Table of contents:

9 obsessive thoughts that get in the way
9 obsessive thoughts that get in the way

Negative thoughts are obstacles that we erect on the path to living in harmony with ourselves. Do not do like this.

9 obsessive thoughts that get in the way
9 obsessive thoughts that get in the way

1. I shouldn't sit around

We are obsessed with productivity and success. This makes it seem like you always have to be busy with something. However, in any business we are haunted by the feeling that we are not trying enough. Let go of this thought. Without constant internal pressure, you will relax and be able to enjoy whatever you do.

2. It is very difficult to find inner harmony

We idealize people who are in harmony with themselves. It seems that we ourselves are before it as before the Moon, and to achieve it we need to train for years or go on a pilgrimage. Forget about it. You will find peace and harmony when you stop striving too actively for them.

3. I will be happy when I achieve what I want

Notice when you get this feeling, and practice letting go of it for at least a minute. Over time, you will learn to be happy in the here and now, and not just dream of happiness in the future.

4. If I openly express my emotions, I will be considered weak

From childhood, we are taught not to show our feelings: anger, fear, sadness, joy, excitement. Because of this, then it seems that sincere emotions will cause condemnation of others. In reality, the opposite is true. Those who are not afraid to express their true feelings are treated with respect and admiration.

5. I don’t understand why I don’t feel happier

We compare ourselves to others too often. We think about what we have and blame ourselves for not having enough. Or we think about what we do not have, and wonder how others deserve it. But you don't have to be happy all the time. Happiness comes and goes like any other feeling.

6. If people knew who I really am, they would not communicate with me

We hide some of our qualities from others. We divide ourselves into two parts: the one that we show in public, and the one that we hide from others. In fact, we are more than each of these parts individually. And people always value honesty first and foremost.

7. I have to be perfect in everything

It is fashionable to engage in self-development now. But most work on themselves not out of a sincere need to improve the society around them, but out of the belief that there is some flaw in them. This causes constant stress. Let it go and love yourself for who you are now.

8. I owe the world

Sometimes gratitude turns into a sense of duty. We painfully try to prove to others that we are worth something. But only by letting go of this feeling, we truly reach our potential.

9. There was a difficult period in my past

Often we become so merged with bad memories that they prevent us from enjoying the present. We identify with this experience and share it with everyone we know. But this is not all that we have. These memories are less important than they seem. Let them go.
