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10 phrases everyone should say more often at work
10 phrases everyone should say more often at work

Choosing the right words will increase trust and team spirit.

10 phrases everyone should say more often at work
10 phrases everyone should say more often at work

In the management literature, it is often written that trust is a motivator that can motivate team members to move mountains. However, it is not always clear how to incorporate this fragile substance into working relationships.

Business coach Marcel Schwantes suggested 10 phrases, using which you will increase trust in the team and build relationships with all its members.

1. This is my mistake

Openly admitting your mistakes and shortcomings increases your credibility. In general, imperfect people who can stumble are more attractive to us, and ideal people scare us away.

2. Words cannot describe how important what you have done

The recognition by others of the complexity of the task significantly increases the person's motivation. Therefore, it is necessary to show colleagues that their contribution to the common cause did not go unnoticed. So praise their work, but make sure you tie the compliment to a specific activity. For example, say, “I cannot describe how much your additional mentoring work has meant to the team. The newcomers quickly got used to it and got involved, increasing the productivity of the department."

3. I liked how you handled it

You don't just praise the person, you celebrate their leadership qualities or character traits that helped them solve a difficult problem. This is how you introduce a culture of appreciation into the team and make the company a comfortable place to work.

For example, you might say, “I liked how you dealt with the rush last week and how calm and confident you were at that moment. Because of this, people rallied to solve the problem instead of panicking and blaming each other."

4. Can you advise me?

There is a misconception that people ask for advice because they themselves are incompetent. However, research shows the opposite. Those who ask the questions seem to be more work-savvy.

5. I'm glad to see you

This phrase is often used as a duty greeting, but it works effectively when pronounced in a sincere, joyful voice. “You matter, I appreciate your presence,” the interlocutor hears, and this improves both his mood and yours.

6. I trust your opinion

Trust is a two-way street. In order for the team to accept your ideas, judgments, arguments, start to believe in the competence of its members. The next time someone proposes their own version of the project, just say: "I trust your opinion, let's try this method and see where it takes us."

7. What did you remember about the day (or week)?

This inspirational question puts the conversation on a positive track, giving the other person the opportunity to share their excitement.

8. I couldn't have done this without you

This phrase is a great way to thank someone, especially if the results of their work put you in a better light too. Say thank you publicly, in front of colleagues, because he deserves it.

9. How can I help you?

These words can move mountains if the deadline gets closer and the stress level gets higher. The phrase demonstrates that the team is not an empty phrase for you and that you are ready to stand up for each other. The more often this question is asked, the stronger is the culture of help and mutual support in the team.

10. Tell me about …

People love to talk about themselves. By focusing on their stories, you strengthen the bond between you. At the same time, questions asked on time characterize you as an open and inquisitive person. Research shows that curious people in the community are easier to connect with.

Of course, we are not talking about very personal matters. The logical conclusion of the phrase would be, for example: "Tell us what attracts you to this project, I want to know more about what inspires you."
