The most effective way to learn new things faster
The most effective way to learn new things faster

Scientists say that helps the brain to better absorb information.

The most effective way to learn new things faster
The most effective way to learn new things faster

Uncertainty and uncertainty are stressful. But, according to a new study, they also stimulate the areas of the brain responsible for learning. That is, unstable situations, although they cause discomfort, are necessary in order to use the brain to the fullest.

If you want to learn as effectively as possible, do what is difficult for you 70% of the time.

Auren Hoffman entrepreneur, business angel

Of course, it is difficult to be in this state almost all the time, but research confirms Hoffman's words. If you are not even a little nervous about the results of your work, the brain stops.

Scientists came to this conclusion after an experiment with a group of monkeys. The animals performed various tasks and received juice as a reward. Sometimes the odds of a treat were stable, like 80%. Other tasks were more unpredictable: the frequency of juicing varied.

While the monkeys performed tasks, scientists measured their brain activity. They found a clear pattern. If the animals could predict the frequency of receiving the reward, they practically shut down the areas of the brain associated with learning new things. When they could not predict the development of events, the centers of learning, on the contrary, became more active.

This is logical. When you have found the best way to behave in a certain environment, it makes no sense to look for new ones.

Stability is not conducive to learning new things. This isn't a big deal if you're trying to master golf kicks or cooking. But in many areas of life, including professional, you need to constantly learn and get better. And for this you have to avoid the beaten path and leave your comfort zone.

When we find ourselves in a new, unpredictable environment, the brain's ability to absorb information is enhanced. If your life isn't particularly varied, deliberately introduce ambiguity into it and try new things. For example:

  1. Travel abroad. You will definitely learn something new, including about yourself and your abilities.
  2. Change something in your routine. Even if you just dine in a new establishment or do something unusual in the evening, the brain will go into learning mode. This will help you learn new skills and look at old ideas from a new angle.
  3. Start a new project. Maybe it will fail in the end, but you will definitely learn something new.
  4. Look for strange unfamiliar ideas. For example, read old books about future technologies, watch art house, communicate with creative people, be interested in the structure of industries that are alien to you.
  5. Talk to people you disagree with. This will not only teach you something, but it will also develop.
