How to watch movies on Netflix with Russian subtitles
How to watch movies on Netflix with Russian subtitles

If you have not watched movies on Netflix just because they are in English, then we can please you. We found a way to upload subtitles in any language to this service.

How to watch movies on Netflix with Russian subtitles
How to watch movies on Netflix with Russian subtitles

The huge popularity of Netflix is primarily due to the presence in its catalog of very high-quality and sometimes even unique content. The arrival of this service to our country made all movie lovers happy. However, almost all films are presented there in English, which became an obstacle for those users who do not know it. Therefore, we want to tell you about an easy way to watch movies on Netflix accompanied by Russian (or any other) subtitles. This trick works in both Chrome-based browsers and Firefox.

  1. Log into your Netflix account and select the movie that interests you. Let it be, for example, a fresh series from Netflix called Jessica Jones.

    Log into your Netflix account and select a movie
    Log into your Netflix account and select a movie
  2. Find Russian subtitles on the Internet for the desired episode. Best suited for this purpose is a site that contains just a huge number of subtitles in any language.

    Find Russian subtitles on the Internet
    Find Russian subtitles on the Internet
  3. Download the subtitles you want. Typically, this will be a file with the SRT extension. However, Netflix does not understand this format, so the downloaded subtitles must be converted to DFXP format.
  4. To convert subtitles, you can use the site. You just need to upload the downloaded file there and click the Download button. Subtitles in the DFXP format we need will be downloaded to the computer immediately.

    To convert subtitles, you can use the SubFlicks website
    To convert subtitles, you can use the SubFlicks website
  5. Now you need to go to the Netflix tab and press the secret keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T in Chrome browser or Alt + Shift + mouse click in Firefox. A file selection window will open, in which you will need to specify the subtitles.
  6. After that, you can return to viewing. The subtitle text should start displaying on the screen. If desired, you can turn it off or switch to another language in the standard Netflix subtitle selection menu.

    Subtitle selection menu in Netflix
    Subtitle selection menu in Netflix

In some cases, there may be a slight desynchronization between what is happening on the screen and the text. If this annoys you a lot, you can return to the fourth paragraph of this manual and set the desired time delay when converting subtitles. However, most likely, this will not be necessary, and you can quite comfortably watch movies on Netflix and understand what is happening with the help of subtitles in your native language.
