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7 ways to make sure summer doesn't end
7 ways to make sure summer doesn't end

Remember how endless summer seemed as a child? Today we'll show you how to get this wonderful feeling back.

7 ways to make sure summer doesn't end
7 ways to make sure summer doesn't end

When you are young, it seems like summer will never end. But with age, there is a feeling that time is running at an incredible speed. June turns into September in an instant, how can you not get upset here?

Of course, there is one obvious way to stop the minutes running. According to research on the subjective perception of time, if we don't like something, every second drags on for an incredibly long time. But you hardly want to spend summer days doing unpleasant activities.

If time flies by for you, most likely you have an interesting and eventful life. But the main question that worries us is: is it possible to make happy events last as long as unpleasant ones?

In short, no. But it is not all that bad. You can stop feeling as if you are running somewhere all the time and enjoy more pleasant moments and memories. And these seven tips will help you.

1. Try to keep track of time

Minutes pass whether you think about them or not. But if you do think about the passage of time, it makes you less frivolous and relieves you of the feeling that you do not remember how the last three weeks went. You will know where they went if you start writing down what you did.

There are applications that track time automatically (for example). But if you want to slow down the running of minutes, it is better to do everything yourself: write it down in a table on a laptop or in a notebook.

2. Do something unusual

Why does time pass slowly for children? Because for them almost everything around is new. They process the incoming information without a break, and this activity does not allow minutes and hours to slip through their fingers. For the same reason, the first day of vacation seems so long: you get used to a new environment and new activities. Good argument for a little vacation this summer!

But even ordinary life can be taken off the autopilot. Try commuting with a partner or friends to work. Go to a new place for lunch. Encourage your family to do something in the evenings. Plan interesting excursions and walks for the weekend: then it will seem that you have been resting for much longer than two days.

3. Do something extreme

When people have an accident, time slows down for them: the brain begins to work harder to find a way to survive.

Create a positive version of this emotional shake-up, go far beyond your comfort zone. For example, perform a song at a friend's wedding, skydive, travel the country alone. It doesn't matter what it will be. Surely this will become one of the most vivid memories of the past summer.

4. Use flow state

People experience a surge of happiness when they are fully engaged in an activity. For example, they are engaged in painting, woodwork, playing a musical instrument at the very peak of their abilities. This experience distorts our perception of time somewhat. The difficulty is that it is difficult to predict these changes: sometimes time flies by, sometimes it seems to freeze in place. But in any case, the state of flow will help you to feel the moment. How to get into the stream, we wrote here.

5. Don't waste your free time on nonsense

Watching TV or surfing the Internet is a pleasant way to fill up a few free hours. So enjoyable that most people spend most of their free time doing these activities. But if you want to slow down the running of minutes, don't waste your time on things that keep you from focusing. Instead of watching TV from 8:00 pm to 10:30 pm, go outside and watch the sunset or the stars. Leave your phone at home. And then it will seem that time has almost stopped.

6. Take your time

When you are too busy and afraid of not having time to do something, it seems to you that time flies.

If you take a couple of minutes to stop, exhale and slowly think things over, this is unlikely to lead to irreparable consequences. There are many great ways to tune in to a leisurely mood. For example, ask the other person how they are doing and what they are doing, and then listen carefully and with interest to the answer. It will also help build more trusting relationships than throwing "hello" on the go. Repeat to yourself, like a mantra: "I have enough time for everything."

7. Reinforce memories

The present is fleeting. But time seems more fulfilling when you have many vivid memories. How do I create them? Make an album with photos, save memorabilia: there will be something to see in moments of sadness or show to others. As you might have guessed, you're not showing people vacation photos for their sake. You do this for yourself to make sure your memories don't fade into the past.
