Table of contents:

Is it possible to get pregnant if you are using contraception
Is it possible to get pregnant if you are using contraception

Abstinence is the only method of contraception with 100% reliability. If it doesn't work for you, find out how effective condoms, pills, and other contraceptives are.

Is it possible to get pregnant if you are using contraception
Is it possible to get pregnant if you are using contraception

It is possible to get pregnant, even if you are using contraception. No method of contraception does not guarantee 100% that there will be no pregnancy. The only exception to this rule is complete abstinence.

All other methods of protection can fail, and there are two main reasons for this:

  1. The contraceptive method itself does not work well. For example, the calendar method is a bad way to protect yourself because it is inaccurate. Even a woman with an ideal cycle may ovulate earlier or later, and no amount of “safe days” calculations will help. Each method of contraception has disadvantages, just some of them have more.
  2. The method is used incorrectly. For example, they don't take pills every day, use two condoms at a time, and so on. Therefore, to measure efficiency, numbers are important, which show how well the method works in normal use: with errors and not according to instructions. If you always follow the rules, the effectiveness of contraception increases.

Let's figure out how to protect yourself most reliably and what early signs of pregnancy will help you notice it in time.

How reliable are different methods of contraception?

Very reliable method: sterilization

Sterilization is an operation that prevents a person from having children. In men, this is a vasectomy, in women, as a rule, ligation of the fallopian tubes, or "ligation".

How well the method works: Sterilization is very effective Contraception, more than 99%.

Why it might not work: failures are associated either with irregularities during the operation, or with the fact that pregnancy occurs immediately after the operation, when the contraceptive effect has not yet been detected. Therefore, in the first time after sterilization, you need to use an additional method of contraception.

Sterilization is irreversible, that is, you will not be able to change your mind and have a child after it, if you do not take care of freezing sperm or eggs for the IVF procedure in advance.

In general, the decision is difficult, therefore in Russia restrictions are imposed on sterilization: it is done either for medical reasons, or if a person is over 35 years old, or if a person already has at least two children Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Health Protection of Citizens in the Russian Federation" from 21.11.2011 N 323-FZ.

A very reliable method: intrauterine devices

Intrauterine devices (also called spirals) are special devices that are placed directly into the uterus.

Hormone coils work in much the same way as other hormonal methods. But copper-containing coils without hormones cause aseptic inflammation, which prevents pregnancy.

How well the method works: both hormonal and copper-containing coils are more than 99% effective.

Why it might not work: intrauterine devices begin to work only some time after installation, so that most of the conceptions occur precisely in the first week of using the coil. In addition, both hormonal and copper-containing coils can shift and even fall out of the uterus, but this is extremely rare.

Safe method: hormonal contraception

Hormonal contraception is based on the use of synthetic analogs of estrogen and progesterone - hormones that are responsible for the menstrual cycle. In fact, they create an artificial cycle in which pregnancy does not occur. Due to changes in hormonal levels:

  • ovulation disappears, that is, the egg does not mature;
  • no layer of epithelium is formed in the uterus, so that the fertilized egg (if it appears) has nowhere to attach for development;
  • the mucus in the cervix becomes thick, so sperm cannot enter the uterus.

How well the method works: the most reliable hormonal agent is implants, they are effective in more than 99% of cases. In second place are injections with 94% efficiency. Tablets, patches and rings work well too: 91% effective with typical use of Effectiveness of Family Planning Methods

Why it might not work: disruptions in the work of hormones can cause several reasons.

  1. Missed pills, missed injection or ring replacement. In order for hormones to work, you need to follow the schedule according to which they enter the body. So for women who do not like discipline, it is better to choose not pills, but rings or injections - at least the use of these funds does not need to be monitored every day.
  2. Antibiotics Some antimicrobial agents reduce the effectiveness of hormones.
  3. A pill that didn't work. For example, if a woman vomits after taking it.

Safe method: barrier contraception

Barrier methods prevent the egg and sperm from meeting, preventing sperm from entering the uterus. Barrier methods include:

  • male condoms;
  • female condoms;
  • diaphragm;
  • spermicides;
  • sponges.

How well the method works: all barrier contraceptives work with varying degrees of success. Male condoms are 82% effective, diaphragms 88% effective, but spermicides are only 72% effective. The rest of the barrier methods in terms of reliability are located just between male condoms and spermicides. Is it possible to get pregnant while on birth control.

Why it might not work: most often, barrier contraception fails due to common mistakes in use. Until now, not everyone knows how and when to put on a condom, although this is the most common and affordable method. In addition, condoms break, diaphragms and lips move at the most inopportune moment.

Unreliable method: natural contraception

There are also natural methods of protection. They do not need pills, condoms or coils. You only need to take care of yourself and comply with all agreements with your partner.

What are natural methods of contraception:

  • Interrupted intercourse. Interrupted means that the act itself ends before ejaculation.
  • Calendar method or method of measuring basal temperature. The woman monitors the menstrual cycle and determines the day of ovulation by measuring the temperature. On days when it is possible to conceive a child, partners do not have sex.
  • Lactational amenorrhea. Many women cannot get pregnant while breastfeeding.

How well the method works: Natural methods of contraception work poorly, their effectiveness does not exceed 75–78%. Breastfeeding works with lactational amenorrhea, but only if the child is not more than six months old and is fed every 4–6 hours, and without milk formulas and complementary foods - only in this case the body regulates the supply of hormones so that the egg does not mature.

Why might not work: Any mistake in the calculation of the cycle or when measuring the temperature, a small change in natural rhythms can lead to pregnancy. And interrupted intercourse does not work well, because the lubricant that is released before ejaculation already contains sperm.

How to notice pregnancy

Any method other than total abstinence can fail and lead to pregnancy. Here's what should be alarming:

  • lack of menstruation;
  • spotting discharge;
  • feeling of tension and distension in the mammary glands;
  • fatigue;
  • nausea, change in taste preferences;
  • back pain;
  • headache;
  • frequent urge to use the toilet;
  • mood changes.

What else can the symptoms indicate?

All early pregnancy symptoms are inaccurate. Pregnancy is just one of the reasons that can cause them. A woman can feel the same when breastfeeding, and with strong weight gain, and when changing hormonal contraceptives. These are common signs of many ailments and even diseases:

  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • approaching menopause;
  • poisoning;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stress;
  • lack of sleep;
  • colds.

How to get tested for pregnancy at home

The easiest and cheapest way is to buy a pregnancy test at a pharmacy or supermarket (yes, they also sell them there). In a few minutes, fears will be confirmed or dispelled.

Home tests work more or less in the same way: they determine the content of a certain hormone in the urine - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone is actively secreted in the female body during pregnancy.

Each test has its own nuances of application: for some it is necessary to collect urine, for some it is not required. Some tests show the result after 5 minutes, others - after 10. Therefore, you must carefully read the instructions so as not to panic about invalid results.

When is it time to see the doctor

If the pregnancy test is positive or if the result is negative and symptoms persist. Indeed, even with a negative test, pregnancy can be, although this rarely happens (especially if you use more than one test, but several and different manufacturers). Well, if this is not a pregnancy, then you need to find the reason because of which warning signs appeared.

What to remember

  • There is no 100% reliable contraceptive method other than total abstinence.
  • If you use contraception strictly according to the instructions, then its effectiveness increases.
  • The most reliable methods today are surgical methods (they are irreversible, and they have many limitations) and intrauterine devices.
  • In second place in terms of reliability are hormonal contraceptives.
  • In third place are barrier methods. Moreover, condoms work better than spermicides. The effectiveness of condoms is reduced by improper use.
  • Natural methods of contraception work worst of all: calendar, temperature measurement or interrupted intercourse. Breastfeeding can also lead to pregnancy.
  • The most effective methods of contraception have contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before using them.
