16 rules of a happy person
16 rules of a happy person

There are so many chores and responsibilities in life that the days fly by completely unnoticed. In this bustle, it is easy to forget about your emotional, spiritual state. But constant growth and change is necessary to be a happy and motivated person. So try to stick to 16 simple rules to help you feel better about yourself and life.

16 rules of a happy person
16 rules of a happy person

Fill your mind

How to be happy? Fill your mind
How to be happy? Fill your mind

1. Be organized

If you can organize your day correctly, then you yourself will feel calmer and more confident. Good advice: start the most difficult and time-consuming tasks in the morning. If you leave them for later, you will feel this burden on yourself all day, and this will not make anyone happier.

2. Work on your skills and acquire new ones

There is no better place and time for this than here and now. Don't wait for a special, perfect day to learn how to play the guitar or speak Spanish. Take the first step: buy a guitar or sign up for a foreign language course. So more likely there will be motivation to do what you have dreamed of for more than one year.

3. Make deals with friends

If right now you do not have money for a musical instrument or registration for courses begins only after a month, do not use this as an excuse for doing nothing. Surely one of your friends has a guitar that is idle at home. Or someone from your acquaintances knows a foreign language perfectly. Ask them for help and offer to do something for them in return.

4. Read, read and read again

Read books, no matter what genre. Read as much as you can. Books help broaden your horizons, make you think, and give you experiences that you are unlikely to find in real life. If you don't know where to start, grab books by Nobel Prize winners or Booker Prize winners.

Work on your body

How to be happy? Work on the body
How to be happy? Work on the body

5. Exercise every day

The biggest mistake is to perceive this activity as something unpleasant, painful. You don't have to bully yourself and give yourself so much physical activity that you can't get out of bed the next day. Do the simplest exercises in moderation: squats, push-ups, stretching. The main thing is to do them every day. For example, go for a run on the first day, play tennis the next, and do yoga on the third. See it as an interesting hobby, not a duty. And in a couple of weeks, your attitude towards exercise will change for the better.

6. Eat your favorite vegetables and fruits instead of junk food

Yes, you have heard this advice a thousand times, and it is not at all original, but this does not make it less important. Food can either benefit your body or harm it. And when you get into the habit of eating fruit instead of chips, you will notice this difference.

7. Attend group sessions

For example, fitness. A smart and energetic instructor plus a group of like-minded people is the best motivation to go in for sports. If you can persuade a friend to go to class with you, even better. Together, you will shirk less from classes and in which case you will be able to support each other.

8. Drink water

The more you drink water, the less fatigue affects you, the internal organs and digestion work better, the weight normalizes … There are many advantages. Water is healthier than soda or coffee and better thirst quencher.

Learn to be happy

Learn to be happy
Learn to be happy

9. Praise people

By making those around you happier, you yourself begin to feel better. Especially if you say nice things to people you care about and care about. Happiness is contagious. Show your appreciation and express gratitude. If you see that someone is doing well in some business, pay attention to this and say about it - the mood will improve both for him and for you.

10. Smile

Smile more and more. When you laugh, your body starts producing endorphins, hormones of happiness, and your attitude towards life becomes better. Negative emotions will not help you cope with problems; rather, on the contrary, they will only hinder you. Smiling will make you feel better, and people will smile back at you.

11. Take care of your loved ones

How much time do you spend with your spouse and children? Whatever your answer, it still won't be enough. Especially in the modern world, when both parents work and see their children for a couple of hours a day before going to bed. Spend more time together, support each other, take care of each other. Take a more active part in the lives of your children. Live together for real, not just share dinners.

12. Surround yourself with people you feel comfortable with

Think about the emotions you have when communicating with the people around you. Do some of them bring negativity into your life? Do they interfere with your work and do not pull you down? No one can be happy when surrounded by pessimistic, negative people. Try to spend time with those who encourage and inspire you. You deserve it.

Grow spiritually

Grow spiritually
Grow spiritually

13. Set goals for yourself

It's not just about work now, although career achievements are also important. Start your day thinking about how you can make yourself and your family happier today. What good can you bring to this world? Set goals to grow as a person.

14. Be grateful for what you have

There will always be things that you want to have. It's important to follow your dreams and goals, but there is no point in getting upset that you still haven't reached them. Remember people who do not have what you have, but they are still happy. When you are grateful every day for what you have, you begin to value your life and your choices more.

15. Do yoga

Even if now you have no idea about yoga, it's worth a try. Yoga helps to clear the mind and makes you stronger. Even the simplest poses have positive effects. Start your day with yoga and you will be fine.

16. Remember that everything passes

There are difficulties in life, failures occur, and you may feel overwhelmed. It can be difficult to get rid of it all and move on. So ask yourself if this issue will matter in a year, five, ten years. Everything passes, and soon you will forget about these failures. Remind yourself of this if you're having a tough day.

You only have one life. Try to live it as best you can.
