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11 bad habits that drain mental energy
11 bad habits that drain mental energy

Each person has a certain amount of psychic energy, which he spends on completing tasks. And if this energy ends, then productivity drops sharply. You should get rid of these 11 habits in order not to be left without important resources.

11 bad habits that drain mental energy
11 bad habits that drain mental energy

1. Lack of a plan

psychic energy: no plan
psychic energy: no plan

The more decisions you make, the more psychic energy you spend. These decisions can be big or small (for example, which shirt to wear).

Any decision is wasted energy. Therefore, many famous people deliberately limit themselves. Just look at the wardrobes of Barack Obama, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg. Each of them, in most cases, appeared in public in the same clothes. And the American entrepreneur and economist Seth Godin never changes his breakfast, which consists of only one banana-nut cocktail.

Solution: Every night, make a plan for the morning. First, add important tasks to it. Update the list as needed.

2. Excessive planning

Excessive planning can also be harmful. Filling your to-do list with work, family reunions, sports can be easy enough, but it's much more difficult to deal with.

Having free time for relaxation is one of the most important aspects of a balanced life. You can easily forget about it, but you need to relax.

Solution: Leave spaces in the plan every day for activities that calm you down. It could be some kind of hobby or just reading a book.

3. Ignoring clutter

You might think that keeping your workplace tidy isn't as important as being productive. But productivity can depend on how much the place is cleaned. Studies have shown that a large amount of visual stimuli has a significant effect on the brain when you are trying to focus.

More mental energy is spent on concentration when there are many things on the table that distract attention. Even if these are not smartphones and other devices that make sounds and vibrate, but paper clips, notepads and mugs with unfinished tea.

Solution: Maintain order, not only in the workplace, but wherever possible. It increases concentration and just soothes.

4. Procrastination

psychic energy: procrastination
psychic energy: procrastination

When you feel like your brain is tired, it is tempting to put off all the work until later. Sometimes it makes sense: It's hard to work on an important project when you can't get the most out of yourself. But procrastination can have a bad effect on psychic energy.

It even takes effort to decide whether to get down to business now or postpone it a little. Even remembering an unfulfilled task takes effort. All this leads to the depletion of mental reserves.

Solution: Follow the rule of two minutes: If you can complete a task within this time, then don't even think about delaying. At the same time, you can always take a two minute break with little or no loss of concentration.

5. Perfectionism

Striving for the perfect result is good, but in moderation. It can take a lot of time trying to complete a 10 out of 10 task, but your excessive efforts may not be noticed at all.

It is better to learn to stop at the moment when you understand that the work is done well and there is no point in doing it further. It will most likely take your boss a minute or less to read a letter that you have pored over for an hour.

Solution: ask yourself if you are satisfied with the result of the work. Don't waste tons of psychic energy to achieve the perfect result. Just do the job well.

6. Multitasking

Studies show that multitasking is highly ineffective cognitively. Switching from one activity to another does not go unnoticed: every time you waste energy.

But for some people, multitasking only increases productivity. If this is your case, then keep up the good work - this item is not for you. But most people do much better when they're alone.

Solution: Make single-tasking a habit. Using the Pomodoro Technique, learn to focus on one goal for 25 minutes and then give your brain a quick respite.

7. Reluctance to keep records

psychic energy: unwillingness to keep records
psychic energy: unwillingness to keep records

The more information you hold in your head, the more energy you spend. This could include a shopping list, weekend getaway ideas, or even someone's phone number. If all this is not written down, then the brain has to make a lot of extra effort.

Taking notes is very simple and useful. With note-taking apps, you will never forget something important, even if your brain is busy with completely different tasks.

Solution: Take notes on paper or electronically. When you write it down, you’re kind of telling your brain, “Relax, buddy, I’ve already done the job for you.” It is also believed that what you write is better stored in memory.

8. Poor nutrition

What you eat also has a huge impact on productivity. Foods with a high glycemic index like white bread, white rice, and anything with refined sugar will give you a quick boost of energy. But it will be followed by a sharp decline and fatigue.

Foods with a lower glycemic index, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, as well as foods with a high protein content, increase energy more smoothly and keep it longer.

Solution: It is enough to change the power system a little to feel a significant difference. Eat nuts, fish, and fresh berries. And don't get hung up on caffeine. It helps, but not for long.

9. Lack of water

Drink plenty of water. How much to drink is debatable, but if you drink six to eight glasses a day, you will feel better. Even a small decrease in the level of hydration of the body has a significant impact on well-being and productivity.

If you are used to drinking fizzy drinks, coffee and tea, then choosing water will not be as easy as it might seem. But it's worth it.

Solution: If you find it difficult to force yourself to drink a lot of water, try a dedicated app like My Water Balance. It will show you how much you need to drink per day and will help with motivation.

10. Lack of sleep

mental energy: lack of sleep
mental energy: lack of sleep

Nothing energizes like sleep. Getting enough good sleep allows you to perform tasks efficiently and not to fatigue.

If you don't get enough sleep, your brain is not using all its resources. Some of them can be "awakened" with caffeine, but over time, immunity develops to it. In addition, because of coffee and energy drinks, the habit of sleeping less arises, so fatigue comes faster.

Solution: Give your body as much sleep as it requires. If you feel tired all day long, then you definitely need to sleep more. Most people need about eight hours of normal sleep, so start from that number and adjust according to how you feel.

11. Ignoring favorite activities

Even if you take into account all of the above, you can easily forget or simply not find time for your favorite pastime. Hobbies, video games, reading books or developmental courses - the list is endless.

Solution: if you need to add a hobby that you cannot live without in your daily plan, feel free to add it. You may find it easier to start your day with 20 minutes of doing what you love. Anything that relaxes, puts a smile on your face and helps you enjoy life is worth adding to your daily routine.
