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10 habits that ruin relationships with coworkers
10 habits that ruin relationships with coworkers

To maintain a pleasant climate in the team, you do not need to be a subtle psychologist. Sometimes it is enough to remain well-mannered.

10 habits that ruin relationships with coworkers
10 habits that ruin relationships with coworkers

This article is part of the One-on-One Project. In it we talk about relationships with ourselves and others. If the topic is close to you, share your story or opinion in the comments. Will wait!

1. Do not attach importance to your own smell

It is not so important what becomes its cause - a difficult relationship with hygiene or, conversely, the abuse of products with fragrances. But if a particularly "fragrant" person turns up in the office, everyone suffers. And the main problem is that the strong amber remains even when its wearer leaves the premises.

How not to become a source of problems

Often times, the smell does not come from sweat, but from bacteria that multiply in it over time. So a morning shower can help minimize the problem. And do not forget to wash your clothes more often, even if they do not come into direct contact with the body. Let's face it: there is no sweater as warm as you can wear from November to April without taking off.

It is also better not to go to the other extreme. Moderation is the best friend of perfumes and other fragrances.

2. Eating odorous food in the workplace

You are probably familiar with stories about how someone warmed up fish or borscht in the office kitchen, and then the whole team disliked the “gourmet”. The problem is that the aroma of extremely odorous products can be carried away with you on coats and jackets.

In addition, a fresh bun, for example, does not smell so strong and is definitely pleasant. But this scent is also distracting - precisely because it tastes good. And who knows, maybe someone is on a diet because of gastritis, and someone did not have time to dine because of a meeting with a client. It seems that there is nothing criminal in baking, but the situation is unpleasant.

How not to become a source of problems

In general, it would be nice to discuss the attitude to food with colleagues in the office. Maybe everyone loves the smell of pike cutlets and is just waiting for someone to fill the space with them. But by default in the workplace, it is better to keep foods with a neutral odor for snacks. It is advisable that they also do not make loud sounds when they are chewed.

3. Dirty common space

Throwing unwashed dishes in the sink, heating food in the microwave until it explodes and splashes everything around is bad. Leaving dirt in the toilet is very bad. These are common truths that mothers have been telling us from childhood. And the collective usually dislikes those who did not listen to their mother.

How not to become a source of problems

Leave common areas as you would like to find them.

4. Touching colleagues

Hugging, poking a finger, patting on the head - any physical interaction is too intimate to allow this with colleagues. Everyone has their own personal space. It is not uncommon for people to feel uncomfortable simply because someone is standing too close, let alone being touched.

How not to become a source of problems

Keep your hands to yourself. Even if you want to help and, for example, remove a speck of dust from someone, it is better to talk about it and let the person handle it himself, than to touch him without asking.

5. Bombard with personal details

There are people who are like an open book. They are ready to dump on the listeners all the details of their existence. Details of sexual life, illness, digestion features - there is no taboo for them. And it doesn't matter that the listeners change their faces - they blush with embarrassment or turn green with disgust.

In return, an overly outspoken colleague often expects the same sincerity and does not understand why any company scatters when he approaches.

Bad habits in the team: being too outspoken
Bad habits in the team: being too outspoken

How not to become a source of problems

Colleagues can seem closer to each other than they really are, because they see each other every day. But most of them are still quite random people with whom it is better to have only small talk. Topics like intimate relationships, illness, religion, politics and the like are prohibited.

6. Pretending to be sick

Or find other excuses to do as little as possible while others work. If you have such a person in your team, you know exactly how patient others are. Usually they “get into position” for a long time and even feel sorry for the poor fellow. But as soon as they understand that they are being led by the nose, relations in the team deteriorate.

How not to become a source of problems

Not to be like the boy from the parable, but to shout "Wolves, wolves!" (that is, "I have problems!") only when it really is. People can forgive idleness and shifting work onto their shoulders. But the fact that they are being held for fools and deceiving them pity is hardly.

7. Coming to work sick

A person who crawls into the office with a fever looks like a hero in his eyes. In the eyes of colleagues who, one by one, having become infected, go to sick leave, this is not at all the case.

How not to become a source of problems

With signs of a cold or any other ailment that spreads by airborne droplets, it is better to work from home or take sick leave.

8. Do not turn off the sound of the phone

Exactly at the moment when one of the colleagues leaves the office and leaves the phone on the table, all the subscribers of the world are trying to get through to him. And the device endlessly beeps an unpleasant melody. It is not clear how this comes out, but such people almost always have something annoying on their calls.

And even if the main signal is turned off, the gadget will begin to vibrate so that all moles within a kilometer radius will crawl out and scatter out of the ground. Poor colleagues of the owner of the phone, alas, will not be able to afford such a luxury and will try to concentrate under annoying accompaniment.

How not to become a source of problems

It is good practice to put your phone in silent mode in a public place. Modern man already lives in conditions of constant stress. And if pressing one button helps not to aggravate the situation, it is worth pressing it. Well, if they call continuously, then it is better to carry the gadget with you.

9. Constantly discuss personal issues over the phone

Such conversations, like the ringing bell, are also very few people like. First, the endless chatter is annoying due to the fact that extraneous sounds are somehow distracting. Secondly, colleagues of a communication lover are working all this time, while he is sorting out personal relationships.

Bad habits in a team: discussing personal issues over the phone
Bad habits in a team: discussing personal issues over the phone

How not to become a source of problems

Working hours exist in order to work. So it's better to discuss personal problems outside the office. In case of a really urgent matter, there are instant messengers. If you do not beat the keys too fiercely, no one will guess that the relationship is being clarified in the correspondence.

10. Listen to music without headphones

Even if the taste of an office music lover is as beautiful as dawn, not everyone can share such musical preferences. Others find it difficult to concentrate with constant background noise. So, if people around the owner of the speakers move their lips, most likely they are not singing along, but cursing.

How not to become a source of problems

Listen to music with headphones in a crowded place. Moreover, it does not hurt to first remove them and make sure that the high volume does not turn the device into speakers, the sound from which is heard by everyone.
