are absolutely not allowed to swaddle, you can use a modern alternative - a Velcro cocoon swaddle. It is suitable for both a newborn and an older baby.

How not to swaddle a baby

Before you start swaddling, keep in mind what you absolutely cannot do.

  • Swaddling a baby is tight. Our grandmothers did not doubt the need to wrap the child in a piece of cloth like a soldier. “To keep the legs straight,” they explained. Modern medicine refutes this myth. Swaddling tight with straight legs can lead to hip dysplasia (underdevelopment). It is not fatal, but unpleasant and requires treatment by an orthopedist. With proper swaddling, the baby still has the ability to bend the legs.
  • Overdo it with wrapping. It is important that the child does not overheat. Use a lightweight, breathable muslin or cotton diaper. If the room is cool, you can take a warmer flannel fabric or pre-dress the little one in a bodysuit and pants.
  • Cover the baby's face with the edge of the diaper. Children need to breathe freely in their sleep.
  • Laying a ripe baby on the stomach or on its side … This situation increases the risk of developing sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). This term refers to all cases when an apparently healthy baby dies from respiratory arrest before the age of one year. It is because of the danger of SIDS that the diaper should be discarded as soon as the child learns to roll over in it on his stomach, that is, by about 4-6 months.

The decision - whether to swaddle or not - rests with the parents. First of all, proceed from your convenience and the characteristics of your child, and not from the advice of a neighbor. If he is nervous, wakes up often and cries, try a diaper. And if the baby already falls asleep calmly, you can do without it.
