An easy way to always find time for important tasks
An easy way to always find time for important tasks

All you need is a calendar and a little self-organization.

An easy way to always find time for important tasks
An easy way to always find time for important tasks

Each of us has goals that we want to achieve. But often we are hindered by something: life circumstances, household chores, taking care of children, work issues. However, even if you have a busy schedule, there is a way to achieve more. It's called “time blocks,” and it only requires a calendar on your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Time blocks are a method of organizing time in which you pre-allocate specific hours for important tasks. And during these intervals, do not do anything else. Generally.

This may seem obvious and useless: you already devote time to some things every day, why do you need to turn this into a whole ritual? The thing is that the use of time blocks excludes factors such as forgetfulness and absent-mindedness from the process of self-organization.

Surely you have had situations when you planned some kind of goal for a year or a month, but for the selected period you did not come close to it. The life of a modern person is very eventful, and it is very easy to forget about the assigned tasks. By using time blocks, you save yourself the trouble of remembering everything. All things are listed in the calendar, and to understand what to do next, you just need to open the application.

How to find time for everything: the time block method
How to find time for everything: the time block method

In addition, time blocks help prioritize goals. Instead of splashing around all day on small things, you focus on the things that you yourself have chosen. All less important tasks remain for later. There will be no more situations when you were going to take up some project, but suddenly remembered that you need to go to the store, and then decided to cook food, then received an important letter … goals.

Here are some tips to help you make better use of time blocks:

  • Spend 10 minutes each evening planning your next day.
  • If a task repeats every day, week, or month, create blocks with a repeat function. This will save yourself the need to constantly remember this matter.
  • Don't overload with tasks all the time. Leave at least half an hour between blocks to rest. Nobody can be productive 10 hours straight.
  • Always set aside more time than you think is necessary: tasks tend to stretch out. In the worst case, you will have extra minutes to rest.
