Table of contents:

9 demotivators that are sure to make your life harder
9 demotivators that are sure to make your life harder

How not to behave so as not to ruin the life of yourself and everyone around you.

9 demotivators that are sure to make your life harder
9 demotivators that are sure to make your life harder

1. Brainwash Others

Have you compiled a list of inspiring books for yourself, amassed tons of links to interesting webinars, made friends on social networks with people who have achieved success? In vain. Why waste time on self-development, if you can do a very interesting thing - brainwashing your interlocutors, both real and virtual.

The secret is simple: spend more time on social networks, comment on posts on hot topics, participate in all disputes.

Argumentation is definitely not needed. The main thing is to declare that you are against. The more meaningless the subject of discussion, the better.

And yes, often express contempt for those who are once again trying to increase their productivity.

2. Forget cleaning

If you once learned how to clean your home according to the rules (which means, do it quickly and efficiently), you should forget about it. A mess, trash deposits, piles of dishes in the sink and dust are an excellent environment for the development of procrastination. And that's exactly what we need, right?

3. Stand still

Avoid using the first step rule to move mountains and ultimately get what you want. Practicing simple actions with tangible results that bring you closer to the goal is not our option.

Stand still, think more about how difficult life is, and those around you do not want to drag you in tow. Bad, ungrateful people.

4. Give up brainstorming

Problems can be solved together with friends, organizing brainstorming sessions, joining communities that are united by a common goal and meet to find the right solutions.

But it is best to immerse yourself in yourself, withdraw, close yourself from discussions and suffer in silence. You look, the goal will be achieved - nothing will come of it.

5. Throw out the calendar

Successful people often use paper calendars or apps to move mountains: track their progress towards a goal, be inspired by what has already been done, analyze mistakes, set reminders, and so on.

Don't repeat their experience. May there be an eternal gloomy Monday in your life.

6. Watch TV more often

When you wake up, immediately turn on the TV, preferably the most powerful channels with endless TV shows. It is better if there are many of these wonderful "windows to the world" - one in each room and always in the kitchen.

Do not miss a single issue of "House-2" and "Let them talk", carefully familiarize yourself with the characters of the series, especially if the number of episodes has already exceeded a hundred.

Free your brain from information as much as possible for good assimilation of the cart.

By the way, you don't have to turn off the TV even at night: the gentle muttering from the popular soap opera is a fertile background for disturbing dreams.

7. Focus on the result

If you do decide to achieve something in this dull life, do the right thing. Focus not on the action, but on the result. Think about what could have happened if you had achieved your cherished goal (in general, use the "would" particle more often).

The rest - working out the plan, building a strategy, the first steps, analyzing mistakes and correcting actions, increasing efficiency, and so on - is completely unimportant. It motivates.

8. Make excuses more often

Making excuses for yourself is very exciting. Every day you can invent a new excuse to postpone an urgent matter for tomorrow (and when you become a virtuoso, then for the day after tomorrow).

Motivated people usually think of excuses as a bad habit and, without realizing their happiness, try to get rid of them.

9. Give up good habits

Habits should only be harmful. Those who work on themselves, building a whole system, do not know how sweet it lies on the couch while someone sweats in the gym. How tasty and nutritious fast food is, how nice it is to be lazy …

Bad habits stick to you on their own, you don't even need to try for this. And this is their whole charm.
