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6 easy ways to make your work at home effective
6 easy ways to make your work at home effective

It's good when you don't have to go to the office: I woke up, washed my face, sat down at my laptop and started working. It's bad when there is no external control, and everything is constantly distracting. Life hacker reminds simple rules of how to make work at home comfortable and efficient.

6 easy ways to make your work at home effective
6 easy ways to make your work at home effective

1. Don't work from the couch

Creating space to work is the key to success. Do not work on the couch: it relaxes and deprives you of concentration.

A good chair, a clean table with nothing superfluous, the right lighting is the minimum you need to have a productive day. Take full advantage of the home office to create the perfect environment around you.

  • Adjust the room temperature and humidity to a comfortable temperature.
  • Pick up music. Research proves. that listening to the right compositions will help increase work efficiency by 6, 3%.
  • Add color accents to your interior or environment. White, gray and beige shades are relaxing and depressing. Green, blue and yellow instill optimism and help you get in the mood for work.

2. Be mobile

Working remotely doesn't mean sitting at a laptop day and night. Smartphones and tablets, smartwatches - all these gadgets are designed to help you be included in the workflow any minute, anywhere.

Don't forget about accessories. Uncomfortable using the trackpad? Buy a bluetooth mouse. Waste a few seconds every time you try to find your phone? Train yourself to dock it.

At first, you may think that the abundance of devices around you can lure you into the abyss of procrastination, but if you learn how to use them for good, your work day will become much more productive.

3. Use the right tools

Ditching modern tools to solve everyday problems is silly. Use programs and applications to stay connected and distribute your energy wisely.

So, working moments can be discussed in Telegram, Slack, WhatsApp or Skype. Boomerang allows you to schedule emails and remind you when you need to answer the other person. Do It (Tomorrow) is not only a beautiful, but also a handy planner for daily tasks. Take a Five will save you from losing concentration.

4. Don't forget about health

Many people do not have the opportunity to arrange a full meal for themselves, even during a break. Even more office workers are too lazy to break away from their chairs or go out into the fresh air during the working day.

Working from home also has its drawbacks. Chief among them - the refrigerator is too close. Therefore, you just need to take care of yourself, not overeat and enjoy the fact that you work from home.

Do small warm-ups, try to snack on healthy foods, and ventilate the room as often as possible. The body will thank you for this.

5. Take breaks

The desire to do everything at once, without giving the body a minute to rest, will sooner or later lead to the fact that you will feel sick from yourself, from the workplace, and from the walls around.

You need to do business in such a way as not to plunge into stress and negative emotions.

Divide tasks into smaller ones, organize your time efficiently. Lifehacker has written about similar techniques on several occasions. One of the most famous and effective is called "tomato".

6. Keep yourself in good shape

Even if you have stopped for a short while to distract yourself from work tasks, you should not fall on the bed or lounging in a chair. Try to get the most out of your work from home and do what you can't do in the office.

The best rest is a change of activity. Instead of lazily switching tabs, dedicate your break to making tea, contrast showers, or quick recharging.
