Table of contents:

How and why to do yoga for pregnant women
How and why to do yoga for pregnant women

Recommendations from a yoga teacher and a plan for the first home workout.

How and why to do yoga for pregnant women
How and why to do yoga for pregnant women

How yoga helps during pregnancy

For the health and well-being of pregnancy, women are advised that Effectiveness of Physical Activity Interventions on Pregnancy-Related Outcomes among Pregnant Women: A Systematic Review should devote at least 30 minutes of light exercise every day.

There are many reasons to choose yoga as your daily activity. It has a mild effect on the body and can be practiced until the last weeks of pregnancy. Here are some of the proven benefits of practice.

1. Yoga relieves stress

Mother's stress and anxiety negatively impact the Systematic Review of Yoga for Pregnant Women: Current Status and Future Directions on pregnancy and fetal health. Because yoga is not only about developing the body, but also about calming the mind through concentration, mindfulness, and relaxation, it can help fight stress well.

In one study, yoga reduced the Effect of integrated yoga on stress and heart rate variability in pregnant women by 31.57%, compared to regular gymnastics for pregnant women by just 6.6%. Moreover, the exercise not only reduced the perceived stress, but also changed the autonomous response to it - the body of women reacted differently to negative events.

2. Relieves pain

Yoga for Pregnant Women Eases Effects of prenatal yoga: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials of back and pelvic pain. Gentle stretching relieves muscle tension and develops flexibility, while holding certain positions helps to strengthen the back muscles.

In addition, the psychological aspect cannot be ignored: yoga influences Yoga for Persistent Pain: New Findings and Directions for an Ancient Practice on the very perception of pain and has a beneficial effect on the general emotional background.

3. It improves the quality of life

One study examined how yoga affects the quality of life of women between 20 and 36 weeks of gestation.

It turned out that the exercise significantly improved not only the physical and mental health of expectant mothers, but also other important factors of well-being. The women in the yoga group had more energy, less pain and discomfort, they perceived their body better and even improved interpersonal relationships.

4. Increases the chances of a good birth

Yoga reduces the risk of premature birth, intrauterine growth retardation and pregnancy-induced hypertension. Women who practice this practice are more confident Effects of a prenatal yoga program on the discomforts of pregnancy and maternal childbirth self-efficacy in Taiwan, they are positive about the outcome of pregnancy, they give birth more quickly Yoga during pregnancy: effects on maternal comfort, labor pain and birth outcomes, and babies weigh more Efficacy of yoga on pregnancy outcome.

Who shouldn't do yoga for pregnant women

Yoga coach Maria Akhatova believes that if you exercise regularly before conception, light yoga practices will not be stressful for the body, which means they will only benefit. Sports girls can learn asanas from the very beginning of pregnancy.

If you've been inactive, it's worth the wait.

The general recommendation for those who have not had regular physical activity or who have a break in training for more than 3-6 months is to start at 12 weeks when they are feeling well.

Also, Maria does not advise mastering the practice in such conditions as severe toxicosis, any threat of miscarriage and low placenta previa.


Maria Akhatova

With a low placenta previa, it is worth waiting for the 20th week. If the placenta rises, then training in special groups for pregnant women is quite safe.

Things To Consider For Those Who Want To Practice Yoga For Pregnant Women

Here are some Prenatal yoga recommendations:

1. Talk to your doctor

Even if you feel great, consult your pregnancy gynecologist before starting the practice. He will assess your condition and tell you if you can start training.

2. Prepare the room

If you are studying at home, the room should be well ventilated to avoid overheating. Bikram yoga, or "hot" yoga, is prohibited at this time.

3. Choose the right load

Exercise should be comfortable for you, without shortness of breath and excessive exertion. Stretch only to the range that was available to you before pregnancy. In addition, some poses should be avoided.


Maria Akhatova

During pregnancy, you should not lie on your stomach, stretch it excessively, for example, in a bridge, and perform closed twisting. In the early stages, you should not lie with your legs raised. This increases pressure on the uterus and can cause miscarriage.

4. Exercise regularly

In most studies, women exercised 30-60 minutes a day, three to six times a week. This is in line with the recommendations for physical activity during pregnancy.

5. Find a good instructor

This is especially important if you have never done yoga or other physical activity before and you feel bad about your body.

What you need for classes

First of all, you need to get a yoga mat. You will need it for both studio practice and home practice. These mats are made of non-slip materials and provide a comfortable workout on any surface.

If you plan to practice at home, you can purchase lightweight yoga blocks. They will help you maintain balance and perform asanas without over-stretching your muscles.

How to find a good yoga instructor for pregnant women

The instructor will show you how to do the exercises, follow the correct technique and the safe intensity of the session.

Maria Akhatova advises to rely on several important points when choosing this person:

  • Availability of professional coaching education. Such an instructor will be competent in matters of biomechanics of movement, anatomy and human physiology.
  • At least five years of teaching experience in yoga and / or sports discipline.
  • Passage of specialized courses for instructors in perinatal yoga.
  • Physical fitness of the trainer himself. Does it feel to teach your body, can it harmoniously build poses.
  • Real reviews from satisfied clients of the trainer.

Also assess whether there is an individual approach in the lesson, whether the postures are adapted to the woman's capabilities.


Maria Akhatova

The coach must see the level of fitness of the ward. And give options for execution even in a general group: from simple to complex, gradually and regularly.

If you do not have the opportunity to practice with a trainer, you can try yoga at home.

How to do yoga for pregnant women at home

Here is a list of simple and safe asanas to start your workouts with. Hold each position for 6-12 breaths (inhales and exhales) or set a timer for 30 seconds.

For any discomfort, pain, or bleeding, stop exercising and see your doctor.

Bull-cat (marjariasana-bitilasana)

Yoga for pregnant women: pose "cat-bull" (marjariasana-bitilasana)
Yoga for pregnant women: pose "cat-bull" (marjariasana-bitilasana)

Get on all fours with your wrists under your shoulders. As you inhale, arch your back in an arc, lower your head, then as you exhale, arch your back. Do it smoothly and under control, linger a little in the extreme positions. Repeat 6-8 times.

Downward-facing dog (adho mukha svanasana)

Yoga for pregnant women: dog face down (adho mukha svanasana)
Yoga for pregnant women: dog face down (adho mukha svanasana)

Lower your hands to the floor, push your pelvis up, stretch out in one line from your pelvis to your fingertips. If you don't have enough stretch to get your heels on the floor, lift them up and bend your knees. Keep your back straight, do not hold your breath.

Riding pose (ashva sanchalasana)

yoga for pregnant women: riding pose (ashva sanchalasana)
yoga for pregnant women: riding pose (ashva sanchalasana)

Get on one knee, push your pelvis and core forward, stretching your leg muscles. Make sure that the knee of the front leg does not protrude beyond the toe of the foot and does not curl inward.

Straighten your back, straighten and lower your shoulders, join straight arms behind your back and fold your fingers into the lock. Direct your gaze up, but do not throw your head back. Breathe calmly and evenly, feeling the gentle stretch in your legs and shoulders.

Repeat on the other leg.

Dove pose (ardha rajakapotasana)

Yoga for pregnant women at home
Yoga for pregnant women at home

Sit on the floor, bend one leg at the knee and put it in front of the body, pull the other back. Place your palms on the floor. Straighten your back and neck, make sure that your shoulders and hips are level, without skewing to one side.

Repeat on the other leg.

Deadbolt pose (parighasana)

Yoga during pregnancy
Yoga during pregnancy

Stand on your left knee with your right leg extended to the side. Raise your left hand and tilt to the right. Place your right hand on your leg. Direct your gaze to the ceiling.

Make sure that the body tilts clearly to the side, do not lean forward or backward. Don't put your hand on your leg, just lay it down. When finished, repeat on the other leg.

Seated bend with wide leg spacing (upavishta konasana)

Yoga during pregnancy
Yoga during pregnancy

Sit on the floor with your straight legs apart as far as the stretch allows. Straighten your back, reach with the crown of your head towards the ceiling, and then tilt forward, keeping your spine straight. Put your fingers on your feet, look forward.

Head on knee pose (janu shirshasana)

Yoga for pregnant women: head knee pose (janu shirshasana)
Yoga for pregnant women: head knee pose (janu shirshasana)

For this exercise, you will need an elastic band or any belt.

Sit on the floor, bend one leg at the knee and press the foot to the groin, straighten the other forward. Distribute the weight evenly between the sitting bones.

Place a loop of an expander or belt over the middle of your foot and pull the body forward. It is important to keep your back straight and not slouch or bend your knee. Breathe in evenly, feeling a gentle stretch in the back of your thigh.

Repeat on the other leg.

Butterfly (baddha konasana)

Yoga poses for pregnant women: butterfly (baddha konasana)
Yoga poses for pregnant women: butterfly (baddha konasana)

Sit on the floor, bend your knees and fold your feet in front of you. Stretch your spine up, look forward, stretch your crown towards the ceiling. Grasp your feet with your hands and pull your knees down, trying to put them on the floor.

Seated Mountain Pose (Parvatasana)

Yoga for pregnant women: sitting mountain pose (parvatasana)
Yoga for pregnant women: sitting mountain pose (parvatasana)

This is a variation on the seated mountain pose. Sit on the floor on your heels with your hips apart to make it comfortable. Stretch your spine in one line, stretch your crown towards the ceiling.

Straighten your shoulders, raise your arms above your head and bring your palms together. Close your eyes and breathe deeply and evenly.

Knee-elbow pose

Yoga during pregnancy
Yoga during pregnancy

According to Maria, the knee-elbow position helps to get rid of the tone of the uterus and relieve the back. You can perform this asana as a set of other exercises, or separately - for 5 minutes during the day.

Get on all fours, put your hands on your elbows, keep your neck straight - look at the floor in front of you. Relax and breathe deeply, concentrating on body position or breathing.
