Table of contents:

What causes self-doubt and how to overcome it
What causes self-doubt and how to overcome it

The reasons can be bad experiences in the past or childhood memories.

What causes self-doubt and how to overcome it
What causes self-doubt and how to overcome it

What causes uncertainty

Past mistakes

They greatly change our attitude towards ourselves, especially if something serious happens, for example, a difficult breakup or being fired from work. But the past cannot be changed. Don't dwell on old mistakes. Learn from them, otherwise you will be wasting time.


If your parents were constantly unhappy with you, and the teachers judged you only by your grades, you may have learned from childhood the habit of doubting yourself. But now you are an adult, and this is just your life. You no longer need to seek parental and teacher approval.

Comparing yourself to others

We compare ourselves to colleagues who do more than we do. With bloggers on social networks who live more interesting than us. As a result, we get disappointed and angry with ourselves. The solution to the problem is quite commonplace - learn to value yourself. We are all different, we all understand different things.

Still, sometimes comparing yourself to others is helpful. Notice what qualities you lack and develop them.

An unfamiliar situation

You don't know how to react or what to expect from the situation. Naturally, self-doubt arises. Use this as an opportunity to learn something new. Once you could not walk, but now you can quite cope with it. Remind yourself that it's okay to be wrong. We learn through mistakes.

Success in the past

With it comes the fear that you will never do anything better. Don't worry about repeating this success. Think about how to transcend yourself. Even if you are good at something, there is still room to grow. Build your strengths.

How to get rid of insecurity

Think good

If you notice negative thoughts in yourself, focus on something positive. Prepare something in advance that will help you tune in a positive mood. For example:

  • List of counterarguments: "I will succeed", "This is an opportunity to learn something new", "I'm just wasting my time, doubts will not change anything."
  • List of happy memories.
  • A folder with photos that make you smile.
  • A list of activities that energize you.
  • Healthy food that you can have a quick bite to eat.

Change activity

The longer you focus on one emotion, the harder it is to get rid of it. Relax and do something else. You will stop thinking about the unpleasant and look at everything from the other side.

Ask for help

The support of loved ones, friends or a leader will help in a difficult situation. And their advice will give you a boost of confidence and motivation.

Keep records

Write down what makes you doubt yourself each week. This will help you identify what causes insecurity and how to overcome it. Also write down what you are grateful for. You will begin to value yourself more and focus on what you have.

How to regain confidence in three weeks

  • First week … Each day, write down three things you are grateful for. Gradually, you will notice that you have many reasons to be happy in your life. Go through the list again at the end of the week.
  • Second week … Write down situations in which you doubt yourself and possible reasons for insecurity. By the end of the week, you will have identified your main fears. Think about how to deal with them, what to change.
  • Third week … Write down what you did to overcome your insecurity and how you feel. No matter how small your steps are, it is still a victory. You are already a little closer to your goal.
