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3 Phrases to Say Instead of "Don't Worry"
3 Phrases to Say Instead of "Don't Worry"

To calm an anxious person is not enough just to tell them not to worry about the problem.

3 Phrases to Say Instead of "Don't Worry"
3 Phrases to Say Instead of "Don't Worry"

1. "How can I help you?"

Real help is much better than any soothing words. If the person is in a difficult situation, try to help him.

Yes, it may happen that you cannot do anything. But the person will see that you are really ready to lend your shoulder and come to the rescue. By doing so, you will show that you can be relied upon in the future.

Even if you cannot help the person, he will feel calmer, realizing that someone is supporting him.

2. "I understand what you are experiencing now."

Remember how you yourself were painfully worried about something. In those moments, you must have felt lonely.

When something unpleasant happens, we tend to think that this could only happen to us. But actually it is not.

If you've been in a similar situation, tell the person about your experience. He will trust you and feel much better. Share tips on how you got through this. Let him see by your example that this problem can be solved.

3. "This is really a nightmare"

Despite all your efforts and desires, you are not able to help everyone. But you can just let the person pour out their soul to you. When there is someone nearby who can just listen and sympathize at the right time, this is already good.

Can't help with action or advice? Just acknowledge the person's problem and let them talk.

In this way, you let him know that you can openly express emotions and share your experiences in front of you.
