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How to raise successful children and not overdo it with parenting
How to raise successful children and not overdo it with parenting

Parents have a hard time finding a balance between overprotection and lack of attention. Four TED speakers shared their experiences in parenting.

How to raise successful children and not overdo it with parenting
How to raise successful children and not overdo it with parenting

1. Give your child the opportunity to control their actions

Children who plan their own goals, set their own schedules and measure their progress, develop the frontal cortex and learn to control their actions.

Let your child succeed on their own and learn from their mistakes. We are especially afraid that children will make financial mistakes. But it is better for them to learn their lesson now, having lost their pocket money, than their salary or inheritance later.

2. Don't try to raise happy kids

In desperate efforts to make children happy, we may be making a mistake. It is better to raise them moral and hope that they will find happiness in good deeds and our love for them. Both children and parents will benefit more from this approach.

3. Show that you value your child as a person

Childhood should teach children to love. But they cannot love others if they do not love themselves. And they can love themselves only if parents express their love for them disinterestedly.

When your child returns from school or you come home from work in the evening, do not grab your smartphone or laptop. Show that you are happy to see your child. Ask how he is doing, what interesting things happened during the day. Children need to know that you value them, not their grades and achievements.

4. Teach your children to help around the house

Many relieve children of household chores, and then they grow into employees who just sit and wait for instructions. They don't know when to roll up their sleeves and help with a common cause. Such employees do not think about how they could help colleagues, and cannot foresee the tasks of the manager in advance.

5. Don't forget that little things are important too

Simple daily activities with parents have a positive effect on children. Talk to your child and listen to him, react with warmth, learn letters and numbers with him, go for walks together.

In addition, it is very important to read to your child every day. According to research, this has a positive effect on future well-being.
