What to learn from Einstein for those who want to be more productive
What to learn from Einstein for those who want to be more productive

Find out what helped the patent agency worker become one of the greatest scientists in history.

What to learn from Einstein for those who want to be more productive
What to learn from Einstein for those who want to be more productive

Albert Einstein did not do well at university. He dreamed of becoming a physicist, but instead of couples, he often spent time at parties and dinners. Some professors considered him too headstrong and were sure that he did not have a career as a scientist.

After graduation, Einstein could not find a job for a long time. After two years of searching, he moved to Bern, the capital of Switzerland, and took a job at a patent agency for Einstein: His Life and Universe. A year later, in March 1905, Einstein released a scientific paper in which he suggested that light is not a wave, but a particle.

Two months later, I wrote a second work. In it, he challenged the then widespread assertion that atoms do not exist. A month later, in June, Einstein published his third scientific work, in which he described the theory of relativity. In September, the fourth work appeared, devoted to the ratio of mass and energy. It was there that the famous formula E = mc2.

These scientific works have radically changed the way humanity perceives the world and matter in general. How did Albert Einstein, then an ordinary office clerk, create four monumental works in just a few months that made him one of the most famous scientists in the world?

It's all about privacy. Since childhood, Einstein loved to spend time away from people. He often went for walks in the forest, went to live in houses in the mountains, sailed on a boat on the sea, locked himself in a room, played the violin and just thought. It was in these moments that he found solutions to the most difficult problems.

How a boat trip is thought-provoking! Divine state without letters, meetings, conferences and other inventions of the devil.

Albert Einstein in a letter to a friend

The modern cult of productivity suggests that we must be constantly busy with something. You need to answer letters all day, go to workouts, read books, get enough sleep, cook, devote time to friends and family. Any second not devoted to active action is considered lost.

But in reality, productivity is not the art of doing as much as possible. It is the ability to do the right thing with less energy. And thinking alone is what allows you to come up with graceful solutions to important problems.

Spend at least a few minutes every day just thinking. Unplug your phone during this time, lock yourself in a room, or go for a walk. Don't be afraid of being alone. It gives you the opportunity to look into yourself, find out what you really want, and understand how to achieve it.
