Table of contents:

10 strength exercises for runners from the master of sports in athletics
10 strength exercises for runners from the master of sports in athletics

You don't even have to buy dumbbells or a gym membership.

10 strength exercises for runners from the master of sports in athletics
10 strength exercises for runners from the master of sports in athletics

How strength training helps you run better

Professional athletes do exercises to develop strength. First of all, these loads increase,, running efficiency - the ability to work with less oxygen and energy costs, and therefore, run faster and longer. In addition, additional exercises train the neuromuscular system. Muscles respond faster to brain commands, contracting harder and more coherently, which also helps you run better.

As a rule, strength training is understood as training with free weights, but an amateur athlete cannot be dragged into the gym. Fortunately, you can get the load you need without dumbbells and barbells. Below, we'll show you 10 great bodyweight strength exercises that can help you exercise your legs and improve your running economy.

What exercises to do

The most effective exercises are those that are closest to running specificity, involve the main working muscle groups and respect the force application vector.

In other words, strength training should engage the muscles in your legs and core, which are the ones that work the most while running. It is also necessary to include jumping exercises in training, which train the explosive strength of the legs - the ability to apply maximum force in the minimum time.

1. Removal of the hip from the lunge

This exercise loads the muscles of the thighs and lower legs, pumps the sense of balance. Perform it intensively, at the moment of bringing the thigh forward, rise on the toe to further load the muscles of the lower leg. Do 10-15 reps for each leg.

2. Press the hip from a bench on one leg

This exercise works well for the gluteal muscles and hips, develops a sense of balance. The lower the cabinet or bench, the more difficult it is to perform.

Try to keep your back straight and not flop on the bench, but smoothly lower onto it. This will put additional stress on the hip flexors. Do 10-15 lifts with each leg.

3. Squat on one leg

This exercise loads the thigh muscles to the fullest, develops a sense of balance and, when performed at full range, increases mobility.

Make sure that the knee in front of the standing leg does not protrude much beyond the toe of the foot, squat in full range (as far as the stretch is enough), and help yourself with your hands. Do 10 squats, switch legs, and repeat.

4. Ballistics of the foot

This movement provides a good load on the muscles that extend the foot (calf and soleus), strengthens the ankle ligaments.

Make sure that the toe and knee of the working leg are directed forward, and during lifting, the ankle joint goes straight up without turning in or out. Do 15 times on each leg.

5. Glute bridge on one leg

This exercise works the muscles on the back of the thigh and buttocks. Raise and lower the pelvis smoothly, for additional load, strain the buttocks at the top of the exercise. Do 10-15 repetitions on each leg.

6. Low spacing

After this exercise, the quads - the muscles on the front of the thigh - will burn. Perform a full lunge, help yourself with your hands, do not touch the floor with your standing knee from behind, so as not to hit.

Try not to get out of the squat during the change of legs: this will prevent the muscles from relaxing in any of the phases of the exercise. Do 20 shifts in total in one set.

7. Jumping onto the curbstone

The exercise builds explosive strength in the legs and strengthens the ankle ligaments, which reduces the risk of injury while running.

Find a stable elevation about 30-50 cm from the floor. Gradually, you can increase the height to make it harder to move and better pump explosive strength. Complete 20 jumps in one set.

8. Jumping out of the half-squat

Another explosive strength exercise. Drop to half range - just above the parallel of your hips to the floor - and jump up. While squatting, keep your heels on the floor, keep your back straight. Do 20 jumps.

9. Raznozhka on the bench

Move your torso slightly forward, gently bend your knees, accompany the movement with your arms to maintain intensity. The exercise is performed on half-toes - do not lower yourself on the heel. Perform 20 times in total on both legs.

10. Statodynamic squats

Move within a limited range, lingering slightly at the bottom point. Do not straighten until the end of the exercise - this will keep the thigh muscles in constant tension.

Keep your back straight and keep your heels on the floor. You can fold your arms over your chest or in front of you, as it is more convenient. Do 20 squats per set.

Also, do not forget about exercises to develop the muscles of the abdomen and back. Pick 1-2 options and add them to each strength workout. Change your movements periodically to evenly load all your core muscles.

How to integrate strength training into your plan

Do strength training 2-3 times a week, on rest days or before running.


Artyom Kuftyrev

Pure strength and power training should be done fresh. Therefore, if you combine it with running, then the running part is best performed after the power one.

Artyom advises to choose 3-5 exercises, first perform them in two approaches, and then gradually progress to 4-5. You should rest for at least 2-3 minutes between each approach.

About a month before the competition, you should cut back on your strength training. Leave only abdominal exercises and 1-2 sets of lunges, squats and strides to maintain general tone.

Strength Training Checklist:

  • 2-3 strength training sessions per week (separate from or before running).
  • 5 exercises for the legs, 1-2 - for the press and back.
  • 1-2 approaches, then 4-5 approaches.
  • Rest between sets - 2-3 minutes.
