Table of contents:

10 easy ways to make your home cleaner in 5 minutes
10 easy ways to make your home cleaner in 5 minutes

You will need an old sock, duct tape, and antibacterial wipes.

10 easy ways to make your home cleaner in 5 minutes
10 easy ways to make your home cleaner in 5 minutes

1. Get rid of odors

Take baking soda and sprinkle on carpets, upholstered furniture, and mattresses. Do other things calmly. Then go back and vacuum. The baking soda will absorb unpleasant odors, and the house will instantly become fresher.

2. Walk around the house with a sticky roller in hand

This tool will get rid of more than just wool and hair on clothes. He will masterfully handle dust, crumbs and other small debris that have accumulated in different corners. Use the roller to clean lampshades, stuffed animals, bag lining, and other areas that you don't pay much attention to.

3. Collect pet hair

Put on rubber gloves and wet them. Run your hand over upholstery, pillows, and clothing. Wool will easily stick to wet rubber, and all you have to do is rinse it off.

4. Wipe dust off the baseboards

This can be done without even bending over. Slip on an old sock, spray it with cleaner or water, and wipe the baseboards with your foot.

5. Clean your gadgets

Remote control, smartphone, computer keyboard are sources of dirt and bacteria. Get rid of them with antibacterial wipes. It will be more pleasant and safer to use devices.

6. Refresh the shades

Soak a cloth with water and a drop of detergent and wipe down all shades and chandeliers. If you have more than five minutes in stock, wipe off the bulbs at the same time (unscrew them first). In the evening, you will notice that the lights in the room have become brighter.

7. Put everything you can in the dishwasher

Plastic, glass, metal and even some wardrobe items - many items do not need to be cleaned by hand. For example, in the dishwasher it is easy to bring back a fresh look to beach slippers and baseball caps, not to mention toys for children and pets, combs, shades, silicone baking dishes and kitchen sponges.

Collect all items that have not been cleaned for a long time (or never) and put them in the dishwasher. Start a normal wash cycle.

8. Discard the accumulated paper

Newspapers, brochures and leaflets from the mailbox, utility bills - all this can accumulate for months on the shelf in the hallway or on the kitchen table. Collect these stacks of unnecessary papers and get rid of them at last.

9. Clean the tables in the kitchen

Crumbs and food particles accumulate on kitchen surfaces, leaving splashes and drips. Dampen a rag with detergent, or grab some disinfectant wipes and wipe down the dining and cutting tables. The kitchen will immediately become cleaner and more comfortable.

10. Arrange things in their places

Take carelessly discarded clothes to the closet, send dirty cups to the sink, put scattered toys in a drawer. Move from one room to another and remove everything that is out of place. The apartment will immediately take on a neat look.
