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How your life will change if you save 3 thousand rubles a month
How your life will change if you save 3 thousand rubles a month

Giving up a glass of takeaway coffee or replacing evening movie screenings with morning ones can save up for travel or renovations.

How your life will change if you save 3 thousand rubles a month
How your life will change if you save 3 thousand rubles a month

What can this money change?

If you save on little things, you can't make a billion dollar fortune. But after a year of small restrictions, you can find yourself in a very pleasant amount. For example, if you save 3 thousand a month, in a year you will have 36 thousand rubles, for which you can:

  1. Buy a training course in your specialty. New skills will allow you to apply for a salary increase or change jobs for a more interesting one.
  2. Pay for a modest vacation for one. Or very modest - for two. Vivid impressions and changing places will help relieve stress and relax. You will return from the trip refreshed and ready for new challenges.
  3. Purchase an annual gym membership with a swimming pool. It might even be enough for two, depending on the city. With regular training, you will become stronger, stronger, fit and healthier.
  4. Open your business (for example, selling handmade goods). This will bring you additional income, and with skill, a small business can be developed into a large company in the future.
  5. Make cosmetic repairs in the room. New wallpaper and fresh paint on batteries will transform the room, the house will become cozier and more comfortable.
  6. Buy a quality mattress. Good sleep is important for your health, wellness, and mood.

How to save the required amount

Advance method

You take into account the savings in the budget and set aside the required amount in a box or savings account immediately after receiving your salary. All the necessary expenses in the financial plan have already been taken into account. If these funds are not saved, they will go to unnecessary things.

Consequently, you are saving by simply not giving yourself the opportunity to throw money down the drain. This method has one drawback: if you still cannot resist the thing that you decided not to buy, then the funds may not even be enough for what you need.

The actual way

To complete a task efficiently, you need to break it down into several subtasks. So it is with savings: instead of saving a large amount at one time, you can save a small part of it every day and come to the same results.

So, in order to save 3 thousand rubles a month, you will have to save an average of 100 rubles a day. You can also keep track of weekly records and see how you are doing with the plan.

Combined method

You can save part of the money in the piggy bank right after your salary, and try to save the rest on your daily expenses. If you postpone 1, 5 thousand at the beginning of the month, then you need to spend only 50 rubles less per day to fulfill the plan.

How to save on daily expenses

There are obvious items, reducing expenses on which will be useful not only for the wallet.

Coffee to go

This is one of the leaders on any shopping list that unreasonably pulls money out of you. If we are not talking about espresso, then a sweet coffee drink with milk can negatively affect not only finances, but also body shape and health. Sugar and syrups turn the calorie content of a cardboard cup into a full meal. If you cannot live without coffee, brew it at home and pour it into a thermo mug.

Public transport

If you need to travel less than two kilometers by bus, for example, to get from home to the subway, then develop the habit of walking this section. Walking at a leisurely pace will take no more than 20 minutes. Walking also reduces stress levels, which will be a nice bonus to your savings.

Business Lunches

There is no need to give up restaurants altogether unless you are under austerity. But routine dinners from a cafe should be replaced with homemade ones.

Lifehacker offered recipes for dishes, one portion of which would cost less than 100 or even 50 rubles. Compared to the average business lunch for 300 rubles, the savings are decent. In addition, you can accurately calculate the calorie content of the dish, or at least control the freshness of the food.

Film screenings

In the morning you can watch a movie for 100–150 rubles per person, in the evening - for 600. Well, the overvaluation of 3D sessions, tickets to which usually cost more, has been scientifically proven.

This item is perhaps the only exception from the list, because it only affects the wallet. But if you also stop buying sweet popcorn, then the financial aspect of the benefits of profitable movie shows will not be limited.

Spontaneous purchases in the checkout area

Usually in the checkout area there are sweets and chocolate bars, not carrots and celery sticks. By buying something there, you are moving in the opposite direction from healthy eating. Avoiding such spending is good for your wallet and body.


With apps that track stocks in stores for you, you can easily save on household purchases. You don't have to wander around the area looking for laundry detergent and discounted milk, just plan your itinerary in advance based on your shopping list.

Cashback card

Cashback is not savings in the literal sense of the word, since you pay full price for purchases. But in the end, a part of the money spent is returned to you, as if you bought each product with a small discount.

Alcohol and cigarettes

Alcohol and tobacco are among the most addictive substances. At the same time, very impressive sums have to be spent on them. For example, if you smoke a pack a day, then it is enough to give up just this habit to save 3 thousand rubles a month. Likewise with alcohol. Even if you buy one bottle of wine for 500 rubles only on Fridays, you will spend at least 2 thousand rubles per month.

To make the savings visible, enter the rule: if you refrain from buying or if you bought something profitable, transfer the saved money to a savings account.

The growing amount will motivate you to further accomplishments.

Of course, everything in the world is relative. The financial issue is no exception. If your income is barely enough for food, then saving even 100 rubles a day is a feat. The rest should try to gamify the savings: look for items of expenditure that are unreasonably pulling money out of you, and replace them with something useful.

After all, both frugality and healthy lifestyle are trending, so you can kill three birds with one stone: save money, improve your health and become the trendiest guy in the area. Even if you are a girl.
