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What is lichen and what to do to never meet with him
What is lichen and what to do to never meet with him

This is not always dangerous, but it is almost always very unpleasant.

What is lichen and what to do to never meet with him
What is lichen and what to do to never meet with him

Lichen is the general name for a number of skin conditions that cause blemishes, scaling, or itching.

1. Lichen planus

These are formations that can appear on the skin and mucous membranes. And in each case they look differently Lichen planus / U. S. National Library of Medicine.

In the mouth, rashes are located on the sides of the tongue, inside the cheeks and on the gums. They resemble pimples or bluish-white spots in appearance. Sometimes they hurt, sometimes they don't. Lichen can gradually increase in size and turn into an ulcer.

On the skin, lichen planus manifests itself differently. Here are the symptoms:

  • The spots form on the inside of the wrist, legs, torso, or genitals.
  • The affected areas are very itchy.
  • Spots occur singly or in groups, often at the site of damage to the skin.
  • The rash may be covered with thin white streaks or scratches.
  • The surface of the spots is shiny or scaly.
  • The color of the rash is dark purple.
  • The lichen may develop blisters or sores.

Other signs sometimes appear. For example, dry and metallic taste in the mouth, hair loss, bumps on the nails.

Where does it come from

The exact cause is unknown, but Lichen planus / U. S. National Library of Medicine suggests that lichen planus is associated with allergies or other immune responses when the body attacks its own healthy cells.

It is believed by the Lichen planus / Mayo Clinic that the risk of getting sick is higher in people with hepatitis C after getting the flu vaccine or taking certain medications. For example, over-the-counter pain relievers, blood pressure medications, heart disease, or arthritis. Sometimes the appearance of lichen lichen is associated with exposure to various chemicals.

What is dangerous

The disease is often exacerbated by Lichen planus / U. S. National Library of Medicine, ulcers and scars may appear at the site of the spots. If they occur on the vulva or vagina, it can cause sexual dysfunction. And rashes in the mouth hurt, interfere with eating, and sometimes even lead to cancer. If lichen develops in the ear canal, the person may become deaf.

What to do if symptoms appear

See a doctor. After examination, he will diagnose and prescribe Lichen planus / U. S. National Library of Medicine treatment:

  • antihistamines to relieve itching
  • immunosuppressants - to suppress the immune response (used in severe cases);
  • corticosteroids (they help reduce inflammation);
  • anesthetic solutions for mouthwash if painful ulcers appear there;
  • vitamin A in the form of a cream or for oral administration;
  • bandages with medicines on the skin so as not to scratch it;
  • ultraviolet light therapy.

If the stains are medication-related, stop taking them.

How not to get sick

It is necessary to avoid Lichen planus / U. S. National Library of Medicine the influence of potentially harmful factors:

  • Do not work with chemicals and anything that can irritate the skin.
  • Do not contact with possible allergens.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle so that there are no problems with immunity.

2. Ringworm

It is caused by Ringworm / U. S. National Library of Medicine fungi that live on the skin. Usually the scalp is affected, less often the groin and interdigital folds, and in men, the beard. Ringworm looks different. It could be Ringworm (scalp) / Mayo Clinic:

  • one or more areas of scaling on the head;
  • bald patches that grow slowly;
  • flaky gray or reddened areas;
  • spots on the skin with black dots instead of hair.

In addition, in some people, the scalp becomes very sensitive to touch, and hair breaks and falls out easily.

Where does it come from

Ringworm / U. S. National Library of Medicine on animals, in the city it is most often found on cats. To catch an infection, it is enough to pet the animal and not wash your hands or sit in the sandpit that stray animals love.

You can also get infected from a person, especially in places where it is warm and humid: swimming pools, changing rooms and showers at gyms. Sometimes the fungus is spread by skin contact or objects such as a hairbrush, clothing, or a bench.

What is dangerous

Ringworm (scalp) / Mayo Clinic can cause severe inflammation of the scalp, in which the scalp becomes swollen and covered with a purulent crust, causing hair to fall out. Sometimes the infection spreads to the nails by Ringworm of the body / U. S. National Library of Medicine.

What to do if symptoms appear

You need to see a dermatologist. The doctor will prescribe medication for Ringworm of the scalp / U. S. National Library of Medicine, which will have to be taken for 4-8 weeks. In addition, he will give the following recommendations:

  • Keep the scalp clean.
  • Wash your hair with an antifungal shampoo. This will slow down the spread of the infection, although it will not cure it.
  • Wash towels at maximum temperature each time after use.
  • Once a day, soak combs and hair brushes in a mixture of one part bleach and 10 parts water. You need to do this for three days in a row.

All family members may need treatment. For prevention, children are advised to use an antifungal shampoo every 2-3 days for six weeks. And adults need such hygiene only when signs of ringworm appear.

Getting rid of the fungus can be very difficult, and sometimes the symptoms come back.

How not to get sick

  • Do not touch Ringworm (scalp) / Mayo Clinic stray cats and dogs when it is not possible to wash your hands right away. Even if the animal is outwardly healthy, you can get infected from it.
  • Show the animals picked up on the street to the veterinarian.
  • Do not use other people's combs, towels or any other hygiene items.
  • Shampoo your hair regularly, especially after a haircut.
  • Do not go barefoot in swimming pools and changing rooms; thoroughly rinse the slippers in which you visit these places.

3. Pink lichen

A skin disorder in which Pityriasis rosea / U. S. National Library of Medicine first appears on the chest, abdomen or back with a round pink spot with flaky skin in the center. After a while, smaller spots are poured out, the same pink and flaky. They itch. At the same time, some people complain of headache, weakness, fever. Symptoms can last for 3 to 12 weeks.

Where does it come from

Nobody knows for sure. Pityriasis Rosea / Medscape speculates that the virus is to blame. At the same time, lichen rosacea is not contagious. Sometimes doctors find a connection with the use of certain powerful drugs. It has also been observed that spots increase in people with stress.

What is dangerous

Usually nothing. But because of the lichen, Pityriasis rosea / Mayo Clinic may appear severely itchy, and brown spots remain on dark skin for a long time after healing.

What to do if symptoms appear

If symptoms are mild, treatment may not be necessary. But doctors recommend wearing clothes that will not irritate the skin, using mild detergents, washing less stains and not rubbing them. But moderate ultraviolet radiation or a small tan helps Pityriasis rosea / U. S. National Library of Medicine to get rid of lichen faster. If the rash itches a lot, your doctor will prescribe an anti-allergic ointment.

How not to get sick

  • Try to avoid stress.
  • Take medication only on the recommendation of your doctor, so as not to provoke side effects.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle.

4. Tinea versicolor (pityriasis) versicolor

It is a fungal skin disease. With it, small spots with clear boundaries appear on the chest, back, neck and shoulders of Tinea versicolor / Mayo Clinic. They may be lighter than the base skin tone, and then possibly turn brown. Sometimes the lesions itch and can grow in size. Such spots do not tan in the sun.

Where does it come from

The pathogen occurs in Tinea versicolor / Mayo Clinic on human skin, it is not contagious and usually does not manifest itself. However, if it gets into favorable conditions, it begins to multiply. The virus is suitable for heavy sweating, oily skin, immune disorders in the host, hormonal changes and stress.

What is dangerous

Nothing, but spoils the look.

What to do if symptoms appear

Visit a doctor. He will prescribe antifungal pills, shampoos, or ointments.

How not to get sick

  • Follow Tinea Versicolor / Cleveland Clinic hygiene. Wash thoroughly.
  • After bathing, dry and dry your skin well so as not to create excessive moisture for the growth of the fungus.
  • Learn to manage stress.
  • Treat chronic illnesses.
  • Stay in the sun less.
  • If you had lichen before, use zinc pyrithione soap for prevention.

5. Shingles

It is a disease caused by the Shingles / Mayo Clinic virus of the herpes family. The same one that causes chickenpox. At first, a person begins to feel pain along the nerve. Often these are intercostal nerves that run from the spinal cord between the ribs. The temperature may also rise. After a few days, bubbles and spots appear on the affected area, which disappear in about four weeks. But the skin at the site of the rash may continue to hurt.

Where does it come from

After the transferred chickenpox, the Shingles / Mayo Clinic virus hides in nerve cells and, under certain conditions, manifests itself. He wakes up with Herpes Zoster / Medscape when a person's immunity is weakened due to age or other infections (such as HIV), chronic diseases or cancer. For some, shingles occurs when stressed or through repeated exposure to the virus.

What is dangerous

The virus infects the Shingles / Mayo Clinic nervous system and can lead to severe complications. Here they are:

  • Postherpetic neuralgia. This is pain that persists long after recovery. It is associated with the fact that the virus damages nerve fibers that send exaggerated and incorrect signals about pain to the brain.
  • Loss of vision. It develops if the virus spreads to the eyes or the area around them.
  • Neurological problems. If herpes affects the brain, it leads to encephalitis. Facial nerve palsy, hearing impairment, or impaired balance may also develop.
  • Skin infections. They join if the rash is not treated correctly.

What to do if symptoms appear

The virus cannot be eradicated from the body, most often the exacerbation goes away on its own. Sometimes doctors prescribe Shingles / Mayo Clinic antiviral drugs, over-the-counter pain relievers, and anesthetic ointments. In severe cases, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, or local anesthetic injections may be needed to relieve severe pain.

How not to get sick

  • If you haven't had chickenpox yet, get vaccinated.
  • Check your HIV status.
  • Protect yourself from stress and treat chronic diseases in time.

6. Lichen sclerosus

It is a chronic inflammatory condition that usually occurs on the genitals with Lichen Sclerosus / Medscape, but can affect other areas of the body as well. Lichen sclerosus is found at any age, but most often in women it manifests itself during puberty and after the onset of menopause, and in men - from puberty to 60 years.

Lichen sclerosus is similar to white atrophic patches, plaques that can itch and hurt. Often these lesions lead to scarring of the genitals. Blisters, ulcers, or bleeding also develop at the site of the spots.

Where does it come from

Nobody knows for sure. But scientists suggest Lichen Sclerosus / Medscape that immune, hormonal factors, infections and poor ecology are to blame.

What is dangerous

It is not contagious, but sclerotic scars form from the patches of lichen sclerosus, due to which sexual intercourse is accompanied by pain or becomes impossible. Some people have urinary problems.

It is also believed by the Lichen sclerosus / Mayo Clinic that those suffering from lichen sclerosus have a higher risk of developing squamous cell skin cancer.

What to do if symptoms appear

You need to go Lichen sclerosus / Mayo Clinic to the doctor. For diagnosis, an examination is sufficient, and in some cases a skin biopsy is required. The doctor will then prescribe treatment. These can be corticosteroids or an immunosuppressive ointment. For men in advanced cases of lichen on the penis, circumcision is recommended.

How not to get sick

There is no specific prophylaxis. You need to monitor your health, treat any hormonal disorders and chronic diseases in time, as well as maintain immunity.

This article was posted on May 30, 2017. In September 2021, we updated the text.
