Table of contents:

Why you sweat at night: 7 unexpected reasons
Why you sweat at night: 7 unexpected reasons

If the bedroom is not hot and the bed gets wet, you need to see a doctor.

7 unexpected reasons why people sweat at night
7 unexpected reasons why people sweat at night

In the skin of an adult, there are from 2 to 5 million sweat glands. They develop modern ideas about the structure and function of the secretory-excretory apparatus of the human skin, a liquid in which salts, proteins, cholesterol, amino acids and nitrogenous substances are dissolved. During a day at room temperature, a person secretes 400-600 ml of sweat, which is needed to moisturize the skin and cool the body.

The work of the sweat glands is regulated by the autonomic nervous system and its biologically active substances, mediators acetylcholine, pilocarpine, as well as adrenal hormones. Therefore, a person cannot sweat more or less if he just wants to.

At night and during sleep, all processes in the body slow down, including the secretion of sweat. But this does not happen. Modern ideas about the structure and function of the secretory-excretory apparatus of the human skin, if a person sleeps in a hot room or ate spicy food for dinner. Usually, this sweating goes away on its own, and the help of a doctor is not needed.

But sometimes increased sweating, or hyperhidrosis, in a dream is associated with reasons for which you cannot do without a special examination and treatment.

1. Climax

In women after 45-50 years, the function of the ovaries decreases, they produce less estrogen. The pituitary gland is trying to stimulate the treatment of climacteric disorders in menopause of the sex glands and increases the release of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones. The latter is capable of rapidly increasing body temperature and is synthesized more actively in the evening. Therefore, the woman feels a surge of heat and begins to sweat a lot.

What to do

If you see signs of menopause, contact your gynecologist. The doctor will examine and prescribe Estrogen Therapy hormone replacement therapy. They will not stop the onset of menopause, but they will reduce unpleasant symptoms.

2. Bad habits

Cigarettes contain a lot of nicotine, which mimics the action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and stimulates the sweat glands. In people who have been actively smoking for a long time, this effect can manifest itself at night.

With alcohol abuse, another mechanism is activated, associated with hangover syndrome, which is observed within a few hours after drinking alcohol. In humans, thermoregulation is disturbed, the production of hormones, including those that affect the function of the sweat glands. Therefore, poor sleep is accompanied by increased sweating.

What to do

If night sweats become persistent, stop smoking or at least not smoke before bed. In case of alcohol dependence, undergo treatment with a narcologist, otherwise, in addition to profuse sweating, other health problems may appear.

3. Endocrine diseases

In diseases of the endocrine organs, the work of the sweat glands changes. Therefore, hyperhidrosis develops. Most often, it is observed with the following pathologies:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • diabetes;
  • pheochromocytoma;
  • acromegaly.

What to do

For treatment of increased sweating, see a physician. He will order a hormone test. If the indicators differ from the norm, then you will be sent to an endocrinologist to find the right treatment.

4. Sleep apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea is a potentially dangerous condition, the sudden stopping of breathing during sleep. At the same time, a person does not feel that he has stopped breathing, but his sweating increases. An additional symptom that loved ones can tell about is heavy snoring.

Sleep apnea increases the risk of heart failure, heart attack, and stroke and is common in obese and hypertensive men and women.

What to do

If relatives say that you snore heavily in your sleep, and in the morning you have a headache and severe weakness, contact a therapist. He will prescribe an examination and may recommend:

  • lose weight;
  • give up smoking and alcohol;
  • do not sleep on your back;
  • do not drink sleeping pills.

Also, sometimes doctors help you choose a special mask or mouthpiece for sleeping with Obstructive sleep apnea, and in some cases they send you for surgery.

5. Infections

Sometimes night sweats occur in people who have contracted SARS or are unaware of their chronic infectious Excessive sweating disease. For example, this symptom often occurs with tuberculosis Tuberculosis, and other signs of the disease are not always visible.

Sweating that comes on in attacks, accompanied by chills and fever, is characteristic of Malaria. It is an infectious disease that is transmitted through the bite of a mosquito. It is found in countries with hot and humid climates, so some bring the pathogen from a trip to India or Africa.

What to do

For night sweats that are accompanied by a slight increase in temperature, make an appointment with a therapist. If the fever is severe, and especially if you flew in from a vacation in an exotic country a few days ago, call an ambulance.

6. Medicines

Hyperhidrosis can be associated with a side effect of medicinal drugs Hyperhidrosis. People sometimes sweat a lot at night if they have to take antidepressants, beta-blockers Excessive sweating, or insulin.

What to do

If you have been prescribed a medication that results in night sweats, you need to tell your doctor about it. He will change the drug or reduce the dosage.

7. Tumors

Malignant tumors in the initial stages do not give noticeable symptoms. For example, with leukemia Leukemia - a cancer of the blood - there is increased sweating, sometimes chills, weakness, bone pain, nosebleeds. And with a tumor of the lymphatic system, Lymphoma lymphoma, night sweats also appear, lymph nodes increase, and body weight decreases for no apparent reason.

What to do

These diseases cannot be diagnosed without a special examination. Therefore, be sure to make an appointment with a therapist: he will prescribe blood tests, bone marrow, if necessary - CT or MRI.
