15 awful toilet designs in bars and schools
15 awful toilet designs in bars and schools

When is it better to be patient.

15 awful toilets you really don't want to use
15 awful toilets you really don't want to use

Sometimes in bars, schools and various shopping centers there are toilets that seem to be created for show. Nobody wanted or tried to make them usable. Here are 15 striking examples from netizens.

1. Transparent doors in booths are becoming more common.

toilet design
toilet design

2. The relief does not change the essence.

toilet design
toilet design

3. Or are cabins not needed at all?

toilet design
toilet design

4. Another option is in one of the bars.

toilet design
toilet design

5. These booths are definitely not needed.

toilet design
toilet design

6. But it is light.

toilet design
toilet design

7. Or so.

toilet behind glass
toilet behind glass

8. And just a masterpiece.

toilet behind glass
toilet behind glass

9. Bugs? Is that you?

toilet with bugs bunny
toilet with bugs bunny

10. Another viewer option with a flush button on the chest. It's scary to imagine what is hidden behind the cover.

toilet design
toilet design

11. In crowded but not mad.


12. Almost like the famous meme. Light version.


13. Mission impossible in one of the schools: get out of the stall without hitting the urinal standing at the urinal.

toilet at school
toilet at school

14. A toilet for people with strollers, which they are unlikely to be able to use.

toilet for people with strollers
toilet for people with strollers

15. And how is that? Didn't know how it works, but decided to hang it?
