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How to put together a set of stretching exercises after a workout
How to put together a set of stretching exercises after a workout

When choosing stretching exercises, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of uniformity and take into account individual characteristics. A life hacker will help you correctly formulate a set of exercises so as not to spoil your posture and get the maximum benefits from classes.

How to put together a set of stretching exercises after a workout
How to put together a set of stretching exercises after a workout

In addition to people who neglect stretching, in the gym you can often find those who stretch mindlessly, for example, perform several exercises to stretch the back of the thigh and hamstrings, and this completes the complex.

This casual approach to stretching not only does not provide benefits, but can also be harmful: for example, it can negatively affect your posture. Let's figure out how to fix the situation.

1. Use the principle of uniformity

The first principle of proper stretching is uniformity. For convenience and clarity, Lifehacker will analyze it using the example of myofascial meridians (lines) described in the book by Thomas Myers "Anatomical Trains".

Why is it important to stretch your body evenly

Stretching only one part of your body, such as the back of your thigh, can lead to poor posture.

The fact is that the muscles in the human body are not isolated from each other, so stretching or contraction of one muscle affects others.

Groups of muscles and fasciae, which are interconnected and transmit tension, are called myofascial meridians.

Hypertonicity or, conversely, overstretching of one or more muscles in the myofascial line leads to poor posture and problems with the spine.

Two myofascial meridians are responsible for posture, flexion and straightening of the body: the superficial back line (PZL) and the superficial frontal line (PFL).


The function of the superficial back line is to keep the body erect and prevent it from twisting during flexion.

If this line is short, it prevents the body from bending forward: for example, when a person cannot reach his toes with his hands without bending his knees.

If the PZL muscles are overstretched, it causes problems with the spine. For example, overextension of the knees can exacerbate lumbar lordosis and neck deflection.

Here are some yoga exercises to stretch the superficial back line muscles.


Also, another line is involved in the formation of correct posture - the superficial frontal. Its main function is to maintain balance with the superficial back line.

Here are the asanas in which the PFL muscles are stretched.


Since the two lines regulate the position of the body in space, when stretching, you need to pay attention to both of them.

How to stretch your body evenly

To stretch all the muscles in the body evenly, you can use the asanas presented above, or simply select stretching exercises in accordance with the principle of uniformity.

If you are doing exercises for stretching the back of the thigh (bending to the legs, stretching with the leg on the dais), it is worth including in the complex exercises for stretching the rectus femoris (stretching the quadriceps against the wall, on the knee).

If you are stretching the muscles that straighten the spine, for example, by performing a "fold" towards the legs, you should also stretch the rectus abdominis muscles: in lifting the body up, lying on your stomach, in the bridge or other exercises.

2. Consider your lifestyle

Our body is designed to be in motion, and not to freeze in one place for a long time, especially in a sitting position.

When you sit, some muscles of the body are overstretched, while others, on the contrary, are in constant tone. This ruins your posture and causes spinal problems. And the first common problem for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle is weak, overstretched muscles of the back of the thigh.

How to fix hyperextension of the hamstrings

When you sit, the muscles of the back of the thigh are constantly in a stretched and lengthened position. Because of this, there is a natural urge to contract and the muscles feel stiff.

Many people, feeling the stiffness of the hamstring, believe that it needs to be properly stretched. In fact, this can only exacerbate the problem: and so the over-lengthened biceps of the hip from stretch to stretch will become even more rigid.

The way out is a massage of the problem area, which can be performed independently by rolling out the hard biceps of the thigh on a massage roller or barbell. When you relax your muscles a little, you can stretch them during strength exercises: deadlift, squats, lunges.

In addition, a sedentary lifestyle is often the cause of a shortened iliopsoas hip flexor muscle.

Iliopsoas stretch

Unlike a stretched hamstring, the iliopsoas muscle becomes too short. It pulls the vertebrae of the lumbar spine forward, which causes unhealthy deflection in the lower back (hyperlordosis).

Therefore, if you have a sedentary job, be sure to take the time to stretch your iliopsoas.


3. Strengthen your muscles to make stretching safer

For a trained person, stretching is safer: if you have strong muscles, the risk of sprains is reduced and your progress is faster.

The fact is that the ability of a muscle to stretch depends mainly on the connective tissue - collagen fibers, their elasticity. Exercise reduces the amount of collagen crosslinks that make muscles stiffer, especially as we age. Therefore, trained muscles stretch better, reducing the risk of sprains and tendons during stretching.

This means that if you decide to build flexibility, it is worth incorporating strength training into your workouts.

And the last factor that needs to be taken into account when making up a stretch complex is which muscles were involved in the workout.

4. Stretch the muscles that worked

By stretching your muscles, you improve tissue nutrition, increase blood circulation, and even increase strength. One study of Chronic Static Stretching Improves Exercise Performance. has shown that regular muscle stretching, even without other physical exercise, increases strength and strength endurance.

For 10 weeks, participants in one group stretched their leg muscles for 40 minutes several times a week. After that, their one-time maximum in exercises for raising and lowering the legs on simulators increased by 32%, and muscle endurance - the number of repetitions that they could perform to muscle failure - by 60%.

Thus, stretching not only improves metabolic processes in tissues, but also helps to become stronger.

After training, pay special attention to the muscles that participated in the exercises, and also stretch the opposite muscle groups.

Let's give an example.

If your workout consisted of resistance lunges, deadlifts, push-ups, and dumbbell rows, you stretch:

  • pectoral muscles;
  • hamstrings and quads;
  • buttocks;
  • triceps and biceps of the arms;
  • latissimus dorsi;
  • trapezius muscles.

Stretching exercises can be viewed in this article or in a video based on its motives.


So, to draw up a complex of stretching after training, use the following scheme.

  1. Mark the target muscle groups that were involved in the workout.
  2. Choose a stretching exercise for each group.
  3. Include stretching exercises for muscle groups from the opposite myofascial line to balance the complex.
  4. Perform each stretching exercise for 90-120 seconds (during this time, the fascia have time to get used to the new position).

That's all. If you have any tips and tricks for stretching after a workout, share in the comments.
