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8 methods to help you learn foreign words
8 methods to help you learn foreign words

If new words in a foreign language are difficult to memorize, one of these methods will certainly help you.

8 methods to help you learn foreign words
8 methods to help you learn foreign words

Why do we make every New Year's guess “Pull up a foreign language until the summer”? Why do we buy textbooks and enroll in courses? So then on vacation to squeeze out of yourself only "London is the capital of Great Britain"?

Having arrived in Germany at the age of 21, after 5 years I worked as a sworn translator in court, speaking German at the level of a native speaker. Sometimes I needed to translate for those who have lived in this country for over 20 years. They spoke German, but at the preschool level. How so?

Why was it so easy for me to learn new words, and some did not benefit from time or cramming? I want to share with you some simple but working methods that helped me become a polyglot.

1. Visual dictionaries

What it is

Visual dictionaries contain images, and words are organized by topic: for example, family, sports, animals. An arrow leads from each picture to words in Russian and foreign languages. Usually, the words are in small print above the minimum grammatical information, for example, the gender of the word.

Such dictionaries for different languages are very common. I even have a five-language visual dictionary from PONS.


The grammatical information indicated in such dictionaries is quite enough to work with this word further. You can write down words in a notebook-dictionary and repeat in your free time.


  • The topics in such dictionaries are standard, and not all words will be necessary or interesting to you. To create new topics and add words, it takes a lot of time to search for pictures on the Internet and words with translation. Of course, if you are an artist, then you are more fortunate: you can make your own unique visual dictionary.
  • There is no information on the pronunciation of the word. You must first learn the rules of reading and pronunciation.

Who suits

This type of dictionaries is very suitable for visuals. Such people memorize words together with images, through pictures.

In addition, parents will appreciate these dictionaries - you can learn the language with your children.

How to use

  1. Look at the pictures first and describe them in another language using new words. For example: "I see a house."
  2. If you are a family learner, write short stories in a foreign language and tell them. For example: "There is a cat under the bed in a house on the second floor."
  3. Play with words. Add fun questions such as "What does your dream home look like?", "Who do you think you were in a past life?" So you will spend the evening not only interesting, but also useful. Words will be remembered quickly and for a long time.

Life hack

Keep a smartphone with an electronic dictionary close at hand, such as So you can listen to how the word sounds from native speakers and immediately save it to your personal virtual dictionary. But more on that later.

2. Plates with words

What it is

Word plates contain two columns. In the left column, foreign words are written, and in the right - their translation into Russian. Lexical minimum spreadsheets can be found on the Internet if you search for materials to prepare for language exams. Also, such lists are usually found in books, for example "2,000 of the most important words in Spanish". Of course, you can create tablets yourself, in a notebook by hand or in electronic format, such as Excel or Google Sheets.


Electronic tablets are the most convenient format for storing words. All words can be sorted and taught either alphabetically or by topic. In addition, you can make additional columns for information on grammar and pronunciation.


A fly in the ointment - learning from tablets can be boring, since the memorization process takes place mechanically, without an element of creativity. I was usually blown away by the fourth word.

Who suits

The busiest and all those who are friends with tables.

How to use

We learn words in three approaches, like in sports. One approach - one day. After each approach, we mark with a pencil or colored pen whether the word is remembered or not.

  1. Read the foreign word for the first time, look at its translation without closing the columns.
  2. Read the foreign word a second time, already closing the column with the Russian language, in order to remember the meaning of the word.
  3. Look at the Russian word, closing the entire column with foreign words and naming the translation into a foreign language.

Life hack

In order not to get bored, I choose 10 words for each day from different pages, highlight them in a book or table in a bright color, so as not to confuse them later. And I make a story out of them, one that reflects my day. Usually I not only write it down in a notebook, but also tell someone. Stories like this:

Zebra comes to his psychoanalyst.

“Doctor, I’m talking in my sleep.

- And you see striped dreams? It is treated.

A lot of fun, try it yourself.

3. Paper cards

What it is

This method burst into my life in Germany, when I learned how students study at the university. For all subjects, they usually do mini or maxi cards, like we do cribs and notes. They can be bought either ready-made, with written words, or empty.

Of course, you can do it yourself - cut a sheet of paper into several (2-10) even rectangular cards. The size depends on how many words you want to write on one card. My cards have a size of 7.5 by 5 centimeters. On one side we write a foreign word, and on the back - its Russian translation.


The cards are inexpensive. Even if you have learned all the words on them, making additional ones with your own hands is very quick and easy.


As in the previous method, memorization occurs mechanically, learning becomes boring, more than 10 words are difficult to memorize effectively.

Who suits

Those who don't remember anything at all, as well as visuals.

How to use

Usually it is better to do it in three approaches.

  1. Look at the word, peeping at its meaning in Russian. Be sure to say the foreign word out loud.
  2. Repeat its Russian translation without peeping.
  3. Look at the back of the card, at the Russian word, name the foreign word, but without peeping.
  4. Put all the words that you remembered after three approaches in a separate envelope to repeat along with the rest of the words at the end of the week.
  5. Those words that were named with errors or have been forgotten, collect in another envelope. Repeat them the next day and throughout the week more actively until you remember.

Life hack

Make the cards colorful by dividing the colors by theme, such as travel, work, study, and so on. If you bought ready-made cards, sort them by topic yourself: usually manufacturers take this option into account and mark the topic at the top of the card. Now it takes me only one hour to repeat all the words I need to travel to a new country, and before it took a whole day.

4. Electronic cards

What it is

You cannot even imagine my joy when I switched from dusty paper dictionaries to electronic ones. You read an article in German - Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, and that's it, I learned the translation. Along with electronic dictionaries, the opportunity to create your own electronic cards has appeared.

We enter a foreign word into our dictionary, add a translation to it and learn. ABBYY Lingvo Live, PONS and other leading players in the language materials market have been offering this service for several years. On the sites of their online dictionaries, you can create your own card index and learn words in any quantity and at any time.


It is very convenient to learn words even on the phone, for example, in the subway or in a traffic jam, for only 5 minutes a day. Words appear on the screen in random order, making them easier to remember.


It is difficult to track progress in learning and understand which topics have already been learned and which have not. While such dictionaries lack many useful functions, such as sorting by date or alphabet.

Who suits

Those who live non-stop, stay away from home or office for a long time, or simply do not want to carry envelopes with cards or heavy dictionaries with them.

How to use

  1. Enter in the online card index the most difficult to remember words or words of the same subject that you find when you read a book, articles on work, news.
  2. Add a translation from an online dictionary to the word.
  3. Open the online filing cabinet when you have 5 minutes of free time.
  4. Repeat the words out loud. For each word there is an audio recording with the correct pronunciation, so you can learn not only visually, but also by ear.
  5. Once you memorize a word, mark it as learned so that it no longer appears when you repeat it.

Life hack

Use the "Create Group" function and add only the cards of the topic that really matter to you to the new group. I also copy words from my spreadsheets into the online card index when it’s boring to learn them in the spreadsheet.

5. Audio cards

What it is

Audio cards are sound analogs of ordinary paper cards. First, a foreign word sounds, and after a short pause, its translation. Usually audio cards are recorded by topic: for example, 30 words on the topic of travel.


Flashcards save time by combining vocabulary learning with your favorite activities or household chores.


Audio cards are rarely made and sold by anyone. Usually, they are written down independently by those students who are easier to memorize by ear.

Who suits

  • Those who better perceive information by ear.
  • Those who love radio, music and "remember with their ears."
  • Those who live non-stop.
  • For those who often do several things at the same time, listen to music while driving or while jogging.

How to use

It is better to learn words in several approaches.

  1. At first, just listen to the words with the translation and repeat them aloud behind the announcer.
  2. Then try to translate the words in the pauses before you hear the translation.
  3. Listen and repeat the flashcards until you get bored or memorize all the words.

Life hack

It's pretty easy to create audio cards yourself.

  • The fastest way is to utter words on a dictaphone or phone, making sure to make small pauses after each foreign word for future training. After a pause, pronounce the translation into Russian.
  • Use professional recording software. I use Audacity and it is completely free. Take a good microphone, put some cheerful music in the background and write down all the words with small pauses.

Write 10 words on each audio card to keep your brain from overheating.

6. Mind map, or smart maps

What it is

This is one of the most modern and fun ways to learn words. On a piece of paper or in a program like MindMeister, you write a keyword like sports. From it there are arrows - the words with which it is associated, and their translation into a foreign language. If the topic is sports, you can write down the sports and under each of them the appropriate verbs of movement, objects and characteristics associated with that sport.


Drawing up a map is a creative process, many words are remembered already during its creation, and for a long time. Repeating words on the smartcard is quick and easy.


The process of creating one card is quite long and time consuming. Smart cards are rarely sold; they are usually self-made.

Who suits

Those who analyze their life and try to make it as effective as possible, as well as visuals.

How to use

  1. Choose important topics to remember. If you are planning a trip, then these are all the words that are associated with it and can be useful to you: transport, beach holidays, restaurants, and so on.
  2. Create a mind map with pictures, links to interesting articles, books.
  3. Repeat the words at least once a day, marking those that are not remembered.

Life hack

The unspoken rule is that the more necessary the words, the faster you will remember them. Are you interested in cooking, knitting or sports? Make a mind map for your hobby. You won't even have time to understand when you have memorized all these words. I create a separate map for each trip. It quickly becomes overgrown with links to interesting events, holidays, sights. Learning new words turns into an exciting adventure!

7. Stickers

What it is

Bright sticky leaves can be used for teaching as well. On the stickers, you need to write the names of objects in a foreign language, with or without translation. After that, the stickers are attached to the items that they represent. For example, the German word Kühlschrank, "refrigerator", we stick on the refrigerator.


Words are memorized very quickly, even without conscious repetition, because they constantly flash before your eyes.


Not all family members will appreciate your attempts to decorate your home with stickers. In addition, abstract concepts ("happiness", "justice" and so on) are difficult to learn in this way.

Who suits

  • For those who immediately want to start learning a foreign language after reading this article.
  • For those who want to quickly master the basic vocabulary of a new language.

How to use

Option 1, traditional: every time you see a sticker on an object, say a foreign word out loud. Learned a word - remove the sticker.

Option 2, "All at once": stick a list of 10 words where you go very often. For example, at the computer, on the refrigerator or even in the toilet. If you have learned a word, cross it out. Learned all the words - replace the sticker with a new one, with different words.

Life hack

For all difficult words, I create e-stickers in Sticky Notes. You can copy those words with translation that are not memorized in tables or other methods. Place them on the home screen. Learned - erased. Learn and repeat when you pause.

8. Author's method "Message to the future"

What it is

This method was born in extreme conditions. After a serious illness, I was looking for ways to get out of depression. And I didn’t find it. Then I created it myself. I wrote down the kindest and most positive words in a foreign language, quotes from favorite books, affirmations in a paper calendar for the whole year ahead, for every day of every month. That is, the words that the "future self" would very much like to hear or read.


Words are memorized very quickly because they are associated with your emotions and are written by you for you. In addition, you are guaranteed a positive charge for the whole day!


Making a calendar takes a lot of time, like any creative process. It is better to prepare in advance: collect phrases and words on topics that you want to learn.

Who suits

  • Those who have lost faith in themselves and their strengths, even if not for long.
  • Those who just want to feel that they are able to learn a foreign language.
  • For those who want to try all the methods at once after reading the article.

How to use

Every day, open a new page of the calendar and read aloud those words or phrases that you have prepared for yourself in advance. Repeat them all day until you memorize.

Life hack

I made it easier for myself and instead of a paper calendar, I use the Google Calendar application. Copying phrases, sentences and words is faster this way. In addition, it is much easier to store and revise them this way too.

Even if you do not have time and want to be torn between tasks, even if you think that you do not have the ability, from these simple but effective methods, you can choose the one that suits you best. You can combine these methods and customize them for yourself.

I believe these tips will help you memorize several times more words than you memorized before. I believe in the success of each of you!
