Table of contents:

How to choose a stroller that is comfortable for your baby and parents
How to choose a stroller that is comfortable for your baby and parents

Detailed tutorial with examples.

How to choose a stroller that is comfortable for your baby and parents
How to choose a stroller that is comfortable for your baby and parents

What influences the choice of a stroller

Child's age

A newborn up to 6–8 months old needs a cradle stroller, a child from 6–8 months to 3–4 years old needs a stroller.

Climatic conditions

Before choosing a stroller, consider when you will use it. Season and climate affect the size of the berth and seating area, the quality of the upholstery, the level of weather and sun protection, the size of the wheels and the presence of wheel protectors.

Road condition in the walking area

Which roads do you have to walk on: asphalt or snow, sand or earth? The worse the roads are in the walking area, the more attention should be paid to the wheels, suspension and positioning of the grocery basket.

Availability of a car

Are you going to take your baby in a car? When folded, the stroller should fit into the trunk without any problems. In addition, you will have to buy a car seat.

The presence of an elevator in the house

If there is an elevator, the stroller should fit there with the person who carries it. Measure the lift.

If there is no elevator and you do not live outside the city, think about how and whether you will drag the stroller to your floor. Most likely, you will have to look for the easiest one.


A stroller can be found at any price and of any quality, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The main question is: how much are you willing to spend now? Don't forget that even premium strollers have their drawbacks.

What are the strollers


How to choose a stroller: carrycot
How to choose a stroller: carrycot

This is the baby's first stroller. He will walk in it from birth to 6–8 months, until he learns to sit. A cradle stroller consists of a chassis and a cradle box where the baby sleeps. Weighs 6-10 kg.

A good cradle has:

  • The inner upholstery and mattress are made of natural breathable materials. They can be removed and washed.
  • The back is firm and flat so that the child's spine can develop properly.
  • The hood and wheels do not emit loud noises so that the child is not frightened and does not wake up while walking.
  • There are no gaps between the hood and the apron to prevent the child from blowing.

Where to buy it

  • Stroller for newborns Teddy Angelina Lite, 12 056 rubles →
  • Stroller for newborns Navington Galeon, 46 070 rubles →
  • Stroller for babies Inglesina Quad, 26 100 rubles →
  • Carrycot stroller Bebizaro Classic, 17 995 rubles →



Book-folding stroller


Walking stick folding stroller

The stroller is designed for babies from 6-8 months to 3-4 years old. It consists of a chassis and a seat with an adjustable backrest, where the child can sleep.

Strollers differ in the assembly mechanism and are of two types: "book" and "cane". The first is universal, used everywhere and at any time of the year. This is the basic stroller. The second is more suitable for use in summer and travel: it is lighter, more compact, often comes with a soft back and an unregulated footrest. It is bought for a child from 3 years old. "Book" weighs 6-10 kg, "cane" - 5-8 kg.

A good stroller has:

  • The footrest is adjustable and easy to clean.
  • The backrest supports the spine, is adjustable and unfolds into a recumbent position.
  • The bumper and seat belts can be easily unfastened by an adult's hand, but at the same time they do not allow the child to fall out of the stroller.
  • The folding mechanism does not jam, the stroller is compact when folded.
  • All textile elements can be removed and washed.
  • The hood unfolds almost to the bumper.
  • The handle is height adjustable.

Where to buy it

  • Stroller-book SWEET BABY Compatto, 7 490 rubles →
  • Cybex Onyx Princess stroller-cane, 14 490 rubles →
  • Stroller-book Dearest 818 Black Jasper Premium Set with a cape on the legs, 8 990 rubles →
  • Stroller-cane Happy Baby MIA, 5 999 rubles →

Transformer and modular stroller




Modular stroller "2 in 1"

Transformer and modular stroller are two types of combined strollers that differ in design.

Stroller-transformer consists of a chassis and a structure that combines a carrycot and a walking module. When the child grows up, the cradle is transformed into a walking block, most often by folding the back and sides. The transformer weighs an average of 12–20 kg.

Modular stroller consists of a chassis, a cradle, a walking module and sometimes a car seat. Each module is purchased and installed on the chassis separately. The heaviest part of the modular stroller is the chassis (8–12 kg). The carrycot weighs 4-10 kg, the walking block 2-6 kg, the car seat 3-5 kg.

A good transformer or modular stroller should have the same qualities as a carrycot and a stroller separately.

Stroller type Advantages disadvantages
  • Compact.
  • The handle is thrown
  • The cradle box has soft sides.
  • Heavy
Modular stroller
  • The cradle box has rigid sides.
  • Compact.
  • Parts are sold separately or as a set.
  • It is possible to transport stroller blocks on two wheels
  • Heavy chassis.
  • The handle does not flip, instead the arrangement of the blocks changes

Where to buy it

  • Babyhit Winger transforming stroller, 9 999 rubles →
  • Modular stroller Skillmax Icon 701 2 in 1, 22,990 rubles →
  • Convertible stroller RANT Nest, 23 741 rubles →
  • Modular Stroller 2 in 1 Tutti Bambini Riviera, 24 999 rubles →

Stroller for twins or the weather


Carrycot stroller for twins, blocks are located side by side


Stroller for twins or weatherworms, blocks are located side by side


Carrycot stroller for twins, the blocks are arranged side by side


Stroller for twins, blocks arranged one after another


Modular stroller for twins or weatherworms, the blocks are located one after the other

Twin strollers differ in the arrangement of the blocks on the chassis: they can be installed side by side, one after the other ("train" or "tandem") or opposite each other. Otherwise, they have the same qualities as other strollers.

Blocks arrangement Advantages disadvantages
Side by side
  • Each child has his own space.
  • Children have a good view

Doesn't fit into doorways

One after another ("locomotive")
  • Enters into narrow openings.
  • Difficult to unfold
  • The kid in the back can't see anything and it's cramped.
  • Children cannot communicate with each other.
  • One of the children cannot get into the stroller himself if the blocks are located at different levels
Opposite each other
  • Enters into narrow openings.
  • Difficult to turn around.
  • Children can communicate
  • One of the children cannot get into the stroller himself if the blocks are located at different levels.
  • Children can fight during the trip

Where to buy it

  • Universal stroller Teddy Fenix Duo for twins, 28 876 rubles →
  • Valco baby Snap Duo stroller for twins, 34 899 rubles →
  • Universal stroller Riko Team, 46 066 rubles →
  • Stroller Joie Evalite Duo, 19 800 rubles →
  • Modular stroller for twins or weeds FD-Design Zoom Street, 49 900 rubles →

What to look for when choosing any stroller

The size of the sleeping and sitting area

Consider the outside temperature. In summer, the baby will fit in a small stroller, and in winter, due to bulky clothes, he will need more roomy ones.

When choosing a stroller, pay attention to the depth and width of the seat. On models with a shallow seat, the crotch harness can chafe your baby's hips.

Spine support and comfort

Backrest in the cradle. Must be rigid, flat and horizontal. This is necessary so that the fragile spine can develop correctly. Most often, the back is made of plywood or plastic and covered with a soft foam mattress. There are strollers where a hard mattress with a layer of coconut coir is placed on the back.

Backrest in a stroller. It also has to be tough. Check how she descends to the supine position. In most strollers, the seat folds out 180 °. In some premium models, the seat folds out like a hammock: the backrest and footrest form a single structure and are lowered to a lying position at the same time. A child in such a stroller sleeps not on a horizontal surface, but as if in the arms of a parent, with slightly raised legs. It is not yet reliably known what is more beneficial for the child's spine.

How to choose a stroller
How to choose a stroller

In cane-type strollers, the backrest may not fold out at all.

Interior decoration. Should be made of natural anti-allergenic fabrics. The child should not be hot or cold.

Protection from rain, snow, sun and insects

Upholstery. It must be made of water-repellent, windproof, dense materials, removable and washable.

Hood. Should fold easily and silently and have a zippered ventilation window, magnets or buttons. In the cradle, it should fold out almost to the apron, in the stroller - to the bumper.

Raincoat. Protects the stroller from the hood to where the baby's legs are. Most often included in the stroller kit.

Mosquito net. A must-have accessory for toddlers walking in the summer. Often included in the stroller package.

Where to buy it

  • Mosquito net for a stroller-cradle with AliExpress, 308 rubles →
  • Mosquito net for a stroller, 300 rubles →
  • A raincoat for a stroller, 235 rubles →
  • A raincoat for a stroller for twins, 350 rubles →


The most unstable strollers are on three wheels. They are skidded to the side when climbing curbs and are inconvenient to carry along two-track slopes in transitions. But they weigh less and look stylish. Four-wheeled strollers are more reliable.


Depends on the size and type of wheels. The most passable are large inflatable wheels. They ride smoothly, almost do not slip, easily overcome obstacles. Among the disadvantages: they weigh a lot, can be punctured, periodically deflate. Twin wheels are designed for stability, and small ones are used to make the stroller lighter. They can hardly drive onto the sidewalk and get stuck in snow and mud. Plastic monolithic wheels are not suitable for driving on ice.


Possible with swivel front wheels. Each of them must have a lever that allows them to be fixed in a straight position.


A good suspension will help you forget about the imperfection of the road surface and drive onto the curb without any problems. Unfortunately, few manufacturers pay enough attention to it.

Dimensions folded and unfolded

The stroller should easily fit into the elevator, the trunk of the car and, if desired, into the luggage compartment of the aircraft. All parameters are usually indicated in online stores. If you are going to measure the dimensions of a stroller at a retail store, take a tape measure.

The weight

Lack of an elevator, bad roads, high curbs, the need to move around the city or push the stroller through the mud - if you are familiar with this, take a lighter stroller. But remember that the difference is felt between 20 and 12 kg strollers. One kilogram won't change anything.

Before buying, load the stroller with things and imagine that you have to drive onto a high curb.


Brakes. There are slats, when you block all the wheels with one pedal, or separate on each wheel. Some manufacturers attach the brakes to the handle. In the store, check how smoothly they work, whether they are loose and, if they are located on wheels, how easy it is to crawl up to them.

Seat belts. There are three-point and five-point. The belt should be easily adjusted, tightened and not rubbed anywhere.

Bumper. Designed to prevent your child from falling out of the stroller. Most often it happens on walking models. On cradles, if present, acts as a carrying handle. The bumper should unfasten smoothly and be covered with a material that is pleasant to the touch.

Mom's comfort

Distance from the cradle and the walking block to the ground. Tall mothers will find it uncomfortable to bend over to a child in a low stroller, while low mothers will find it difficult to lift a child into a high one. Usually the stroller blocks are not height adjustable, so check this parameter at the selection stage.

A pen. Should be adjustable in height and fit comfortably in the hand. On wheelchairs, you can find two types of handles: one horizontal or two curved. The first ones are telescopic, that is, they are adjustable in height, and broken, that is, they change the angle of inclination. They can be found on all types of strollers except the walking stick. Two bent handles repeat the anatomical position of the hands and are most often installed on a "cane".

In addition, the handles are flip and non-flip. The cross-over handle is made so that the mother can turn the baby to face and away from herself. You can find one in transforming strollers and strollers. In modular models, the handle is fixed, and the seat unit unfolds instead. This option is called a "reversing block". In cane-type strollers, neither the handle nor the block changes its position. In the carrycot, the cross-over handle is not needed.

Reversible stroller
Reversible stroller

Adjust the handle and roll the stroller before purchasing. You must not hit the underside of the chassis with your feet.

Shopping basket. It comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, but should always be roomy, accessible, and positioned high off the ground to avoid picking up dirt.

Bag for mothers. Essentials are put here: wet wipes, diapers, toys, bottles, mother's personal belongings. The bag is attached to the stroller handle. If necessary, it can be removed and worn on the shoulder.

Coupling. A useful accessory. Attaches to the handle of the stroller and warms hands better than mittens.

Cup holder. While the baby sleeps on the walk, the parent can finally relax and have tea or coffee. Often included.

Where to buy it

  • Coupling on a stroller from AliExpress, 531 rubles →
  • Mittens for a stroller from AliExpress, 487 rubles →
  • Organizer for a stroller from AliExpress, from 426 rubles →
  • Bag for a stroller Affinity Fossil Brown, 4,000 rubles →
  • Universal cup holder for the JoyRen stroller, 950 rubles →

Buyer's checklist

Let's assume that you have finally decided on a model. Check again at the end:

  1. The stroller is suitable for the climate and season during which it will be used.
  2. The stroller will fit in the lift and trunk of the car.
  3. You can lift the stroller up the stairs if needed.
  4. The stroller rides smoothly and has good shock absorption.
  5. All mechanisms work properly, do not jam, and are fixed in the desired position.
  6. The stroller is stable, does not roll over at the slightest touch and does not shake.
  7. The hood protects well from the weather and the sun. Doesn't add up by itself.
  8. Nothing creaks or makes strange sounds.
  9. You can easily crawl to the shopping basket. It is positioned high enough not to cling to curbs and road bumps.
  10. The brakes are not loose or overtightened. It is convenient for you to use them.
  11. You've looked at enough positive and negative reviews about the stroller to know what you're going to face.
